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  1. Preston

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

    But then theres the left side aswell, which makes it 2 spots, then theres the sa and sd swings so that makes it four right?
  2. Preston

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

    Ayy if you do make the zones smaller you should make it where wa and a and sd and d and their opposits still overlap :p
  3. Preston

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

    Wait how is there 3, wouldnt that make it 4? With the sd and sa, cause upper right would get the top 3, upper left would get the top 3. Then youd need the 2 bottoms so wouldn't that be 4?
  4. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    It would be okay, it would just need to be like half the amount of point cost though. And lots of other tweaks to make sure gunners cant just rush all they want
  5. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Or if you know, walk. Its like phelps said, we can keep using the same exact argument because its valid.
  6. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    I litteraly said that good ol ben was right lol. Makes me wonder if you even read my whole post. And how was my last post rude? Unless you count repeating what you said.
  7. Preston

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

    hm interesting
  8. Preston

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

    Ik they do. theres four for the sides and 1 for above aka w swing. wa+a, wd+d as+a ds+d and w unless the sides are uneven for some reason.if this is wrong then pls tell me
  9. Preston

    [Guide] The Dueling Compendium

    5 if you count a w swing
  10. Preston

    Technical Issue Forward kicking isn't working properly with W key

    Try testing out changing the w key to like e or something and see if that works, if it does, there may be a problem with your keyboard
  11. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    I've already explained this. Jedi has lots to pick and choose from because it's the only melee class. All the other gunner classes have slightly less because there is lots of gunner classes and 1 and a half melee classes if you include wookie. Even though classes like arc and bounty hunter have...
  12. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Uh yeah I did read, ive read every complaining post in this thread. All of them can be solved with walking. E11 is a much as a necessity as push3, sure maybe not every single gunner has it, but not every jedi has push 3 either believe it or not. And jedi should get more options to choose from...
  13. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    And an e11 is the primary focus for most gunners, whats your point? Push is the most useful power, same as an e11 is the most useful gun in mkst situations not all. Push is useful for pushing nades and pushing back the team for support. If you nerf push you severly underpower jedi from a support...
  14. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    I actually dont think that happens, but it just looks like it does, I think what happens is you push someone down, they get up for like an quarter of a second and they arnt walking during that time because they moved slightly after getting up but they wernt holding walk.
  15. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Idk just something, I feel mando is underplayed becauses its like the only class thats slow getup
  16. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    So do i. Jk lol but I personally dont kike the idea
  17. Preston

    Jedi/Sith Class Configuration Thread

    In dueling yes, open mode idk. By op I mean its better than yellow because of its perks. Bp drain on pblock and stagger even when pocking all 3 hits. Anyways lets get back to the topic
  18. Preston

    Push 3 Balance

    Yeah tbh all I want is fast fet up for mando
  19. Preston

    Jedi Temple needs more spawn points

    ^ but its like that on any map if you're a respawner and you cant really fix this. But it can be I guess the right word is lowerd or diminished? By fixing that spawn point