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  1. Razi.

    "Darth Maul Has Never Looked Better" Fan Movie

    Woah, it is pretty good. I love the saberforge lighsabers xD I was going to say that its not that good because its only camera-work and editing but the saberfights get pretty intense in the second half.
  2. Razi.

    "Darth Maul Has Never Looked Better" Fan Movie

    I dont like how Reign of The Fallen looks medieval, but other than that, its guuuuuuuud :3
  3. Razi.

    "Darth Maul Has Never Looked Better" Fan Movie

    The Rescue Mission short is not bad, haven't seen it, but WTF is that useless character of the "guardian" the jedi sentinel has o_O Audio is pretty fucked up and the camera work is faulty at times, but seeing as how its fan-made props to the guys who did it, pretty cool :D PS. Revan is so badass...
  4. Razi.

    "Darth Maul Has Never Looked Better" Fan Movie

    Yeah, considering It's a fan-made movie, It's pretty good.
  5. Razi.

    "Darth Maul Has Never Looked Better" Fan Movie

    Chek dis out :D
  6. Razi.

    Banned on BG DOTF Server

    Hi, guyz. As the name of the thread states, I got banned for 30 rounds from the BG DOTF server, without any warnings or anything. I don't even know what the reasoning was behind the ban. Last admin i saw there who was online was Viserys. Figured i could ask what the problem is here.
  7. Razi.

    A little shenanigans from last night

    Um.... dont know exactly what to say. I think the video speaks for itself. Vexanon waz the one recording and that's his youtube channel. Also im posting it because i think MB2 funny vids are fucking awesum and the more the better !