Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Latis

  1. Latis

    Dark Forces II Saber SFX

    one of the good ones, this shit is awesome
  2. Latis

    Movie Battles II R20.0.01 Available

    do you guys test anything before you push it lmfao
  3. Latis

    Dev Diary - Twenty Years of Movie Battles 2

    lol what the fuck ok go off ig
  4. Latis

    Katana Saber Replacement

    my goat
  5. Latis

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    miss u blaze... I'd reinstall to be tkd by you any day
  6. Latis

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

    instead of banning lunge in scrims let's make devs change the game!!! kek
  7. Latis

    Moviebattles II V1.10.0.5 Released

  8. Latis

    Feedback Thread: v1.10 Open Beta - Nov. 13th 2023

    to follow up on this, jennifer hale, the voice actress for Bastila Shan, and the female voice of Jaden from jka (of which the new voicelines are trained on) has explicitly requested that her voice not be used for any AI training. - Once again the mb2 team fails to do the bare minimum of research...
  9. Latis

    Feedback Thread: v1.10 Open Beta - Nov. 13th 2023

    mb2 team would rather use AI female voicelines than interact with a real women to record some stuff for them :anilaff:
  10. Latis

    Dev Diary - Rend2

    okay buddy I'll shut up and enjoy the diet reshade
  11. Latis

    Dev Diary - Rend2

    yall will find any way to the delay the update further
  12. Latis

    sentinel bans me for hacking

    yea I just made that up and somehow you managed to spill more shit.... unreal seek help lil bro 😭
  13. Latis

    sentinel bans me for hacking

    hey remember that time you scammed that kid out of money and whenever you got called out for it you just hid under a rock or is all of this mass hysteria
  14. Latis

    sentinel bans me for hacking

    this is the funniest thread on the forums I didn't even know people still thought sentinel members were competent