MovieBattles II Hotfix Released


V1.6.1.1 Update

  • Fix: Outlier cases where players could no longer deal damage.
Duel Mode
  • Fix: Fixed an exploit which allowed for invalid models to be used in duel mode.
  • Fix: Addressed some issues with the midround spawning that may be contributing to lag/hitches when players join.
Legends Mode
  • New: Darth Traya added.
  • Fix: Cassian's class causing crash issues
  • Change: Over 25 classes have had minor balance adjustments for gameplay.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
What were the over 25 changes though. These are patch notes, if I'm bothering to read them, I'm obviously wanting to know.

Can this be updated to include the minor changes at all? I'm sure a number of people would like to know what's been changed and how.
Also it could just be a coincidence but connecting to any of the servers currently set to "Legends" gives me an error saying "Unexpected EOF while looking for endquote, error finding paired value for 'description'."


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
Also it could just be a coincidence but connecting to any of the servers currently set to "Legends" gives me an error saying "Unexpected EOF while looking for endquote, error finding paired value for 'description'."


Sadly, in my rush to get these tweaks in for the hotfix (had to head out the door) I missed a spot on Traya and it is causing that error.
This will get pushed out on the launcher tomorrow once Defiant wakes up and is (luckily) a client-side fix.

Can this be updated to include the minor changes at all? I'm sure a number of people would like to know what's been changed and how.
What were the over 25 changes though. These are patch notes, if I'm bothering to read them, I'm obviously wanting to know.
We needed to push this out asap as it was a really nasty crash exploit so I gotta preface by saying I didn't finish all of what I wanted to do, but knew I needed to push out a hotfix for some obvious issues in Legends including something wrong with Cassian which was causing a crash.

I didn't (and still don't, really) have time to make a detailed changelog for it, thus the condensed version in the initial changelog.

Since I am still AFK I won't give you exact numbers, but here is the quick synopsis via mobile:
There were a few OP classes like Chirrut, Tusken, Jar Jar and Nihilus which had their damages and abilities nerfed a bit. I also removed heal from Malak (turning him into more of a Speed sith) and gave it to Traya who is a support force class/force whore. A few of the Jedi/Siths got their ap/bp bonuses adjusted in attempts to balance duels a smidge more (while still making things interesting and ''close'' to canon). That being said with Legends my main focus has been in having fun with as many features in MBII as possible. Can't beat one class? Too bad. Try a different one which counters it better. It's a bit more rock-paper-scissors, kind of like the B17 days of old. My only real concern is that both teams have good counters and there isn't just one class that rips everything and has no counter. Please

Maul and Vader got buffed a smidge (Vader is more of a tank and Maul has faster combo speed). In general all of these tweaks were really minor aside from what was mentioned above. Death Trooper, Bossk, Grevious and Phasma got buffed a bit as well. Cassian now can shoot two shots before reloading with Proj, could be a bit too OP but I thought some people who got their proj nerfed might enjoy playing him.

In general I do not feel completely satisfied with my tweaks, but I believe they are small steps in the right direction. I just made a topic reserved solely for Legends feedback here.

I look forward to your feedback once that fix gets pushed in a few hours and you get to try everything out!

Any chance of getting a more detailed list of the adjustments for Legends mode later on in the next couple of days. I understand y'all had to shove this out the door to fix some serious issues and I appreciate the summation writeup.

I didn't (and still don't, really) have time to make a detailed changelog for it, thus the condensed version in the initial changelog.

Would it be possible for a list of these to show up later on in the week? I'm OCD and a stickler for numbers.

Thanks for the Hotfix. I consider MB2 a gift from god.


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
knockback fix when
Is on the docket. Hopefully Defiant agrees we can focus on it next and get a small patch w some basic gameplay variables tweaked to help keep the salty vets appeased. ;p
We got in a small gameplay knockback test a few weeks ago and attempted to fix it a bit more, but it seems clear we need to spend more time per weapon gettin' it right. Generally I agree with what Ben posted in this thread and would like to focus on getting some variables adjusted for better competitive play.
I got this when i try to connect to any server in legends mode,

Yep, I borked something and that fix will be coming today soon (tm) via a simple launcher update. Oopsie.
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