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  1. Noob

    MovieBattles Movie Guild

    Sounds like fun
  2. Noob

    Clone Rework Poll

    You might as well go to [Insert Popular Shooter Here] and remove [Insert Feature That's Been In The Game Forever]
  3. Noob

    [SOLVED] Please start the game via launcher and keep it running! error

    You can still run through steam, just keep the launcher open in the background
  4. Noob

    Hosting Server Server isn't showing on list

    Thank you Sammy for helping!! :)
  5. Noob

    Hosting Server Server isn't showing on list

    If it's a dedicated server, make sure your server.bat is as follows jampDed.exe +set fs_game "MBII" +set net_port 29070 +exec server.cfg +g_dedicated 2
  6. Noob

    Technical Issue cant join certain maps

    Open launcher, go to settings and hit repair. Also make sure Complete Installation is ticked
  7. Noob

    TOP 8 MB2 Trollers In EU In Duel

    1. Spaghetti 2. Spaghetti 3. Spaghetti 4. Spaghetti 5. Spaghetti 6. Mace 7. Spaghetti 8. Wildjohnboi
  8. Noob

    Clone Rework Poll

    I don't understand why you are pushing for E11's for clones. I want diversity in classes, not different models being the difference.
  9. Noob


    wow the R word you could offend many ppls! Banned
  10. Noob


    Is that a bad thing though
  11. Noob

    Technical Issue No Servers?

    Check network settings, make sure they are optimized
  12. Noob

    Clone Rework Poll

    Pulse nades are exclusively for fighting SBD/Deka. I never said there weren't other counters to Sith, just that clone is the only consistent one. Also note how almost everyone who voted yes are usually always saberists themselves. They don't see balance as a two way street, imo.
  13. Noob

    Clone Rework Poll

    Clones are really the only good sith counter. I agree they are OP when there's a whole team of them, but you could really say that about any class. It's fine. I disagree on the whole clones should have ion nades. They are too powerful to put on a reinforcements class. Also Who's going to...
  14. Noob


    It's a hassle to get the game minimized anyways. Most people aren't going to close their game to do it.
  15. Noob

    Quick throw key

    No, changing keys around is a good idea
  16. Noob

    Moviebattles Official Discord Server

    lots o drama in here folks. I love
  17. Noob

    V1.4.4 Update Released!

  18. Noob

    I made a garbage vudeo

    Ban Shalak for cancer
  19. Noob

    Favorite Star Wars?

    But Jabba part was meh and ewoks, man... The only good part was the duel and the space battle
  20. Noob


    Did someone say Deathstar 24/7. Also Mace, weren't you the one who loathed Deathstar or am I thinking of someone else lol