Movie Battles II V1.6.2 Released


V1.6.2 Update

  • New: In acknowledgement of the global pandemic and a reminder to practice proper social distancing, we have added a special seasonal "hat" (face masks). As with other events, visibility can be toggled in Settings -> Video -> Visual Options -> Seasonal Hats, or with cg_scrooge in console. We hope everyone in the community manages to stay safe in these trying times.
  • New: Discord Rich Presence.
    • Discord RP shows the server you are actively playing on, as well as map, mode, class, and time. It is opt-in by default, so go to Settings -> Other -> Rich Presence to enable it, or type /cg_discord 1 in console.
    • Note: This is currently Windows only.
  • Fix: "siegeclassopen" is no longer broadcast at times when it's unable to be done as a command.
  • Fix: Player HUD should now reset to turned on when joining a server.
  • Change: Player names are now logged into the ClientConnect string in server logs when joining the server.
  • Fix/Change: Class/team limits logic reworked. Should no longer kick players to spectator when they're already on a team and haven't changed classes. Message to player is now printed to the center of screen instead of to console to make it more obvious what's happening.
  • Fix: Corrected issue with muzzle charge on some FA classes showing a missing shader.
  • Fix: Custom Model Overrides sometimes not working as intended (example having both Peneke, HB and other packs in MBII folder at once and not all models showing up in Custom Models area
    • It is advised to use z_zz_nameofpk3.pk3 format when creating model packs.
  • New: More 'give ___' commands added (for when cheats are enabled on a server):
    • give health, give weapons, give ammo, give armor, give fuel, give battery, give BP, give stamina, give lives
  • Fix: Saberists no longer have their rolls canceled or take damage at points during the rolls after being shot.
  • Change: Saberists now have normalized knockback applied while in the air (albeit reduced to avoid being juggled in the air).
  • Fix: Players no longer turn invisible if their model/class has an animation without any frames in it.
  • Change: EE-3 Primary FP drain multiplier increased by 50%.
  • Change: Westar M5 FP drain multiplier reduced by 25%.
  • Change: E-11 Primary FP drain multiplier increased by 25%.
  • Change: Wrist Laser FP drain multiplier decreased by 18%.
  • Change: Fire Grenades now instantly light player on fire. Secondary fire nades should prove to be more useful now.
  • Change: Sonic grenade explosion timer (while attached to a surface) increased from 60 seconds to 100 seconds.
  • Change: Messages regarding class queues in FA (such as being removed from a class or your position in queue for a class) now have a duration of 14 seconds instead of 7.
  • Fix: Blue, Cyan, and Purple styles can once again be selected all at the same time instead of only being able to pick Blue, Cyan, and Red styles.
  • Change: Dodge:
    • Some missing entries for hitbox locations that may be causing inconsistencies for triggering Dodge have been fixed.
    • Now drains more slowly (250ms between ticks instead of 90ms).
    • No longer dodges headshots from Projectile Rifle or Disruptor Rifle.
    • Instead of just dodging all shots during the activation window, your Dodge point pool now steadily drains after activating and when being shot at. Shots at closer ranges drain more Dodge points than being shot from far away (capped at 480 units of distance).
    • Requires 20 Dodge points to be activated.
    • Electrifying effects (ions, lightning, etc.) disable Dodge.
  • Change: Wookiee:
    • Point prices restructured to allow for more hybrid Wookiee builds plus the changes described below.
      • Change: Strength: 5/10/15 -> 5/15/10
      • Change: Pistol: 0/4 -> 0/3
      • Change: Fury: 5/12 -> 9/15
      • Change: Health: 5/10/15 -> 5/10/10
      • Change: Bowcaster: 8/9/10 -> 8/9/11
      • Change: Ammo: 4/6 -> 3/4
      • Change: Frags: 10/10 -> 9/9
    • Strength:
      • Change: Level 2
        • Now gives 1.15x movement speed in melee (roughly ET speed, still slower than Strength 3).
        • Makes you immune to knockback from projectiles and secondary frag grenades.
        • Punch damage now equivalent to Strength 1 (only 2x instead of 2x and additional bonus damage for being heavy melee).
        • Reduces Push/Pull displacement by 33%.
    • Fury:
      • Change: No longer gains additional Rage from a kill.
      • Change: Rage gained from primary frag grenades is now capped at 15 per target.
      • Change: Level 1
        • Unlocks shoulder barge
        • Gains half Rage from all sources
        • Damage reduction lowered from 30% to 15%
      • Change: Level 2
        • Now drains over time (every 2 seconds compared to level 1's every 1 seconds)
        • Combat timer before Rage starts to drain increases from 5 to 20 seconds
    • Barge:
      • Change: Now deals a flat 15 damage.
      • Change: Now staggers vs crouched saberists with Fury 2
    • Bowcaster:
      • New: Gunbash now given to Bowcaster by default (activated via class special two).
      • Change: Level 1 rate of fire increased (1.5x delay to 1.4x).
      • Change: Level 2 rate of fire increased (1.35x delay to 1.2x).
      • Change: Level 3 rate of fire increased (1.2x delay to 1.1x).
      • Change: Max base damage on charged shots decreased from 90 to 85.
    • Ammo:
      • Change: Max ammo for Bowcaster is now 700/500/300
      • Change: Max ammo for Wookiee pistol is now 400/300/200
  • Change: mb2_corellia (click here for a visual guide of the changes)
    • Entry area:
      • Change: Expanded attacker spawn and entry area and removed lift hallway to reduce travel time.
      • Change: Elevated entry area to hangar level to prevent lift congestion. Lift now connects the commercial area instead.
      • Change: Layout of remaining parts of commercial area adjusted to reduce travel time.
      • Change: Reduced lower vents bomb hack from 4 to 2 seconds.
    • Hangar:
      • New: Moved the tables/overlook from the commercial area to where the outer corridor was, and expanded it into a tapcafe. The back of the bar connects a new hangar catwalk route leading to the cargo room.
      • Change: Added walkway ladders near the back of the hangar and restored unique floor texture.
      • Change: Moved hangar door hack locations farther away from doors to reduce ambush risk.
      • Remove: Deleted the "mando" hangar catwalk hatch.
    • Cargo room:
      • New: Added a third vent entry to the cargo room from the lower vents, located between the existing two.
      • New: Added another catwalk lift opposite the original.
      • New: Added crossover catwalk in the center of the room.
      • Change: Original catwalk lift shifted to the side of catwalk and starts lowered.
      • Change: Rear door (closest to defender spawn) starts unlocked for both sides and there is no longer a 12 second delay. Both teams should still reach the main hangar door simultaneously in the new layout.
      • Change: Added additional box climbing paths and cover areas throughout the room.
      • Change: Attacker spawn move trigger shifted farther back and added notification for attacking team.
      • Change: Top of light panels on cargo room walls are now slippery.
    • Generator:
      • Change: Connected generator room to the services corridor (now named t-junction). This change removes the left gen door in the cargo room and moves the right door between where the left and right originally were.
      • Change: Generator door hack now faces defender spawn and can also trigger the attacker spawn move.
      • Change: Widened generator room, doors, and its adjacent corridors.
      • Fix: Made generator easier to damage with lightsabers, and rotating parts will hurt players.
    • Security center:
      • Change: Shifted location of security center and expanded security corridor. Both are also closer to cargo room now due to the t-junction corridor being shortened.
      • Change: Hidden vent route to security center now connects with the top of the security corridor instead of cargo room.
      • Change: Access vent lift moved to the bottom of the security corridor / center of main access vent area.
      • Change: Added turret outside security center that alerts defenders to the presence of intruders.
    • Miscellaneous:
      • Change: All lifts move 50% faster and enclosed ones are cushioned.
      • Change: All locked doors make noise when unlocked, and have a quick unlock button on the inner side. They will also be unlocked automatically if the secondary objective is completed (hangar shield shutdown).
      • Change: Improved music quality.
      • Fix: Mitigated SBDs shooting over large crates at humanoid height.
      • Fix: Adjusted vent jump pad triggers so they are only usable when players are clear to go up.
      • Fix: Several visual and clipping fixes, and miscellaneous optimization.
  • Change: mb2_citadel
    • Red/Blue forcefields added in Reb secondary spawn to make orientation more clear.
    • Instead of two hacks, the new secondary objective is to capture 2/3 zones on the map.
    • Rebels now spawn in the Power Core (now middle capture zone area). Secondary spawns occur at previous location.
    • Imperials now spawn closer to the Vault once they have broken it open.
    • GFX on mini-map revised to make objectives far more clear.
  • Change: mb2_dxun
    • Objective health increased by roughly 2x for larger crates and 1.5x for smaller crates.
  • New: mb2_duel_corellia
    • A dueling focused variant of Corellia with no objectives. Contains only the cargo room, hangar, business center, and a tapcafe served by a grammatically challenged bartender.
  • New: mb2_duel_supremacy
    • New duel map based on episode 8's throne fight, complete with Elite Praetorian guards and their unique weapons in FA mode.
  • New: uMad? Map Pack v3
    • New: Bespin v2 - a whole new version the most classic FFA duel map around.
      • Features two maps, one for Duel mode (uM_Bespin) and one for Open (uM_Bespin_Open)
    • Change: Prior release's uM_Bespin renamed to uM_Bespin_Classic
    • New: CTF and InstaGib maps:
      • CTF: These maps have newly working flag objectives (which require multiple captures) and share the same FA.
        • uM_CTF_Bespin (ported from base JK2)
        • uM_CTF_Coruscant (ported from base JK3)
        • uM_CTF_NarShaddaa (ported from base JK2)
        • uM_CTF_OceanTemple (custom, created by .biggs)
      • InstaGib Disruptor CTF maps:
        • uM_GIB_Bespin (ported from base JK2)
        • uM_GIB_Coruscant (ported from base JK3)
        • uM_GIB_NarShaddaa (ported from JK2)
        • uM_GIB_Imperial (ported from base JK2)
    • Duel mode maps:
      • New: uM_Cantina - A fun little cantina to duel / have a ruby bliels at.
      • New: uM_Colosseum - Port/Remake of a JK3 duel classic. This uses the new Legends Duel Teams as the FA.
      • New: uM_CultBattle
      • New: uM_Dojo
      • New: uM_LavaDuel
      • New: uM_LavaRising
      • New: uM_Water
    • Open/Other maps:
      • New: uM_CrazyRace2 - Jack's Crazy Race 2
      • New: uM_SarlaccBarge - remade Sailbarge (mb2_sailbarge remains, don't worry)
      • New: uM_LastOneSinking - Title says it all.
      • New: uM_Birdmino - A really weird birthday present given to FrenzY.
  • Add maps list (admins and server hosts may reference this if updating their RTV maps.txt):
    • MB2_Duel_Corellia
Once again, in an effort to continue to find that fine line between competitive balance and fun, nearly every class has been tweaked in minor ways.

Reminder: Legends mode is also a fun way for people to experiment with FA team combinations! Take a look at this guide for information and a full list of other team file names to experiment with trying maps with non-intended FAs loaded on them via the g_siegeteam1 and g_siegeteam2 commands.
  • New: 12 new classes: Jedi/Cultist (basic saberist with extra life), Imp/Resistance Heavy Pilots (solds with rockets), Rebel Infiltrator, Clonetroopers, Tarfful, Jan Ors, Lando, Greedo, Gamorrean, Reelo Baruk, and Burg (the Devaronian from The Mandalorian).
  • Class changes (there are more smaller balance changes than this, but these are the major tweaks):
    • Fix: Ventress buffed, has proper attack/defense, Speed 3, Mind Trick, Grip 3, Jump 3
    • Change: Jyn buffed, now has flip kick, Gunbash, Portable E-Web, Rally and Heavy Melee
    • Change: Finn nerfed, 5% slower speed, blaster 2 and less armor.
    • Change: Sidious, Nihilus now has more attack points
    • Change: Jerec given Repulse.
    • Change: Tusken's health nerfed, but given extra life.
    • Change: Durge and Desann given more HP.
    • Change: Grevious and Hanhar have slightly less attack and block points.
    • Change: Visas given faster FP regen
    • Change: Luke given more FP Pool
    • Change: Bossk can now quickthrow fire nades
  • Change/Fix: Flip kick now has a base damage of 8 and no longer damages or knocks over allies.
  • Change: Ammo Dispenser:
    • Fix: PLX getting more than 6 rockets
      • Now gives ammo goes according to which PLX level is set, otherwise it caps at 1 (if there's no customAmmo value set).
    • Fix: Adds 2 ammo to Projectile Rifle
    • Fix: Missing grenade entries should now be accounted for.
    • Change: Cooldown raised to 10 seconds from 5 seconds.
    • Change: No longer allows for giving ammo by pressing/holding "use" on another player
  • New: New Team file for Sith/Jedi Legends classes only (no gunner classes)
    • rcon g_siegeteam1 "LEG_Evil_duel"; g_siegeteam2 "LEG_Evil_duel"; mbmode 4 nameofmap"
    • Currently the new map uM_colosseum uses this as it's default FA
User Interface
  • Change: Restored Find Player menu.
  • New: Added A'Sharad Hett's Hilts.
  • New: Added Darth Malgus' Damaged Hilt.
  • New: Restored Darth Revan's TOR Hilt with an improved model.
  • New: Added Darth Sion's Hilt.
  • New: Added Galen Marek's Ceremonial Jedi Robes Hilt.
  • New: Added Jocasta Nu's Hilt.
  • New: Added Lord Kallig's Hilt.
  • New: Added Mara Jade's First Hilt (Emperor's Hand).
  • New: Added Orgus Din's Hilt.
  • New: Added Rosh Penin's Hilt.
  • New: Added Tavion Axmis's Hilt.
  • New: Added Thexan's Hilt.
  • New: Added Tulak Hord's Hilt.
  • New: Added Turanis Hilt.
  • New: Added Zayne Carrick's Hilt.
  • Change: Updated Centurion Hilt with an enhanced model.
  • Change: Updated Darth Malgus' Hilt with an enhanced model.
  • Change: Updated Satele Shan's Hilt with an enhanced model.
  • Change: Updated Sith Stalker Hilt with improved textures.
  • Fix: Fixed Centurion missing it's ignition sound.
  • Fix: Fixed Galen Marek's TFU II Hilts missing their ignition sounds.
Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )
MBII Maps-Models Credits.txt

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
Last edited by a moderator:
If you're looking for story join our roleplay clan, singleplayer for this would be ridiculious and take years to make.

This same old argument was brought up years ago. In that same time, the NPC pathing and AI could have been fixed. Yet, if you look at the history of the patches, the majority of the changes have been for jedi/sith. Also, I am not looking for roleplay. I am not even sure why you brought that up as it has nothing to do with anything I mentioned in my original posts or with this mod.
This same old argument was brought up years ago. In that same time, the NPC pathing and AI could have been fixed. Yet, if you look at the history of the patches, the majority of the changes have been for jedi/sith. Also, I am not looking for roleplay. I am not even sure why you brought that up as it has nothing to do with anything I mentioned in my original posts or with this mod.
Hes been trying to promote his clan for years lol


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
At high level play, the jump-swing meta and high fp regen left no opportunity at all for gunner to combat jedi. Gotta keep in mind jedi are very mobile escapists so to give them something they can INCREDIBLY quickly destroy a gunner with before they even attempt to reset fp by running around a box is also a bit much.
I understand the point. I think a helpful tweak for balance is not incredibly high FP damage per weapon, but more variety... perhaps buffs in melee or certain tools which help in close range, rather than guns which can drain all fp in only a few shots. Adding further purchasable or baked-in counter moves would make more sense than further micro fp dmg management.

Some ideas (feel free to chime in):
  • Gunbash-like moves for all classes
  • Melee alternatives, per class
  • Tanking with Beskar
  • Blocking a saber hit (but not blaster fire of full body) with a wrist shield


I understand the point. I think a helpful tweak for balance is not incredibly high FP damage per weapon, but more variety... perhaps buffs in melee or certain tools which help in close range, rather than guns which can drain all fp in only a few shots. Adding further purchasable or baked-in counter moves would make more sense than further micro fp dmg management.

Some ideas (feel free to chime in):
  • Gunbash-like moves for all classes
  • Melee alternatives, per class
  • Tanking with Beskar
  • Blocking a saber hit (but not blaster fire of full body) with a wrist shield
  • Hand Repulsors.
    We've already got knock-back weapons in the game, mostly meme tier weapons but if you reduced their effect and made it a class special or something. It could act unblockable push. Won't cause knockdowns (unless jumping, rolling, dashing) will make Sith/Jedi less likely to try and zoom down a hall if they know some random dude could send'em back a few feet.

  • Give ARCS a way to combat grip/lightning.
    There are literally only 3 classes in MB that can resist the effects of lightning and grip. Force Users,Dekas, and Wookiees( who buy strength(which is almost mandatory really). Most people can run away from MT/speed, and the droids can buy advanced logic. ARCs are able to rump,roll, and getup shoot. It makes sense that if they're getting choked they should be able to shoot back at the Sith. ARC Shields should reduce lightning damage for as long as they have them and allow them to fire provided they have dex as well. This effective gives arcs more utility against Sith, much like how Mandos have several options to deal with Jedi.

  • Melee should stagger.
    Slow down melee strikes, but make it to where if you land more successive punches it'll cause a stagger. Uppercuts and blocking too many punches already does this, but saberist and gunners can still crouch and kill.

  • Give Mandos quick-get up.
    Rebels have ARC and Heroes who have rolling and jump recoveries. Imps just have BH. Give Mandos this ability, the armor isn't mega heavy I don't see why not.

  • Implement some FA Features
    This is brought up so much that it just needs to be on a "MAYBE LIST." There are a lot of FA abilities, weapons, and gimmicks they should come to open. Popular one is the grappling hook. Though it's super janky even in FA it's still one the interesting additions. You can spiderman people down, accelerate yourself and fly by enemies and allies, it's so versatile that it'd be neat to see how they'd change the current maps.
I understand the point. I think a helpful tweak for balance is not incredibly high FP damage per weapon, but more variety... perhaps buffs in melee or certain tools which help in close range, rather than guns which can drain all fp in only a few shots. Adding further purchasable or baked-in counter moves would make more sense than further micro fp dmg management.

Some ideas (feel free to chime in):
  • Gunbash-like moves for all classes
  • Melee alternatives, per class
  • Tanking with Beskar
  • Blocking a saber hit (but not blaster fire of full body) with a wrist shield

My problem with this is that more variety takes time to implement, and by applying these bandaid nerfs now and not at the same time as these extra tools, you create a situation where for months or years (due to small volunteer dev team with their own preferred stuff to work on) there's a significant imbalance.
I have to agree. Save the fancy ideas like vibroblades, wrist repulsion, and grappling hooks for the newer classes, tune down the sabers in open mode specifically. Jumpswings have no penalty other than the increase in fp/bp drain. That doesn't matter when the gunner(s) are already dead from a flying saber.
  • Give ARCS a way to combat grip/lightning.
    There are literally only 3 classes in MB that can resist the effects of lightning and grip. Force Users,Dekas, and Wookiees( who buy strength(which is almost mandatory really). Most people can run away from MT/speed, and the droids can buy advanced logic. ARCs are able to rump,roll, and getup shoot. It makes sense that if they're getting choked they should be able to shoot back at the Sith. ARC Shields should reduce lightning damage for as long as they have them and allow them to fire provided they have dex as well. This effective gives arcs more utility against Sith, much like how Mandos have several options to deal with Jedi.

  • Melee should stagger.
    Slow down melee strikes, but make it to where if you land more successive punches it'll cause a stagger. Uppercuts and blocking too many punches already does this, but saberist and gunners can still crouch and kill.

As someone who usually plays forcewhore:

ARCs have far more protection from Force Powers(besides grip) than most other non-wook/non-droid gunners. Ever since the lightning stun change was introduced, all that is needed to counter ANY competent forcewhore is to either switch to ARC or Wook, this is primarily because the vast majority of weapons FWs get are negated by ARCs and Wooks. The only thing the ARC doesn't get that the Wook does is the Wooks grip immunity. ARCs are damaged the same way Wooks are, and before a recent lightning change, fully armored Dex ARCs had about the same TTK as health 3 Wooks did because their armor, like most armor will almost totally negate lightning's effect on the health pool of the victim, and will need to be reduced to 0 before any significant damage can be done. Their advantage was that Armor 3 ARCs get... A LOT of armor, so they are far more equipped to deal with Lightning than just about any class besides Jedi/Wook.

This is not to say ARCs weren't a problem before the changes, given that the only reliable way for a FW to kill an ARC was to cheese it with lightning stun and melee. It's just that now there are only 3 ways for a competent FW to combat an ARC even with team support as opposed to the original 4 ways.

1.) Cheese Method - Find a pit, push ARC in.
2.) Grip Method - Find a large room or a pit, throw ARC into pit, or into ceiling of room like Falc Hangar.
3.) Wook Method - Find a height advantage, jump down spray with lightning until 20 fp, jump back up to HA, regen, repeat(named for the only method of dealing with Wooks as a FW.)

You have to cheese ARC like this because superpush/repulse doesn't work on them outside of contextually advantageous situations(such as: ARC comes out of fight with no stamina, etc...). You can't even pressure them with melee/lightning like the majority of other classes REBs side because they have a combat roll that can totally outpace a FW/Sith, and you can't punch them while they're down for fear of being shot in the face because they can fire while recovering from knockdown. This means the safest option for dealing with ARCs outside of pushing them down a death pit is to lightning them to death if you don't have grip, and if you DO have grip, the safest option is to isolate them so you can grip them and... have you guessed it?

Throw them down a pit.

As for the state of saber Sith v ARC, I do think that one handed Lightning 3 has needed a nerf for quite awhile now, though I disagree that ARCs should have any extra protection against grip compared to other classes, given that every class played intelligently should have some protection against such a power. This protection is known as:

1.) Teammates.
2.) Movement.

If you're rushing main hall from REB spawn on deathstar, and you run into 2 Sith while you yourself are solo, and you decide to run in against them full well knowing that you won't be able to escape one Sith's grip because the other Sith has pull, and that limits your innate mastery of movement as an ARC, it's not the class's fault you are losing, it's yours.

Solo, grip is nerfed enough as it is, and any decent ARC trooper should be able to avoid it in a 1v1 given the strict aim requirement for lock-on, and the time required for griplock to finish. If you had complained about grip when it was still instant, I would understand your problem with it, as would many others given how much people bitched about it.


Melee is in a good spot as it is, there is little reason to buff it, given that knockdown->gun is usually enough to cripple a Sith/Jedi on its own. A good melee user can cripple a Jedi/Sith for the rest of the match 1/3 times using only melee, to say nothing of what happens when that same user is given a gun, and has just swept a Jedi/Sith to the ground(guaranteed crippling). This is not even mentioning the great easy time a competent forcewhore has against anything that can't shoot while it's recovering from knockdown, given how easy it is to pressure heroes and other classes into running after recovery when you've knocked them down and crippled them with your fists, leaving them open to lightning push.

Of course this is all talk from somebody who hasn't even played this patch yet, mostly because of the sweepkick change which may or may not have been intentional and likewise may or may not be reverted.

Here's hoping it is.

you create a situation where for months or years (due to small volunteer dev team with their own preferred stuff to work on) there's a significant imbalance.

This is already a problem and has been for years, I can elaborate if you'd like, however I feel like that'd turn into an argument involving more people than just you and I.
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  • Hand Repulsors.
    We've already got knock-back weapons in the game, mostly meme tier weapons but if you reduced their effect and made it a class special or something. It could act unblockable push. Won't cause knockdowns (unless jumping, rolling, dashing) will make Sith/Jedi less likely to try and zoom down a hall if they know some random dude could send'em back a few feet.

  • Give ARCS a way to combat grip/lightning.
    There are literally only 3 classes in MB that can resist the effects of lightning and grip. Force Users,Dekas, and Wookiees( who buy strength(which is almost mandatory really). Most people can run away from MT/speed, and the droids can buy advanced logic. ARCs are able to rump,roll, and getup shoot. It makes sense that if they're getting choked they should be able to shoot back at the Sith. ARC Shields should reduce lightning damage for as long as they have them and allow them to fire provided they have dex as well. This effective gives arcs more utility against Sith, much like how Mandos have several options to deal with Jedi.

  • Melee should stagger.
    Slow down melee strikes, but make it to where if you land more successive punches it'll cause a stagger. Uppercuts and blocking too many punches already does this, but saberist and gunners can still crouch and kill.

  • Give Mandos quick-get up.
    Rebels have ARC and Heroes who have rolling and jump recoveries. Imps just have BH. Give Mandos this ability, the armor isn't mega heavy I don't see why not.

  • Implement some FA Features
    This is brought up so much that it just needs to be on a "MAYBE LIST." There are a lot of FA abilities, weapons, and gimmicks they should come to open. Popular one is the grappling hook. Though it's super janky even in FA it's still one the interesting additions. You can spiderman people down, accelerate yourself and fly by enemies and allies, it's so versatile that it'd be neat to see how they'd change the current maps.
These seem very fun too, but maybe not ARC buff, their relatively strong compared to the lame ass heros/soldier classes which need variety and buffs xD

Mandos with the option for quick getup and vibroblade and jetpack is all i'm waiting for (preferably with dark saber option ;P)