Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 1

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Movie Battles II Team Retired
I don't even think dodge can be made balanced. Maybe just remove the thing entirely. Or can anyone here actually remember a time when dodge was neither stupidly op(as it is now) or ungodly awful(like it was before the change)
I think the current dodge is quite balanced at Level 1. I'd just tweak the values.


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Weaker? Are we playing the same game?
He's playing the open beta with the adjusted gunner v saber mechanics, so probably not.

I think the current dodge is quite balanced at Level 1. I'd just tweak the values.
I still think that the effectiveness of Dodge should be based on level as well. Commanders being able to run around full ham with Dodge 2 + T21 is basically the equivalent of what happened when Purple was able to get Q3 + Push 3.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I still think that the effectiveness of Dodge should be based on level as well. Commanders being able to run around full ham with Dodge 2 + T21 is basically the equivalent of what happened when Purple was able to get Q3 + Push 3.
Kinda why I think 2 and 3 are overtuned. 1 could use maybe like 500-750ms drop in duration, 2 could use far more, 3 could use even more.

Ian Byrd

Probationary Developer
Kinda why I think 2 and 3 are overtuned. 1 could use maybe like 500-750ms drop in duration, 2 could use far more, 3 could use even more.
Always could make it a button you have to continually press to actually try and dodge blaster fire manually. Of course there would still be a bar. Seems kinda cheese/fun though.
I think gunners still have abit too much Ammo Supply [Blaster wise].

Can literally brainlessly keep firing for about forever...

Infinite Ammo is an huge gameplay flaw.

Mr Happy Fridge

Internal Beta Team
This Unlimited FP jump bug is so funny, I'm enjoying the changes so far however. I'm Sure goodOl'Ben seen it whist we were in game.

- FP Changes and no flinch aren't the end of Gunner-mains, it works pretty well (May change upon Knockback inclusion but we'll see).
- Changes encourage teamwork more, especially for gunners which is vital in this game.
- Pistol damage changes are excellent since the removal of flinch, as you may miss majority of shots meaning you're unable to drain FP.
- Projectile ammo decrease isn’t too good but it is balanced as it is not too much however, Snipers are bound to miss some shots.
- Praise the dev's for TK forgiveness

I can't really comment on Jedi/Sith as I don't really play the class that often. I haven't tested everything yet either but I plan too once some more changes are added in i.e Knockback.

Also thanks to Dev's for your continuous support of the mod, I know we're all very demanding :D
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I don't think arcs have enough ammo ):
As soon as knockback is in I'm perty sure gunners will be happy. I love proj rifle decrease, now we can't just pew pew pew
I've been shooting with the default blaster with single shot along with an officier and their gun and we couldn't deplete the jedi that was somewhat moving around despite landing most shots. And I got killed more easily as a gunner vs jedi since knockback isn't there yet. The bullet speed is nice. I wanted to play more but server changed map and it said "you have to load something something assets, autodownload isn't supported by this server"


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Bug: Previously, holding Sprint and Walk made you walk faster (Clone+ARC). Now, it makes you walk faster and then suddenly jerk as you stop "sprinting", walk slower for a bit, and then jerk again as you "resume sprinting." Because holding the sprint key now makes you alternate between sprinting and not sprinting.

This behavior could be fixed in a couple ways but the way it is now is definitely a "bug"
uhhhhh what?
its fp drain per shot, it just means a single shot cant drain more than half your fp if you're blocking(mainly for shotgunning with proj) though you can still shotgun a running jedi since there are no caps on running drains
1 could use maybe like 500-750ms drop in duration, 2 could use far more, 3 could use even more.
Wait, but level 1 is 1 second, right? 250 milliseconds of dodge that you have to manually activate... Well, I'm not sure if that's gonna be any useful.

I also feel like t21 + dodge 2 is insanely overpowered, yet rebel ET is fine with dodge. E-11/A280 aren't as devastating as t21, and as a rebel you have to attack most of the time, so it's really handy to have dodge when you have to push down a hallway with little to no cover.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Wait, but level 1 is 1 second, right? 250 milliseconds of dodge that you have to manually activate... Well, I'm not sure if that's gonna be any useful.

I also feel like t21 + dodge 2 is insanely overpowered, yet rebel ET is fine with dodge. E-11/A280 aren't as devastating as t21, and as a rebel you have to attack most of the time, so it's really handy to have dodge when you have to push down a hallway with little to no cover.
My opinion about Dodge is that it should be an automatically triggered but small "buffer," basically. As in, if you have enough dodge points, then you automatically spend them to dodge a shot that comes at you from the front, and dodge points regenerate super slowly. What it would amount to would be that dodge characters would get 1 or 2 "free evades" at the start of an engagement, a little buffer before they start to take HP/Armor damage. Slow regen means you're not likely to save up enough DP in the middle of a serious fight to dodge any more shots after the first 1 or 2. Numbers could all be tuned to keep it from being op.

It would make dodge decently strong/useful, especially vs snipers (who are more invested in their "first shot"), but also predictable and with a very straightforward "counterplay" (shoot. haha.)


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Wait, but level 1 is 1 second, right? 250 milliseconds of dodge that you have to manually activate... Well, I'm not sure if that's gonna be any useful.

I also feel like t21 + dodge 2 is insanely overpowered, yet rebel ET is fine with dodge. E-11/A280 aren't as devastating as t21, and as a rebel you have to attack most of the time, so it's really handy to have dodge when you have to push down a hallway with little to no cover.

We'll try this idea out in the next iteration.

The change will be roughly this:
  • Lvl1: 700 ms
  • Lvl2: 1350 ms
  • Lvl3: 2000 ms
1.4.9 values are:
  • Lvl1: 1000 ms
  • Lvl2: 2000 ms
  • Lvl3: 3000 ms


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Well, after a decent bout of skirmishing on Lunarbase... I like it, both as a Jedi and as a gunner.

The increased FP drains make it easier to drain opposing saberists as they get close (this is particularly effective when you add Dexterity 3 into the mix and just keep out of their way), while the removal of flinch makes it a lot easier to judge when I can or can't rush at a gunner to kill him.

As for the increased projectile speeds, I feel that I'm getting slightly higher accuracy against moving targets now, though my overall accuracy (against any target type, mobile or otherwise) still leaves something to be desired. That's also nice.
Block drains are still very low, is it working as intended? When I played sith I was just blocking m5 and my fp didn't go below 95, seemed like the shots were draining 2-3 fp, which was compensated by force regen easily. And yes, I was even close to the ARC, should have been inside IDR.
Also took cr3 just to check out block drains better and for my luck there was a sith who more or less just stood still and blocked and he took about 7 seconds to kill, which is the same as in the current live build. I don't like it if that's how it's gonna be. Run drains felt good, maybe too good on some guns, like m5 and droideka.
Overall my experience as jedi/sith was it's still very comfortable to 1v1 gunners, but in 1vs3-4 gunners it felt worse than current build.
By the way jedi block arc seemed smaller for me, I was eating a lot of side hits which I expected not to hit me.

No insane DR on jedi felt really good, that was the biggest positive thing for me. Without flinch we have the random instant kills again on jedi. I mean when they take a swing at you, they can eat 100 dmg before they get to slash you down by pretty much any gun.

P3 seems to knock back jedi pretty well by default, I wonder how much it's gonna send people flying if you implement the extra knockback.

Loved the infinite jump bug. I hope this beta will be updated, cause I feel this beta was far from what it's gonna be in the next patch.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
We'll try this idea out in the next iteration.

The change will be roughly this:
  • Lvl1: 700 ms
  • Lvl2: 1350 ms
  • Lvl3: 2000 ms
1.4.9 values are:
  • Lvl1: 1000 ms
  • Lvl2: 2000 ms
  • Lvl3: 3000 ms
Guhh, so you're keeping the Sheer Invincibility (dodge any number of shots when dodge is active)? It's so damn gross and nonsensical, and I'm not even speaking in terms of gameplay balance there, I'm saying "hero/ET/commander isn't fucking Neo from the Matrix, why can they dodge every head-on shot from a CR3." Dodging a limited number of shots makes way more sense. :<
Guhh, so you're keeping the Sheer Invincibility (dodge any number of shots when dodge is active)? It's so damn gross and nonsensical, and I'm not even speaking in terms of gameplay balance there, I'm saying "hero/ET/commander isn't fucking Neo from the Matrix, why can they dodge every head-on shot from a CR3." Dodging a limited number of shots makes way more sense. :<
It can't dodge headshots, so you aren't invincible.
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