Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 1

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Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
This is for community feedback from the Open Beta currently running on the Official Open Beta Servers.

Details are here: The next steps forward

You can also join our Discord discussion: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Please limit feedback and discussion to the gameplay changes only.

Change Log

  • arcs/clones can now toggle stamina off with special 1 (comes with a 500ms timer cooldown between inputs to prevent accidentally turning it off when activating)
  • Holding use no longer drains resources while doing the short jump
Gunner changelog:
  • Tempest's Saber vs Gunner changes
    • FP Debuff removed
    • Flinch removed
    • FP Regen normalized to always be 1.0x regardless of blocking, walking, or saber state.
    • Being shot within 200ms of already being shot lowers FP drains by 50% until the timer runs out (does not refresh while already active). Reduction only applies to blocking saberists.
    • FP drain is now only capped in two circumstances.
      • If block is held down, FP drains can't exceed more than 50 FP.
      • If a shot comes from outside IDR (long range) and would have drained more than 40 FP, it's capped at draining 40 FP.
    • Blocking FP drain multiplier changed from 0.50x to 0.85x
    • Running FP drain multiplier changed from 1.2x to 0.95x
    • Adjustments to knockback to make it more consistent/effective against saberists.
    • Universal damage reduction removed from saberists. Force-only (as in, does not have a saber whatsoever; not just stowed away) Jedi/Sith still retain 20% innate damage reduction. Poison adjusted to still apply damage at the same rate it did regardless.
    • Jedi/Sith (saber or not) have a 20% damage reduction multiplier while in rolling getup animations.
    • Jedi/Sith (saber or not) have a 20% damage reduction multiplier from friendly fire.
  • Further gameplay changes
    • Clone Rifle
      • Blob velocity reduced by 15%.
      • Blob base damage reduced from 20 to 5.
    • Poison Dart
      • Dosage count reduced from 10 to 1 (3 less damage in total)
    • Grenades
      • FP drain removed (20 from frags, 10 from sonics)
    • Pistol
      • Charge scaling adjustment
        • Minimum base damage of charged shots increased from 26 to 28
        • Maximum base damage increased from 60 to 75
        • Damage increase per charge tick increased from 6.8 to 9.4
      • FP drain multiplier for charged shots increased from 1.1x to 1.5x
    • Bowcaster
      • charge scaling adjustment
      • No longer hits full charge damage (90 base damage) in 1 second of charging
      • Charge ticks changed from 200ms to 250ms
      • Max total charge ticks increased from 5 to 20
      • Damage increases 6 per charge tick with a cap of 150 base damage.
    • T21
      • FP drain multiplier for alt fire raised from 1.15x to 1.25x
    • TK System
      • forgiving someone applies no TK points
    • SBD
      • base damage changed from 18 + (battery / 10) to a flat 26 damage at all times
    • Projectile Rifle
      • Ammo adjusted from 7/15/24 to 8/10/15
    • More to be listed
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Deleted member 1498

Hooray! Will send some feedback asap!

Edit: Seems very interesting! Though I don't think T-21 needed a buff per se since you can fire it for an eternity, but I really like the idea of no knockbacks as long as T-21 doesn't have a buff. Otherwise, seems quite balanced.
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FP drain is now only capped in two circumstances.
  • If block is held down, FP drains can't exceed more than 50 FP.
  • If a shot comes from outside IDR (long range) and would have drained more than 40 FP, it's capped at draining 40 FP.

*edit* I forgot this is a feedback thread. Gonna post feeback as soon as I can play it


Movie Battles II Team Retired
FP drains are awesome. At first it felt bad because you can unload a full e11 secondary clip on a standing blocking jedi and he still has like 30fp. But when using primary he gets rekt pretty fast. The reduction vs high rate of fire is pretty significant and that's good, but people need to know about it otherwise they can get very disoriented. Otherwise a normal fight felt pretty good for both sides, FP regen feels great for jedi and gunner still feels like he can drain a ton of FP with low rate of fire weapons.
That's some good game design changes, it might look weird at first (when you first lay your hands on it), but after abit of trying, it looks really balanced and great. I haven't got the time to test properly every aspect, but so far so good !

Can't wait to test this when the server is crowded.
I didnt play for too long, but felt quite good and fresh overall.

BUG: Sometimes P3 fire quicker between shots btw, not sure whats causing it, but it does happens.
My feedback: I forgot to actually get the knockback stuff included for the test, so we'll get to see how it plays out in the next session.
So excluding my complaints about non-existant knockback
I am 100% for all the changes in this open beta but there are two things i want to see
1. Balance for poison(basically an insta-kill weapon at the moment especially paired with e-11)
2. Deflect changes
The faster projectile speed takes some getting used to especially when it comes to gunner v gunner engagements at close range
Oh by the way, i don't see one paragraph in changelog:
- retardedly gay dodge is now fixed, you may sigh in relief, no more matrix commanders raping you with A280 and heroes dodging kilotonnes of firepower for 3 seconds
Seriously though, previous version of dodge (with dodge points) was weak but quite reasonable, allowed you to dodge one sniper bullet in exchange for a better position or suppressing fire. probably could be buffed slightly. Current version in my opinion is really bad. It's basically invincibility for 2-3 seconds. You can outplay slower classes like SBD or mandalorian just by shooting them with dodge on and regenerating it running around a box and spamming taunts (my favourite tactic). Probably dodge regeneration should be enabled only while standing still or walking. Dunno dodge definitely needs a little rework
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Oh by the way, i don't see one paragraph in changelog:
- retardedly gay dodge is now fixed, you may sigh in relief, no more matrix commanders raping you with A280 and heroes dodging kilotonnes of firepower for 3 seconds
Seriously though, previous version of dodge (with dodge points) was weak but quite reasonable, allowed you to dodge one sniper bullet in exchange for a better position or suppressing fire. probably could be buffed slightly. Current version in my opinion is really bad. It's basically invincibility for 2-3 seconds. You can outplay slower classes like SBD or mandalorian just by shooting them with dodge on and regenerating it running around a box and spamming taunts (my favourite tactic). Probably dodge regeneration should be enabled only while standing still or walking. Dunno dodge definitely needs a little rework
I don't even think dodge can be made balanced. Maybe just remove the thing entirely. Or can anyone here actually remember a time when dodge was neither stupidly op(as it is now) or ungodly awful(like it was before the change)


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Clone Rifle
  • Blob velocity reduced by 15%.
  • Blob base damage reduced from 20 to 5.
What's the reasoning of these changes?
base damage changed from 18 + (battery / 10) to a flat 26 damage at all times
Oh no. So now even a low-battery SBD would deal the same amount of damage with his shots? I really-really-really hope there's some huge debuff inc, because corto SBDs are already unkillable by jedi.
FP drains are awesome. At first it felt bad because you can unload a full e11 secondary clip on a standing blocking jedi and he still has like 30fp. But when using primary he gets rekt pretty fast.
This is still there btw. Shot a blocking sith with a teammate, primary E11 fire and all, for a good 40 seconds and only then he ran out of fp


Internal Beta Team
So, I Know many people are upset with the current iteration with flinch. That being said, I think flinch should stay with the new changes. DON'T FREAK OUT ;). Hear me out. Right now, if a saberist gets to close, you melee, or die. Period. If there is two of them vs. you... that's it. Now, I think instead of getting rid of flinch, why not make it deal little to even no damage? I personally would be okay with something like a 75%-100% damage decrease on flinch shots. This way a gunner can attempt to tire out out a jedi/sith's fp, or at least stand a chance with their primary weapon at close range. For instance, my main play-style is a deka. Now I know not many get that, or they just use it to meme, but the deka is one mean beast. It has a learning curve akin some of the saber play. However, the shield repulse effect does almost nothing for you excerpt when a jedi tries to jump on the deka. Right now, it has something close to saber range, which is utter bull, and doesn't help as much as you might think. It is the one anti-jedi weapon which sucks ass, badly. So, I use flinch in a wierd way by aiming my weapons were the jedi is going to be, and spraying. Now, I would much rather something like this for other classes, and the deka, to still be viable. This being said, it shouldn't do full dmg like it does in the current iteration. No damage, and just a short stun (that they can still block bolts during) i think would be best. even just an interruption for 250 ms would suffice. Just something for close range and guns, since most classes revolve around them.
So, I Know many people are upset with the current iteration with flinch. That being said, I think flinch should stay with the new changes. DON'T FREAK OUT ;). Hear me out. Right now, if a saberist gets to close, you melee, or die. Period. If there is two of them vs. you... that's it. Now, I think instead of getting rid of flinch, why not make it deal little to even no damage? I personally would be okay with something like a 75%-100% damage decrease on flinch shots. This way a gunner can attempt to tire out out a jedi/sith's fp, or at least stand a chance with their primary weapon at close range. For instance, my main play-style is a deka. Now I know not many get that, or they just use it to meme, but the deka is one mean beast. It has a learning curve akin some of the saber play. However, the shield repulse effect does almost nothing for you excerpt when a jedi tries to jump on the deka. Right now, it has something close to saber range, which is utter bull, and doesn't help as much as you might think. It is the one anti-jedi weapon which sucks ass, badly. So, I use flinch in a wierd way by aiming my weapons were the jedi is going to be, and spraying. Now, I would much rather something like this for other classes, and the deka, to still be viable. This being said, it shouldn't do full dmg like it does in the current iteration. No damage, and just a short stun (that they can still block bolts during) i think would be best. even just an interruption for 250 ms would suffice. Just something for close range and guns, since most classes revolve around them.
You don't melee or die, you shoot them. Thinking otherwise is you being bad. If there's two of them there's still a chance,it's hard, but is do able. And your changes to flinch would make me puke, literally, 75 %+ reduction? Fuck no. And deka is viable, and other classes, are very viable. I would take the current version over that any day.
Flinch removal is pure bullshit. That's all I have to say. And I'm not saying 'cos I'm playing only gunner, because I'm not, but because who the fuck can't see that the jedi are overpowered now, and gunners can only suck their dicks. I'd rather die more as jedi and it being balanced, than to be owned as gunner always. But there are always fucking whiners who can't suck their own dicks with flinch on and rage 'cos THEY ACTUALLY DIE AS JEDI, HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE, OMG?! FIX PLEASE JEDI DYING, THEY CAN'T DIE, OMG! Fucking bullshit.
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