Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Chris P. Bacon

  1. Chris P. Bacon

    Technical Issue How do I make third person view default?

    Doesn't work... I still have to manually press the toggle key at every start. I just copy and pasted it from your post though. Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
  2. Chris P. Bacon

    Technical Issue Lost my \tell bind

    Thanks mate. That works :)
  3. Chris P. Bacon

    Technical Issue How do I make third person view default?

    Every time I start a match, I always start in first person view and have to manually press P to switch to third person mode. I'm not new to the game and I remember before my long break (and on my old PC) it didn't use to be like that. Any suggestions?
  4. Chris P. Bacon

    Technical Issue Lost my \tell bind

    U is normally bound to a special form of \tell aka whisper. When you look at someone and press U, the game will automatically open a chat box where you can whisper to that person. I foolishly rebound U with something else and now I can't figure out how to get that special function back. Anyone...
  5. Chris P. Bacon

    Perspective of a relatively new player.

    Don't even know who that is. I play on EU times on EU servers. Maybe that's why
  6. Chris P. Bacon

    Perspective of a relatively new player.

    That's some solid advice. Especially the last sentence. Thanks m8
  7. Chris P. Bacon

    mb2 open saberist guide DL (was taken off youtube)

    Interesting insights. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Chris P. Bacon

    Perspective of a relatively new player.

    I've seen those tutorials and I read the guides. I know how duelling works and I know all about the tricks. But just knowing about those tricks is no use, if you haven't built the muscle memory to execute those techniques. And don't get me started on perfect blocking, which in my opinion, is...
  9. Chris P. Bacon

    Perspective of a relatively new player.

    I feel that. Even looking at other players duelling discourages me from pursuing it. All the masking hits, fancy techniques and perfect blocking has got me fucked up lol. Yep, I definitely felt that, when I had my 5 year break from the game lol. I played it around 2017-2018 or so and when I...
  10. Chris P. Bacon

    Perspective of a relatively new player.

    Ok, let's start with the biggest problem for newcomers: very high skill ceiling paired with an ancient dedicated playerbase. There are many old games out there with an ancient playerbase. Halo CE - 3, Counterstrike etc. But none of them are as indepth as Movie Battles 2 and therefore non of them...
  11. Chris P. Bacon

    Commands, commands, commands... Where are they.

    Is there an extensive list of commands anywhere? I came up empty handed when searching via Google or seaching this forum or the Wiki. I reverse engineered all the voice chat commands already and I know how to retrieve the commands for basic key binds like moving around, weapon selection, etc (by...
  12. Chris P. Bacon

    Voice Chat command list for console use

    I didn't know about the wikis existence. Besides that, I think my list looks better lol. But thanks for bringing the wiki to my attention.
  13. Chris P. Bacon

    Voice Chat command list for console use

    I do have it memorized. I just like spamming "wow" and "nice" specifically without saying "amazing", "that's so wizzard" or "nicely done" etc
  14. Chris P. Bacon

    Voice Chat command list for console use

    I reverse engineered this. All I knew was "bns_chrg" from the old days and then I found out, that "bns_wow" works aswell. Then I went into the files of the game, opened one .pk3 file after the other with a hex editor, ctrl+F searched for "bns_chrg" and when I found the right .pk3 file, I opened...
  15. Chris P. Bacon

    Voice Chat command list for console use

    This is a list of all voice chat console commands. For starters: What is this useful for? If you really like a specific phrase, you can bind it to a key using the followning command: "bind (key) voice_cmd XXX" Simply replace "XXX" with one of the lines below. 1. Attack/Defend 1. Attack Primary...