Wookie bow caster nerf

I mean both gunners and Saberists hate fighting against melee Wookiee, because of their ability to knock you down and punch you to death, but no one talks about how strong bowcaster Wookiees are, I mean bowcaster has fast fire rate, high Fp drains, bullet velocity, can snipe with it and deals high overall damage. When playing as a melee Wookiee, you have to endure massive damage to actually get kills, where as with bowcaster Wookiee you can shoot without having to worry about your health, unless there are snipers. Against Jedi the high Fp damage and fire rate will screw over any decent Jedi and even if being overwhelmed you can just switch to melee and shit on them . I think they should nerf the fire rate on bowcaster or remove the ability to melee when purchasing bowcaster.
If anything, bowcaster could do with a small increase in fp drain, only the charged shot makes a noticeable difference
Honestly if we are meaning an Fp buff might as well nerf the fire rate so bowcaster isn’t to powerful and everyone starts stacking wookie.
Wookies should have 750hp, rocket launcher, jetpack, projectile rifle, clone rifle lvl 3, lightsaber, force immunity, force push, pull, jump, speed, 3 lives, shield discharge and ability to change map bypassing rtv and admins.
I would be happy if they removed bowcaster and gave wookie the ability to phase through maps and have up to 10 rockets very balanced.
wookies damage should be nerfed by 5% BUT all the rest of the classes get a DEBUFF for health and speed on cold maps like HOTH with the exception of wookies, because they have a lot of hair so they're warm. ON HOT MAPS HOWEVER, wookies should get the debuff.
Jedi Temple should be hot WITH THE ONE EXCEPTION BEING the jedi council tower, because space is pretty cold and the council tower is very high up there. i don't know if it reaches space but i imagine its close.
you should also a hair configurator in the skill menu, costing 3, 5, and 8 points. the more points you invest, the more hair you get.
IF YOU GO WITH A HAIRLESS BUILD HOWEVER, all floor will behave as if you were on ice. for it's common knowledge that wookies have very slippery feet when hairless.
wookies damage should be nerfed by 5% BUT all the rest of the classes get a DEBUFF for health and speed on cold maps like HOTH with the exception of wookies, because they have a lot of hair so they're warm. ON HOT MAPS HOWEVER, wookies should get the debuff.
Jedi Temple should be hot WITH THE ONE EXCEPTION BEING the jedi council tower, because space is pretty cold and the council tower is very high up there. i don't know if it reaches space but i imagine its close.
you should also a hair configurator in the skill menu, costing 3, 5, and 8 points. the more points you invest, the more hair you get.
IF YOU GO WITH A HAIRLESS BUILD HOWEVER, all floor will behave as if you were on ice. for it's common knowledge that wookies have very slippery feet when hairless.
I agree.