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  1. Anakin

    Just something to get you pumped

    Wut is today :o
  2. Anakin

    Battle of the Heroes soundtrack on mb2_dotf

    Nice :D But you can never find the best battle for this song but the one me vs Obi-Wan :D
  3. Anakin

    Han Solo as a Jedi

    Ye. Also jabba as jedi plox :D
  4. Anakin

    Suggestion make Force Lightning deflectable

    Well Chaos I think you know what I meant by badass force power : Force Kill, Force Crush, Force Choke, Force Lighting, etc... :D. light side powers be like anti-badass powers protect/absorb which yea basically counters them.
  5. Anakin

    Suggestion make Force Lightning deflectable

    Honestly, light side users would just deflect the lighting back at the caster lol. Well light side never had badass abilites like Force choke and such :D
  6. Anakin

    Suggestion make Force Lightning deflectable

    Yup I already created this suggestion back on the old forum, sadly no success. You know what I was thinking, what if yea you're deflecting the lighting back at the sender, and the sender can only cancel the lighting after like 1 sec so he still takes some damage you know.
  7. Anakin

    Pugs for Fun!

    hm been on server, was none on now
  8. Anakin

    Pugs for Fun!

    im in if its starting in an hour or so
  9. Anakin


    I almost read AK-47 ok. xD
  10. Anakin

    Lt.Claim's workshop

    republic fleet plox
  11. Anakin

    Downtime, Cause and Consequences

    I do get the index out of range error all time with the launcher, so I just start it via Play_MBIIOpenJK.bat file, probably it's a temporary error with the launcher.
  12. Anakin

    The classy rancor says hello!

    Hi Optimus Prime! You're my favorite Autobot! I have you in my bedroom!
  13. Anakin

    The classy rancor says hello!

    hi rancor
  14. Anakin

    Forum's ranks

    1v1 duel me and let me have the : The Chosen One title :D lol
  15. Anakin

    Greetings, Earth inhabitants.

  16. Anakin

    Forum's ranks

    How about anyone can make own custom title for himself? :D I mean we lost the old post counts anyway. Or maybe you would have several tree of forum ranks, like if you're a smuggler/bounty hunter you could have ranks like that, or if you're a jedi/sith then acolyte, apprentice, Lord, etc.
  17. Anakin

    Lt.Claim's workshop

    MG42 yay! Nice :D
  18. Anakin

    Downtime, Cause and Consequences

    I was about to say that lol it really was like that, Palpatine crossed my mind when I read about this XD