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  1. RC-Delta

    1.4.6 Official Feedback Thread

    Hero Now I know this is a beaten topic, but.... Hero is pretty OP now, considering you can grab E-11 or P3- and get heal 3- dodge 3- and dash. Or you could just get p1 and a proj. IMO that's pretty deadly, and needs to be looked at some, because I was able to go a very good score with it, as...
  2. RC-Delta

    TK'ing needs to be fixed.

    Teamkilling OP pls nerf?
  3. RC-Delta

    1.4.6 Official Feedback Thread

    Starkiller map Defense is extremely hard unless you have a good amount of skill on the team What's the purpose of that long bridge at OBJ? A lot of people just use it for deka... Kinda nice defense but odd imo. Kinda like catwalk to me, except easier to chase down. Like already said, not a...
  4. RC-Delta

    TK'ing needs to be fixed.

    I see nothin wrong with the system.... this feels like you just want to run in front of people's shots and get them fucked up faster. Also uh, why should other people get punished when YOU run into the nade or something like that. Wouldn't be very coolio. I can imagine some new jedi running into...
  5. RC-Delta

    NA Saber Tournament $50 Prize 11/4/17 (Details Inside)

    tfw no one's looking at this thread ):
  6. RC-Delta

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    what I want is Mandalore the Ultimate. Why? He's fucking cool
  7. RC-Delta

    SERVER Meme Battles 2 Server!

    Is there a hidden message I'm not finding in the video?
  8. RC-Delta

    Bacta Tanks

    Then it really would only be the class given to, making it a worse version of the hero's
  9. RC-Delta

    Bacta Tanks

    IMO there's no reason to have bacta tanks. It'd just be another item to lean on, and I don't think we should have people runnin around expecting a bacta tank to be behind em. You could literally just get a few people with these, and then get a few to go wookiee, and you have a new spam problemo.
  10. RC-Delta

    Vermont's Optimal Crosshair + Blaster Tips

    Works for me, I've been using it for months now.
  11. RC-Delta

    The Evolution of Duel of the Fates

    Yeah you're right I will be fine c; On a side note, plz release soon, this is kool af. But again shouldn't you keep the old DOTF in just for people who like it and not the new? I'm not saying you did a bad job, people just might want to stick with what they're used to, or in general just only...
  12. RC-Delta

    NA Saber Tournament $50 Prize 11/4/17 (Details Inside)

    I said the really good EU players should be banned. Ban aaron from all dueling tourneys until the dev team gets around to his nerf. This is justified and a correct approach.
  13. RC-Delta

    NA Saber Tournament $50 Prize 11/4/17 (Details Inside)

    I think you should let some EU play now, as this thread doesn't seem like it's getting attention at all <_<. Except the good EU people who can win, ban them. plz.
  14. RC-Delta

    The Evolution of Duel of the Fates

    TBH it'll be awesome with or without catwalk. Hopefully though it won't erase old DOTF, cause it's fun to play it sometimes. Also I'm on potato laptop, that fps hit concerns me :C
  15. RC-Delta


    HI I'm Delta, I've never "formally" introduced myself but since I'm trying to be someone in the community, I guess I better. I started MB2 last year, and went off loving ARC, because of the Delta squad skins (Where my name originates from, yay!) . With these 4 people, We become Delta...
  16. RC-Delta

    NA Saber Tournament $50 Prize 11/4/17 (Details Inside)

    No plz, I want to have a small chance man
  17. RC-Delta

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Can you like, switch the kreia (Darth Traya) Model or do something with or arm, cause it's a bit annoying to duel against, Someone can take duals and just have them both in the hand, which is weird looking, or just take staff and make it harder to pb. It's just a small thing that's annoying a bit D:
  18. RC-Delta

    NA Saber Tournament $50 Prize 11/4/17 (Details Inside)

    rip That'll never happen
  19. RC-Delta

    Is jacklul's server list frozen?

    No, we simply don't have enough MB2 power. Feed the newer players to the machine.