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  1. Fuse294

    [How To] Getting sound files to work in Jedi Academy

    I did a topic on this on another JA forum years ago on porting sounds to JA that work such as taunts. This is to help people who are unfamiliar with editing sound files they use for their skin that turn out to be broken, here's a guide on fixing the errors. Being a PORT from another game/mod...
  2. Fuse294

    SWTOR: Dromund Kaas Stronghold Map

    Looking good so far, keep it up!
  3. Fuse294

    SWTOR: Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor Map

    This looks pretty nice so far, hope you're still working on it.
  4. Fuse294

    EU (Withdrawn) Fuse EU SMOD app

    In-Game nickname: Fuse294 MBII Experience: A couple of months now, still pretty sucky with sabers though Age: 29 Description: I'm British, been a fan of star wars since I was a kid, playing JA on and off for over a decade now with a background experience in RP, modifying files, some minor...
  5. Fuse294

    About me

    Hey there I'm Fuse, I've been playing JA on and off for over 10 years now and I've explored many different areas of the game from FFA to RP, I've explored map making with some minor success (not saying they were huge hits but I managed to get the basics down), NPC files and more recently MB2...
  6. Fuse294

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    Noticed a bug with +her_han_anh_p causing the skin to not load correctly in 2.2, spoke to Peneke, managed to fix it and he told me pass on the fix. Simply put it in the MB2 folder and what was a mess will now be corrected.