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  1. Sammy

    [SOLVED] mouse problems please help

    Also, if you wish to continue with JAMP engine, you need to full screen it so prevent this.
  2. Sammy

    Who is the most troll character? Vote now!

    Does grease count?
  3. Sammy

    SERVER MBII EU Duel Server - Alive and kicking...

    Lord Tempest has brought pride back to dueling. Hallelujah!
  4. Sammy

    [SOLVED] Bg servers not appearing

    It's 'file transfer protocol' and is how files are transferred to a server
  5. Sammy

    New guy

    Welcome bud
  6. Sammy

    == Listeners of Ashla == An anti-toxic clan.

    Ad-blockers and the like prevent you from posting in the clan advertisements section -- not sure why but they do.
  7. Sammy

    WORST Star Wars?

    Episode I was the worst honestly.
  8. Sammy

    R2D2 as a playable character

    Sure this could be useful in a way, but I feel it would become a troll class like deka most of the time. Some play Deka seriously, but other times it's just to mess around.
  9. Sammy

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Loving the thin blades, and also the Valkorian model.
  10. Sammy

    DoM 24/7 Rotation idea

    Please note our FA server is easily interchangeable. I'm willing to convert it to any server that would be requested, so throw ideas at me :),
  11. Sammy

    Ben's highlight reel

    Loving the videos, great job. I actually laughed at that.
  12. Sammy

    HD Chat and Voice Icons

    Looks nice. Basically an improved version of the current -- very elegant :P
  13. Sammy

    I'm back...

    So let me get this straight.. you're releasing an edited yet full version of the Peneke pack under your name?
  14. Sammy

    EU DUEL Admin Application

    My server DoM duel around 4 hours ago
  15. Sammy

    EU DUEL Admin Application

    Well, this also occurred on my server earlier today, so... But yes, I also saw you on on an official server aswell.
  16. Sammy

    EU DUEL Admin Application

    My past experience with him is that he is a troll. He has been seen on servers being rude towards others, and I personally don't see him as able. Counterarguments welcome.
  17. Sammy

    [SOLVED] All Steam games gone after installing MBII

    Have you tried restarting your computer? I do not believe installing MovieBattles can have an adverse effect on other games in your steam library. So, try restarting your computer and see what happens then.
  18. Sammy

    CLAN DoM Public Discord

    Discord DoM (Disciples of Malachor) discord became public. Join if you'd like to interact with some people, we sure would.
  19. Sammy

    Fix Kit Fisto's voice :(

    Live Dolphin recordings found on the Nat Geo website.