Recent content by HWDP

  1. HWDP

    Damage System

    Many thanks, I'm more interested in technicality rather than spending much time in game so don't mind me asking at one time or another. I will review patch notes and changelogs for a brief insight. I think I would need more detailed version of Saber System Wish-list to understand what's going on...
  2. HWDP

    Damage System

    I was testing but not in this patch that u could make more dmg on a bodyhit when u reached someone's side. It could deal even up to 20 bp like an interrupt and it was the opposite hitbox than someone was looking at. And first time I hear about AP of Attacker style and BP of Defender style and...
  3. HWDP

    Damage System

    Oh thank you, much of useful information. I thought it's more complicated, like amount of dmg depends on a hitbox but from what I see in your guide it's just a constant and it varies on each style.
  4. HWDP

    Damage System

    Hello, can someone explain me please bodyhit and saberhit system and how much dmg they cause under what conditions (both HP and BP)? I cannot get answers anywhere else so thanks in advance. They seem to work fine in game and they are quite balanced but I can be wrong.
  5. HWDP

    Insta Slap Kill

    Like I can reach someone's side even before they fall when I yaw. They cannot move so they cannot dodge. Explaining some persons how to roll properly on the ground seems ridiculous and I don't think it's an important skill. I understand that u cannot expose your backs otherwise u get sided but...
  6. HWDP

    Insta Slap Kill

    I have encountered frustration and agitation from duelers who were insta slap killed 10 times in a row. It breaks fun and it's so badly crapped that sometimes nothing helps to stop it. Maybe I'm not right but it looks like a side kill and would be perfect if it would count as a normal damage no...