Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Jvne

  1. Jvne

    Legends Impressions

    I think legends is fun occasionally, and I agree that it lowers the barrier for entry for newer players, but it's not feeding into open pop. It's not lowering the entry for open it's completely removing any reason to access it. Why would new players play/learn open mode when they just spent all...
  2. Jvne

    Cultist Recolor

    A cultist recolor I made ages ago, dunno why I never shared it before but here it is :D RGB and works with female model!
  3. Jvne

    Shin Hati Model

    Sorry for the late ass reply, haven't checked the forums in awhile. Some mods require you to run in OpenJK, as a rule of thumb I recommend all players to use OpenJK for various reasons. Sorry for the issue, I'm not sure exactly what causes this (probably something in the shader file if I had to...
  4. Jvne

    Shin Hati Model

    Baylan is already avaliable in the NoobGuided Pack :welldone:
  5. Jvne

    Shin Hati Model

    Shin Hati model - By ZelZel DOWNLOADS CUSTOM Custom - adds Shin to the custom tab in-game, including her cloak and hooded variants REPLACEMENT Replacement - replaces Darth Zannah's model so to non-modded players, you will look like her rather than the shadowtrooper; no cloak or hooded...
  6. Jvne

    custom models-movie battles 2 (plz read)

    Sure thing lol yes, you have to create a .cm file. It's basically a blank slate where you put the model directories. They look like this attached is a blank setup for a .cm, export the zip to your pack directory :D
  7. Jvne

    custom models-movie battles 2 (plz read)

    Glad I could help! Feel free to ask if you need help with anything else :D
  8. Jvne

    custom models-movie battles 2 (plz read)

    You absolutely can put your Jedi in the custom tab The custom and extra tabs are essentially the same thing, but as we transition from the old system, both are available to use so old model packs don't break right away, giving some time for pack creators to update. The custom tab reads the new...
  9. Jvne

    custom models-movie battles 2 (plz read)

    No matter what, all mods are client side. So unless you share your .pk3 with others, you will be the only person able to see your new jedi. if you do share your .pk3 with others, they will see your jedi in the custom tab, and also see it on you while you're using it. Also, if you go this route...
  10. Jvne

    custom models-movie battles 2 (plz read)

    The .cm file determines what shows up in the custom tab. The best way to read/write that: the mb_class_x sets what class the model applies to, so anything written under mb_class_sith will put the model in the custom tab for sith desann/default is telling the game the file path for the model and...
  11. Jvne

    custom models-movie battles 2 (plz read)

    Replacing Mace Windu and adding a model to the custom tab are slightly different procedures. In the custom model tutorial, it instructs you to create a .cm and name the model folder something unique, but if you want to replace an existing model, you need to name the file the same as the model...
  12. Jvne

    Second MBII Vid!

  13. Jvne

    Feedback Thread: Saber Open Beta - May 4th 2023

    was just about to report this, can happen pretty frequently
  14. Jvne

    Taking certain skins from a pack

    Typically with mods(for any game), once it's on your PC, you're free to tinker with and change it to your hearts content. I would argue that sharing privately among friends is always okay, but a public release of someone else's modified work is a nono without seeking the previous authors consent...
  15. Jvne

