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Launcher Yet another one "launch from... keep running bla bla"

Look, first of all I know a billion people have made this same thread on all sorts of different forums.
I know this because I've read hundreds of them and I have tried all the solutions given in these threads and in the guides and all that but it simply isn't clear to me.
I've downloaded the game. Installed it in the correct folder. For starters I can't really find a "launcher.exe" anywhere so I reinstalled everything yet again and ran it from the launcher which I only get at this given point. Once I close it I can not find it anywhere.
I have tried setting it to ENGINE: MBII -> Nothing
checked steam integration -> nothing
Changed the internet settings in the game to the correct ones -> nothing

But even this doesn't work I still get the message the moment I enter a game.

Look I am not a crack at this stuff so I'd appreciate it if the trolls with the "it's in the guide" nonesense would leave this thread be. I have tried all the solutions and guides and everything(now I'm just repeating myself but for the sake of the wisenoses and the trolls I don't mind.) I don't understand half the vague instructions given somewhere I am in dire need of some serious context so please if you think you could help. I need the instructions like you would explain a toddler how to wipe his buttocks.

I was very exited when I heard of this mod I loved playing the jedi academy games when I was a kid and I would love to try this out. But as of now all it is doing is frustrating and dissapointing me more than an EA title.


Okay so this is extremely weird. I was fixing another issue with my pc where it wouldn't recognize my phone through USB. After a lot of attempts downloading some MTP media transfer protocol drivers and some windows updates that got fixed. Aswell as redownloading my anti virus program because it had trouble connecting an activation key after an update. And well...
Somehow the game now works. Beats me.

Mr Happy Fridge

Internal Beta Team
There was an issue a while ago where a lot Anti Virus programs (even Windows Defender) would quarentine the Launcher, this was most likely your issue.