MovieBattles II V1.6.2.1 Released


V1.6.2.1 Update

  • Fix: Sweep kick should now knockdown as intended vs crouched targets.
  • Fix: Wook slap should no longer stagger vs crouched Sith.
  • Fix: Push / Pull knockback now working as intended.
  • Fix: Wookiee should now be properly immune to projectiles and some explosives.
  • Fix: Wookiee Strength level 2 now properly immune to knockback.
  • Fix: Chat no longer disables speed lunge / flying kick momentum.
  • Fix: Speed lunge now has camera and momentum locked.
  • Fix: Pistol 3's alternative firing mode now properly uses level 2 FP drains.
  • New: Elite Trooper skin added which uses an RGB variant of Jaden.
  • Fix: g_balance should no longer force players off of their team when new players join in and now actually works as intended/listed in the 1.6 changelog with the following modification:
    • Value set for g_balance is now the offset of players allowed on a team before swapping is disabled.
    • -1 disabled (this could help prevent join bug) 1 = 1 extra player, 2 = 2 extra, etc.
    • The "You can't join a team with higher player counts!" message now plays in the middle of the screen instead of server print.
  • Fix: RTV not working as intended (anyone who already installed the fix need not take any action)
  • Fix: Players should no longer be able to switch to non-Open/Duel mode models in-between rounds.
  • Fix: Discord integration should now work as intended (in UI: Other -> Rich Presence to enable it, or type /cg_discord 1 in console.)
  • Fix: One case of broadsword 1 / broadsword 2 causing a crash on maps with NPCs
uMad? Map Pack fixes
(Credits to uM_ community mappers: @.biggs and @DarthDementous)

  • uM_Bespin
    • Fix: Added safeguards to prevent swoops from getting upstairs
    • Change: Moved spawns closer to the gallery.
    • Change: Added a teleport to jump into from the gallery to the 'Chill Dueling Platform'
    • Fix: Removed most of the bright light textures from the sides of buildings
    • Change: Pulled some of the spawns closer to the middle
    • Fix: Swoops no longer able to go up lift.
    • Change: Removed Ugnaught to avoid possible server crash issues
    • Fix: Fixed issue causing crash if running on JAMP
  • uM_Bespin_Open
    • Change: Two more capture points added (one in cantina and one in streets)
    • Fix: Issue preventing round from ending after the zones had been captured.
  • uM_SarlaccBarge
    • Fix: issue with rebels spawning on Barge (outside of FA mode)
    • Change: Minimized land real estate in Sarlacc stomach to stop camping
    • Change: Added auto-kill for Droidekas in the mouth of the Sarlacc to stop them getting stuck
    • Fix: Sarlacc beak opening riggers not working as intended and players being able to stand on beak.
    • Change: Added proper Sarlacc sounds to mouth open
  • uM_ns_streets
    • Fix: Added missing textures
    • Fix: patched a hole in the map
    • Change: removed the grenade and gun
    • Change: NPCs temporarily removed to avoid crash issues
  • uM_ns_guns
    • Change: added more single player detail
  • uM_gib_imperial
    • Change: adjusted spawn positions so they aren't as close together
  • uM_ctf/GIB_bespin
    • Fix: replaced the visible caulk texture
  • uM_Colosseum
    • Fix: Fixed issue that was allowing spectator camera to go under the map
  • New: Salacious B. Crumb added to Villain side.
  • Fix: Issue related to server crashes. Please continue to report server crash logs so we can work to resolve this!
  • Change: Rebel Infiltrator now renamed/reworked to be Bothan Spy.
  • Change: All class descriptions updated and reformatted for consistency.
  • Change: Added "Class Summary" into descriptions. There are so many unique abilities in Legends for specific classes - these summaries further aid new and veteran players interested in trying out this new mode.
  • Fix: Broken Shoulderbarge for Tarfful and Burg.
  • Fix: Various nades and thermals not showing proper model/icon.
  • Fix Boba Fett not having a class number limit.
  • Fix: Grevious' lightsabers floating if not using them.
  • Fix: Leia's Force Block not working.
  • Fix: Certain weapons obscuring player view in first person.
  • Fix: Certain classes with shield regen not working as intended.
  • Change: Jango Fett now has Poison Darts.
  • Change: Grevious/Zaalbar given slightly more speed.
  • Change: Luke no longer has dash, given more saber damage reduction (Cortosis).
  • Fix: SBD/BD/Bosssk now have functional advanced radar.
  • Change: Support classes are now more clearly laid out and are as follows:
    • Team Force Heal - Traya/Kylo & Rey/Visas
    • Manual (press use on ally) heal - Rune/Thrawn & Hera/Padme
    • Ammo dispensers - Jyn/C3PO & Krennic/Nute

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
"Fix: Speed lunge now has camera and momentum locked."

Literally why. It always took skill to use it and there are people who spent a long time mastering it for this to now be fixed?!

I just tested it... Let's say the distance is now fixed. Fine. Whatever. But the bloody camera?!?!?!?! It creates a very jaded reaction both pre- and post- lunge for the Jedi. At least leave the camera as it was... Sometimes I wonder if people actually test any of these changes.


Internal Beta Team
The wookiee fix is welcome, as melee wook basically ruins open mode. (still does, just to a lesser extent now).

The speed lunge camera lock is stupid and should be reverted immediately. (Why do you always have to break something when you release a fix?)