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  1. SeV

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Indeed. I was part of the basejka dueling scene before I discovered MBII. I even played in a few tournaments. Lots of different yawing depending on the situation, and W swing style with red etc, dual WD+SA wiggle jump spam, staff adad while jumping. There were lots of advanced techniques in base...
  2. SeV

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    It's hard to strike that fine balance between easy to learn, hard to master, 80 is easy, the other 20 percent is hard and what differentiates skilled players. I believe that the future saber revamp will address this to some degree. It's not about complexity per se, but the ease with which a new...
  3. SeV

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Yup this kind of despicable behaviour happens more frequently nowadays. A couple of years ago new players would be met with ppl like myself who would help them with the basics and teach them the game, now they just get trolled, ppl tell them to type /quigon in the console etc etc. All part of a...
  4. SeV

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    Ah I see we have a solution to the problem. All the people using VPN and Aliases and laming/abusing etc are obviously me, so ban me. Problem solved. Alias is not the biggest problem really. It's the fact that when the admin bans the lamers, they proceed to ddos the servers and make the game...
  5. SeV

    It Seems the mod is somewhat Dead after v1.4.5

    The real issue and why it feels dead right now, other than a few numbers, is the retarded ddossers and trolls that are currently infesting every server. To hell with you cowards hiding behind VPNs and aliases and ddosing/laming.
  6. SeV

    MBII Duels 1.4.5 #6

    Here's a more meaty video, hopefully in better quality.
  7. SeV

    $100 NA Saber Tournament (8/26/17)

    Yeah what stassin said. The rooms on MB2_duel_training are perfect for a 1v1 tournament. No distractions, small enough for no excessive running and it'll give FPS boosts to players aswell as isolate sounds.
  8. SeV

    MBII Duels 1.4.5 #6

    No I haven't tried rend2. Surprised it increased your FPS though. If you're referring to the red bar that's the old class bar which you can enable in the options somewhere. I think I got some better settings for OBS figured out for the next upcoming video, but I'd be interested in trying rend2...
  9. SeV

    MBII Duels 1.4.5 #6

    Just gonna continue to use this thread to post new 1.4.5 videos I make, I think. Atleast if they are dulz. It's a shame its blurry. It might have smth to do with recording bitrates + darkness/low brightness in Jedi Academy looking crappy. Atleast you can see the lightsaber clearly though :)...
  10. SeV

    more generic jedi models for duel

    I am in complete agreement with Noel. In fact it would be quite nice if we could get customizable models back like in the base game for duel mode specifically. Open mode could be movie-models and for duel mode you'd have the customization option available. Not sure what this would entail though...
  11. SeV

    Black PR

    Tell me about it... Apparently I've also sometimes been seen during periods where I was inactive, going around servers insulting and acting like a vile person.. laming people etc. Nice to give a heads up on this kind of bullcrap. Some people just don't have the balls to troll using their real...
  12. SeV

    1.4.5 Official Feedback Thread

    Actually kas is a relatively new player (no offense to kas). But I guess it doesn't matter to people like you and Aaron. You'll flame anyone indiscriminately regardless of the actual circumstances. In any case please refrain from this unpleasantness on the forums. I can take your childish abuse...
  13. SeV

    1.4.5 Official Feedback Thread

    No it's not quite like that. I think the main reason people have trouble with 4 hit combos in 1.4.5 is because they get damaged from interrupts trying to attack back at the opponent during the 4 hit combo with the wrong timing. If you want to do this, it's possible with a specific timing though...
  14. SeV

    I Interviewed the Creator of Jedi Academy's Combat, Now I Need to Talk w. MB2 Players. Come Chat!

    I'm willing to talk Jedi knight series and Moviebattles II all day my friend. I've been playing Jedi Knight series games since I was 8, starting with Dark forces II, then Jedi Outcast/Academy into Moviebattles II. Not rly a big fan of skype, prefer email or discord (We've got an MBII discord...
  15. SeV

    Twitch.Tv Streamer/Former Host

    Welcome! It's ways great to have fresh blood :) It's cool that you're streaming, so best of luck with that aswell ^^
  16. SeV

    Making grenadiers work

    I wish contact nades and corpse nades was a thing again. Had so much fun in b18 open mode and clan wars with that :)
  17. SeV

    Noel's Dueling Guide [1.6 - parts outdated]

    Looks very noice, GJ! EDIT: The marked red should say left, right? :p any swings on the D side, you would turn right and any on the A side you would turn right.
  18. SeV

    Saber bloking, in times past long ago...

    No matter what, if you focus on PBing you won't win that many duels. It has to be something subconscious, a reflext more or less. If you have to think about or focus on PBing, then you will be playing markedly worse because your attention is partly tied up in that. It's what you do when you...
  19. SeV

    MBII Duels 1.4.5 #6

    Episode 2. The rust disappears (somewhat).
  20. SeV

    Random Screenshots

    A little bit of fun from 2013. Not sure why I have it in my dropbox, years later and it's still sitting in my dropbox unused and unseen. No longer, I guess. P.S, I totally wasn't drunk. And that's not an excuse, I swear. Yup, not my proudest moment. But the world must see what occured on a...