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  1. L

    Team killing system needs revamp, has needed one for decades.

    I remember you crying like a little bitch ingame about the 3 of us tking u over and over. Maybe grow a pair and you can join the adult's table. Instead of killing yourself ingame to stop us, maybe try irl. Way more effective. Pussy? Only pussy i see is ur faggot ass face.
  2. L

    Swapping between Wrist Laser & Flamethrower: it's past time you fixed this.

    It makes 0 sense anymore why you have to swap to melee and hit weapon mode to change between the two. It only started out like this as a placeholder system (over a decade ago). It was an outlier problem not shared by any other classes at the time, mainly: how can a lvl 3 ee3 build swap between...
  3. L

    Team killing system needs revamp, has needed one for decades.

    Personal attacks, focus on personal attacks. Forget attacking the argument, that's just idiotic.
  4. L

    Team killing system needs revamp, has needed one for decades.

    What class do you choose to teamkill someone? Jedi/sith. Why? Cause u get the least number of tk points and its the surest way to kill someone. What class is most likely to accidently teamkill/injure someone? ANYTHING BUT Jedi/Sith. Why? Cause they have the most accurate weapon imaginable in...
  5. L

    Technical Issue Console command/shortcuts for joining team/spec?

    Can I run the scripts via another method then? aka I want to make a hotkey to fastjoin a side.
  6. L

    Technical Issue Console command/shortcuts for joining team/spec?

    That will just quit the game. Console recognizes the first key for what it is regardless of the remaining argument. That's why people often troll with /quigon and all that crap.
  7. L

    Technical Issue Console command/shortcuts for joining team/spec?

    What r the console commands for joining each team/spec?
  8. L

    My humble and Only Suggestion for Dodge.

    That would make more sense in many ways, just make it like a sense 3 for gunners. It could even be a perma ability that prevents all snipes except headshots when facing the sniper (lvl1:works for standing; lvl 2 works for walking; lvl 3 always works). Counters for e11 spray are also important...
  9. L

    (MUST SEE) Argorn cheat proof.

    You are clearly inciting the trolling and personal attacking of another player. If anyone should be banned it's you. And get a life....christ, u wrote all that? I barely skimmed it and already you need to seriously get a life. Nobody should be spending their time writing essays and composing...
  10. L

    Only 3tk points for shooting/punching/whatever to friendly deka

    Maybe find said person, and ask them yourself then. You apparently will be surprised by the answer. Until then, maybe you should do some research if you think this is a joke. Eu official servers? now that's a joke.
  11. L

    Only 3tk points for shooting/punching/whatever to friendly deka

    wouldn't surprise me if tking a deka in a future patch only netted a max of 103 tk points.
  12. L

    Only 3tk points for shooting/punching/whatever to friendly deka

    There is really no defense as to why u only get 3 tk points for doing such things to a teammate. The person who decided this obviously has 0 respect for the class. ANd if you think this is good design, you might as well remove deka and save everyone the trolling. The deka shoots you accidently...
  13. L

    reply_stay2 (stop) needs its audio clip trimmed

    This is the audio clip u use to get teammates to STOP SHOOTING U. It has an unacceptable delay from the press to the actual waveform. U need to trim it so the delay between press and communication is as short as possible. This is easy, do it.
  14. L

    Exact value for delay between ee3's snipermode shots?

    *Oh I thought you said "What" do you want to Why do I want to know? Why not...? You intend to provide it I need a reason? I can make one up if you want. I tested with autohotkey, got anywhere from 706-711ms based on powersettings. I'm testing on laptop, so I'm...
  15. L

    Mando EE-3 and Arc Westar M5

    Great, problem solved, then let this determine who is spewing fact and who is spewing fiction. The idea that anything people in this community say is reliable is comical at best.
  16. L


    Why don't you just change the scoreboard so your place is 'more' dependent on points rather than your k/d? If you're the top and your k/d is horrible, you are still at the top. Other than that, maybe the problem is you don't spend enough time at the top of the scoreboard...? Spend more time...
  17. L

    What are the arguments for jedi/sith having 100 hp?

    I mean seriously. I think damage reduction when you are blocking and other stuff to mitigate dmg are good concepts, and don't necessarily want them removed. But the elephant in the room is this 100 number. With the addition of legends it is abundantly clear to many more ppl that jedi/sith do not...
  18. L

    Mando EE-3 and Arc Westar M5 often have ppl died to clone p3 the last few years? lol
  19. L

    The tutorial creator has more creativity than all the sanctioned mappers combined

    Can we just accept that the maps included in the modd, with the exception of a couple um like sniperlabs/xwing, have 0 creativity whatsoever? Like LOOK at this picture! A door...that's STUCK! And YOU have to CROUCH to PROCEED down this route! WOW!!!! What creativity!>!>!>! What a concept!