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  1. Coul

    I am glad it still gets update but im too damn excited for the next patch D:

    I am glad it still gets update but im too damn excited for the next patch D:
  2. Coul

    Still waiting for 1.4 ;-;

    Still waiting for 1.4 ;-;
  3. Coul

    Mando Love

    I think another nice addition would be making it knock down on collision with another player(including teammates) making it a kind of ram kind of weapon but terrible for damage or doing a fair amount of damage to both the user and the victim
  4. Coul

    Movie Battles III

    Please have a combat system similar to lightsabers *crosses fingers*
  5. Coul

    [SOLVED] First Person Cmds

  6. Coul

    Mando Love

    by choosing a GUNNER class you accept that the only weapon you will be able to use is obviously a gun, if you wish to specialize in melee and weapons then play as a wookie, having a jedi with only a saber and then gunners with like both melee and ranged weapons would be extremely unfair new...
  7. Coul

    Stamina for gloans

    clonetroopers shouldn't be this accurate with their rate of fire(i think they're more accurate then e-11's secondary),if they're going to be the suppressing fire class they should be able to tank(regenerating armour) but should not be accurate their weakness should be grenades and snipers and...
  8. Coul

    Mando Love

    what if flamethrower could be used in conjunction with jetpack to do increased damage and pushback kind of like flamethrower lancing, but it would use 2x fuel and put you at as much risk as you're putting your target maybe it can even knock down
  9. Coul

    Mando Love

    super mando droid confirmed next patch but i have to admit mando weapons are really bland and really the only reason i dont play mando much, that and i keep flying into walls everytime i use my jetpack and just get wedged there while a jedi waits under me to jaws me with his saber when my...
  10. Coul

    Mando Love

    EE-3 + concussion + ion + pulse grenade launcher(cause why not) + unlimited fuel + lightsaber mode on a serious note rechargeable fuel would be a terrible idea because mandos can already manage to run across the whole map from that last jedi, now they just wait on a roof for regen while...
  11. Coul

    Mando Love

    I do agree with this partly I think classes should get multiple movement options/methods that can change how they deal with enemies/are dealt with
  12. Coul

    Derailing and random argument thread

    Since im sick of supa having to close all the threads that actually had a purpose or a good reason for being created and annoyed that people constantly hijack threads and derail it without punishment im creating this thread thats SOLE purpose is to derail from its purpose, talk about anything...
  13. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    this is not the thread you're looking for.
  14. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    poison dart is hitscan + heroes have dodge points that regen pretty slowly if u get enough body hits they wont be able to dodge anymore for some time then you just lure them out and kill them
  15. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    oh wow i didn't know that was a feature that REALLY should be added to the library somewhere
  16. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    I agree but in a proj vs proj fight the hero gets the advantage because he can just dodge non-headshot hits I know classes shouldnt be exact mirrors but they should at least be evenly matched with their counter-part or something similar, a sniper countering a sniper is quite odd
  17. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    whats up with heroes getting dodge and bh not? lol thats completely unfair
  18. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    maybe against an new jedi/sith who has no idea how to use force powers, punching a dude with a saber to death isnt exactly the easiest feat and you only get one saber per life, using its secondary isnt a guaranteed kill and using its primary is impossible to nail in a 1v1 unless they're not...
  19. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    whats the point of having a gun if the whole enemy team is invincible to it(there are many cases where a team is all jedi or all sith)
  20. Coul

    Next patch hype thread!

    well it can be something similar to mustafars platforms except without them randomly killing you whenever they feel like it