Your 5 changes to sabering

If you could make 5 changes to sabering what would they be and why?

Here are mine:

1. Bring styles closer together in speed. Make red a bit faster. Purple is probably fine because of yaw. Yellow is fine. Cyan is probably borderline okay too. Blue a bit slower.

2. Make running less OP
. Flat high BP drain on swings whilst running so that people don't play like a pussy/pbing is actually used instead of dodging. Atm you might as well dodge because the chance of you dodging = higher than you pbing, resulting in duels which don't fit up to the name 'Moviebattles'. One person runs in does a combo and runs out, then the other person does it, its like Runescape combat.

3. Bring back semi pb
. Would make parry spamming less effective etc.

4. Make swingblock less difficult.
This would nullify the power slap -> 4 hit -> repeat has. At the minute its very easy to get mblocked/slapped because your opponent can mblock/slap before your swingblock registers/you can input it quick enough. Make a safe zone just before/after a swing of maybe 0.5 seconds so that swingblocking is more manageable.

5. Make yellow the baseline style. This is a big one, but basically balance everything out to fit with yellow and they should fit with eachother decently too:
Blue halfswinging is broken because of the interrupts it causes, damage is too high and the perk is pretty strong too.
Cyan is very easily spammable, random perfect parries are irritating, hard to pb and mb because of its speed so damage should be lower.
Purple's perk is OP, especially with how valuable ACM, removing/nerfing its perk would make it balance well.
Staff animations are hard to see, very effective at meaningless spam because of its speed. Speed + power + unclear animations = too strong.
Yellow v yellow combat is and has been the most fun for a long time so yellow is fine.
Dualies are fine imo, at least against yellow they balance well.
Red balances nicely with yellow, a slight speed increase would make it perfect.

I know this is another thread talking about sabering but I kind of want to see if I share the same ideas as other people in the community/whether theres a majority who want something or whether we're split.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
  1. Perfect block whenever crosshair is over attacker
  2. Ministaggers upon imperfect block
  3. Increased BP damage (3-4x current)
  4. Increased BP regen speed (2-4x current)
  5. Spinning attacks cause extra damage
Basically encourage active play on both sides. Reward cool moves. Make it possible to dispatch foes quickly if they are unfocused, but also enable sharp players to have long fights where the key becomes catching the opponent off-guard in rapid succession. Emphasis away from BP management via movement and more into landing and blocking blows.

A simpler system that draws its depth from JKA's robust animation set and unpredictable movement.
Perfect block whenever crosshair is over attacker
by that do you mean that the pb zones are removed or? that seems way too easy and like fights would never get anywhere

I'm all for bigger BP damage and regen too though. Spin attacks doing more damage is a cool idea too i suppose.
1-remove disarm
2-remove pb and add something else instead that makes dueling more entertaining and less frustrating, not to mention its mostly affected by ping.
3- make cyan grate again
4- it would be cool to make saber system more flashy (i know im not giving a how to do so, but it would be nice)
5- reach a solid state in which we no longer need constant saber changes anymore.


US Official Server Admin
1) Bring back swing drain but have it so first two consecutive swings have close to no drain, then each consecutive swing after that drains more and more bp (to punish never ending combo spam/more realistic)

2) Increase slap cooldown to 3.5-4.0 seconds

3) Either reduce cyan's damage even further, or reduce the speed of cyan.

4) Remove halfswings for blue

5) Put saber lock/clash in duel mode (lols)
1-remove disarm
2-remove pb and add something else instead that makes dueling more entertaining and less frustrating, not to mention its mostly affected by ping.
3- make cyan grate again
4- it would be cool to make saber system more flashy (i know im not giving a how to do so, but it would be nice)
5- reach a solid state in which we no longer need constant saber changes anymore.
this sounds like the cries of someone who cant pb or mblock

sounds like it would make for a boring build of the game if you ask me


Movie Battles II Team
1. Less drastic swing-speed differences between stances, Faster Stances should be slower, and Slower Stances should be faster.
2. More general BP Damage (this will translate into more on running as well).
3. Less damage for each swing in a combo chain (1.0x, 0.75x, 0.5x, 0.5x, 0.5x, etc) or increased bp cost per swing in combo chain (1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.5x, 1.5x, etc.
4. Longer CD on Slap.
5. Add Mini-stagger animation on the swing-block mblock (same duration as the current combo interrupt) for a better visual queue for both the attacker and defender.

Encourage precise swings that each have more impact and less focus on getting large combos.


Internal Beta Team
1. Bodyhit percentage based parries + Semi-PB brought back. This changes the runhit meta and parry spam meta alot, because single hits will deal more parry damage than chain parry spam + semiPB will be a viable defense again not only running away.

2. Perks removed, styles balanced around BP damage and combo limits and inherent qualities. Give certain styles non-invisible perks. Examples of style inherent perks and rebalace, Red gets nudge, blue gets atleast 3 swings in a combo. Cyan becomes closer in speed to yellow than any other style, if not exactly the same speed and BP/AP adjusted accordingly. Same would go for purple, becoming closer in speed to yellow but slightly higher AP multi and lower BP, possibly also gets 4 swings like yellow.

On that note, increase BP damage over all and decrease BP regen.

3. PBs give back a certain (small) amount of BP and HP if ACM becomes based on HP drain/Gain, see below, as well as allowing for uninterruptible PB counters by default, Mblock PB counters get buffed further to deal even more damage and be fast/insta like now.

4. ACM removed/Reworked. Could be based on HP drains/Gains with reintroduction of Force heal and Force lifedrain. An addition to the ACM rework would be that the lightsaber blade matters again, like how old PB worked but not blocking all the damage. One of the suggestions would be to increase damage by 20% and have the blade block 20% of damage, that way the default dmg is higher when not hitting the blade, but like it is now when hitting the blade and not doing a bodyhit. In addition, swings that hit the blade and not the body, won't count as a bodyhit and won't give ACM in whatever form it takes and won't drain HP.

5. Swingblock/running rework.
Runhits now deal 0.8x BP damage, Non-swingblocked normal swings deal 1.0x aka default dmg, and swingblocked hits deal 1.1x damage. YES, swingblock is a skill. No, choosing not to swingblock should not give you a boost, no there is no meaningful choice here unless disarm is revamped and I am quite happy with mblock as it is currently except for staffs perk. This sufficiently nerfs rungaying, and pairs well with change 1 to both parries and semiPB.

EDIT: I can't believe Ben is still going on about his stupid PB idea after all these years. AUASJHADKJHASD lol.
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this sounds like the cries of someone who cant pb or mblock

sounds like it would make for a boring build of the game if you ask me

im giving my imput if you dont agree all you gotta say its i dont agree or something else but no need to gimme that kind of *feedback*
and boring build ? when you havent really considered that we need a good change not what the *best saberist* community think we need, you gotta think out of the box and beyond your own persona and those that might be backing you up, you gotta think for those that are not in the same spot that you are, its not only about *adapt* to the system its about encouraging others to want to learn and try something, but you are not giving that at all.
im giving my imput if you dont agree all you gotta say its i dont agree or something else but no need to gimme that kind of *feedback*
and boring build ? when you havent really considered that we need a good change not what the *best saberist* community think we need, you gotta think out of the box and beyond your own persona and those that might be backing you up, you gotta think for those that are not in the same spot that you are, its not only about *adapt* to the system its about encouraging others to want to learn and try something, but you are not giving that at all.
imo, and i'm not calling myself a 'best saberist', but its their opinion that weighs the most. it's these people who have the most experience with the system and they know more than anyone what works and what doesn't, at least to an extent. I think that it would be foolish to take one single person's opinion and to run with it, but you have to look at who's actually going to be playing the game for the next X amount of years and what they want, not the people who use the saber system once in a blue moon when they're tired of being a gunner or whatever.

i'm not implying that you're the above either, you're a US player and I think I've seen you ingame about once or twice, but I think your argumet about trying something radically new is wrong.

the saber system in its current state isn't that bad and removing one of the mechanics that literally makes mb2 mb2 is probably never going to happen.

like stassin said, small changes that aren't going to fuck everything
1) Bring back swing drain but have it so first two consecutive swings have close to no drain, then each consecutive swing after that drains more and more bp (to punish never ending combo spam/more realistic)

2) Increase slap cooldown to 3.5-4.0 seconds

3) Either reduce cyan's damage even further, or reduce the speed of cyan.

4) Remove halfswings for blue

5) Put saber lock/clash in duel mode (lols)
I agree with every one of these except for saber lock/clash cause ping just messes that up. also blue needs to do, overall, less base damage in addition to having halfswings removed

on the subject of cyan and everyone saying it needs to be buffed, I disagree completely, in the hands of the right person cyan is incredibly hard to beat unless you're using blue VERY effectively, that being said I think a slight nerf to cyan's swing speed is in order. cyan is just too easy to use. not unbeatable of course, but I do consider it fairly broken in the event that the guy using it knows exactly how to spam with it. low skill floor, low skill ceiling. bad.

if you're doing poorly with cyan atm it's just because you don't know how to use it properly, and using cyan is not a very advanced art

edit: also I say this as someone with experience as a cyan spamming degenerate
imo, and i'm not calling myself a 'best saberist', but its their opinion that weighs the most. it's these people who have the most experience with the system and they know more than anyone what works and what doesn't, at least to an extent. I think that it would be foolish to take one single person's opinion and to run with it, but you have to look at who's actually going to be playing the game for the next X amount of years and what they want, not the people who use the saber system once in a blue moon when they're tired of being a gunner or whatever.

i'm not implying that you're the above either, you're a US player and I think I've seen you ingame about once or twice, but I think your argumet about trying something radically new is wrong.

the saber system in its current state isn't that bad and removing one of the mechanics that literally makes mb2 mb2 is probably never going to happen.

like stassin said, small changes that aren't going to fuck everything

you want people to feel interested and not make them go away or for them to get tired of it.
inclusion is a good thing.
I agree with every one of these except for saber lock/clash cause ping just messes that up. also blue needs to do, overall, less base damage in addition to having halfswings removed

on the subject of cyan and everyone saying it needs to be buffed, I disagree completely, in the hands of the right person cyan is incredibly hard to beat unless you're using blue VERY effectively, that being said I think a slight nerf to cyan's swing speed is in order. cyan is just too easy to use. not unbeatable of course, but I do consider it fairly broken in the event that the guy using it knows exactly how to spam with it. low skill floor, low skill ceiling. bad.

if you're doing poorly with cyan atm it's just because you don't know how to use it properly, and using cyan is not a very advanced art

edit: also I say this as someone with experience as a cyan spamming degenerate
i think they're memeing about cyan

shit is broooken
1. Keep the current system for duel servers and let the pros compromise on improvements.
2. Make a dumbed down version of that system for open servers (or create something new along the lines of Bens proposal). Something that plays much faster, simpler and intuitive.
3. Everyone is happy (except for the coders, they don't count tho).
4. Only make very minor changes from this point on.

This is a selfish post. I won't invest 1000+ hours with the current system and it's theorie threads just to get good at it. So a simple duelling system for open gameplay, which is fun for me personally is all i need (it's all the game mode needs). But i'd also kinda feel bad for the people who have invested so many hours into the complex system and want to show off their skills.

5. I will enjoy mb2 no matter how bad, complex or buggy the duelling system will become.