Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Pahricida

  1. Pahricida

    Dev Diary - Twenty Years of Movie Battles 2

    Happy Birthday! <3
  2. Pahricida

    Sup you old fart! <3

    Sup you old fart! <3
  3. Pahricida

    wow so much vet.

    wow so much vet.
  4. Pahricida

    Jeff's Gran Soldier RGB replacement

    Just replace the in the pk3 with this one:
  5. Pahricida

    Jeff's Gran Soldier RGB replacement

    I took Jeff's Gran soldier kitbash and made it rgb compatible and replaced the standard BH gran with it. Enjoy ;)!TeIy2KwY!OUDO12nmpjsi_Vd0g53E3EBCAwmiW3idLbJHLPN4SCg
  6. Pahricida

    15 Years of Movie Battles

    Color me impressed! I was Goddamn 16 years old when I joined MB2 crazy to see it come so far.
  7. Pahricida

    Dxun: A New Level Inspired by KOTOR II

    Looking good it's nice to see this project finally get out.
  8. Pahricida

    Moviebattles Official Discord Server

    Why did it take me so long to get there? I like discord reminds me of the IRC days.
  9. Pahricida

    Scott The Scout's Shitshop

    You'd have to replace the model .glm aswell. I also just learned that Infinity Blade, maker of the Merc Kyle Model and brother to Hapslash passed away in 2011 :(
  10. Pahricida

    Scott The Scout's Shitshop

    Those are 2 different models thats why it doesn't work.
  11. Pahricida

    Star Wars Movie Battles II Steam Custom Image

    Uhm .. why only Ep VII and Rogue One characters ?
  12. Pahricida

    Locating the sound folder for Kit Fisto

  13. Pahricida

    WORST Star Wars?

    Episode VII is a better movie but a worse Star Wars.
  14. Pahricida

    WORST Star Wars?

    VII worst easily. Fan catering remake bullshit.