Why Movie Battle 2 Sucks.



See you in 2021


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
So I am going to go through some of this video. I honestly can't tell if you're trying to meme/ joke, are completely genuine, or start something with these videos since you post them every so often and they're basically the only thing you post. You post long videos without giving us much outside of ranting. I just can't tell what your intent is with these videos so I will just be noting a few things from the beginning sections. I don't have time to go through it all and just going to go through it assuming things are serious because I just can't tell anymore. I'm not sure if you want the game to improve or just enjoy ranting about everything even without doing any research into them.

0:17 - This game might be 15 years old but its loading thousands of assets on a single threaded process that doesn't allow for asynchronous loading of assets. This results in larger load times. We could reduce this quite a bit by removing all of the files from PK3s but that would make organization of assets difficult without significant changes. It is possible but would honestly require someone going through every level, changing where various textures and shaders point to as well as scripts.
0:53 - Seriously?
2:17 - I will fix this and have added it to my to-do list. Something I have seen before but keep forgetting to fix whenever I have opened Death Star.
2:45 - Control room spawn would be bad. It is like spawning right on the objective in DOTF and is why I removed it. It isn't fair to the attacking team at all. While I want to change a lot of the spawns so people don't spawn in the open (like DOTF) I don't have the time to revise all of our maps with this format. People seemed to be angry I changed that in dotf for some reason though.
4:29 - It jumps like that because it follows the line trace for the path of the blaster when you fire. It puts the cursor where the line trace hits the wall. It jumps because the trace passes the edge of the wall. If it bothers you then you can set cg_dynamiccrosshair to 0 in the console. Saying it is inaccurate it just blatantly false representation of what is happening.
5:0 - You got hit 2 times with westars in the chest as a soldier and once in the head. Yeah you're gonna die fast.
5:13 - Same response as 2:45. I would like to fix, don't have time at the moment. Maybe after the next patch.
8:03 - You had a chance, but either your sensitivity or something is too high as you consistently overshot where you needed to aim. You only hit him once, and not when you needed to.
10:17 - Imperials also have highly defensive classes like SBD and Droideka that the Rebel team does not have. Kinda how asymmetrical balance works. They are definitely a lot more powerful than you give them credit for later in the video.
11:10 - I agree it isn't fair. Since DS is one of the more popular maps right now maybe I can look into changing spawns after the next patch. Increasing priority of this task over the other fixes I need to do.

-Random inbetween stuff: We have autobalance, shuffle, class limiit plugins as well as class restriction options (ie to remove Jedi/Sith as you said you want), if the server doesn't want to use that then there isn't much we can do. We have other things coming in the future that will allow server owners some control over this stuff too. If a server isn't running the way you would like, you are welcome to make your own.

There are also server commands to prevent chat spam g_chatProtectTime. As well as a menu option to prevent taunt/voice chat spam (forgot the commands for these).

It has also been a VERY long time since I have been kicked from a server, or even died in a round due to running out of TK points.

If you guys would like some changes to the spawns and whatnot in death star let me know and I can bump it and other fixes up on my list for the next patch.


Movie Battles II Team
ala no one will read. dont go to meme threads and try to bring civil ness to it thx. protected spawns are for fairies
Was about to write how casual and pussy you are and should consider playing minecraft, but refrained because i had the exact SAME emotions when i started playing this game. No idea what kept me here for more than 5 years. About 90 percent of newbies leave the game and i understand them perfectly. People who stay in this game are either autistic children who do the same actions for days and days until they start playing using only their spinal cord or trolls who abuse retarded mechanics to freak people out and have fun because of that. Okay, there are people who are inherently good in video games, like 1% of the entire MB2 population. I think i belong to that 1 %, because i never troll people and try being helpful.
This game is an ultimate troll paradise, and without major changes it will remain being so


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I would only argue that the game does a terrible job at teaching its players. As someone who knows most of the ins and outs, I am very much zen while playing. The cases where I feel like something absurdly unfair happens are few and far apart. As a developer, I aim to improve on those while staying true to the game I've played for well over a decade.

MB2 is all about becoming the zen master. Unlike your DOTAs or Starcrafts or CSGOs or whatnots, there are no super deep meta guides made by pro gamers that you can emulate. You'll need to figure it out for yourself. This requires patience and that's a virtue if your goal is to kick back and relax. Go in with the expectancy of having fun while overcoming your personal obstacles. This is the mentality I attempt to take with any game, much thanks to MB2. I feel like I am a better gamer because of it.

Most modern games can be considered impressive achievements due to their thorough game design that minimizes player confusion. However it often comes with the downside of making the game shallow and quick to chew through. This is why SWBF2 sucks for example. It's easy to pick up and you'll be having fun in no time. The problem is that once you've chewed through the outer layer, you'll find out that there's nothing delicious inside to chew through.

MB2 is like a lollipop that you can just keep sucking and you'll keep finding new flavours. The fact that you've been playing with us for the past 3 years at least seems testament to this. You're just having a bad day. Relax and see if you can overcome your biggest obstacles to enjoyment. Do something you love. Play with that seemingly OP thing you keep losing to. Joke around. Have fun!

Deleted member 1872

Not sure if trolling or serious.

If serious, then I mean, you went to tR's server just to bitch about the community? You went to fucking tR mate - and me knowing how long you've played there just based on the number of times I've seen you, you know better. You basically setup the context of this entire video just to bitch.

Lmfao I love tR because of what it is - it's just a fun place to go to play and it's because of the randomness and sometimes utter nonsense that happens there that makes it such an interesting place to play at. You complain about how every match in MB2 feels the same, yet with a place like tR, every match there is unique because of it's more chaotic nature as compared to places such as AOD's servers. Although I do enjoy playing at AOD Perdition from time to time and recommend going there as well, tR DeathStar is my main place to play at because of this element - it's culture.

Additionally, it's because of this element that you have a wide array of players that will play there from trolls, to newbies, to veterans, to clan leaders, etc. - at it's busiest times, tR DeathStar actually maxes out at 32/32 players, which actually happens quite often.

Furthermore, if you were serious in this video, then I must say. You seem borderline autistic.

MaceMadunusus, foggy, and GoodOl'Ben covered the rest of what it is that I would say - so I agree with them.

And {EXE} Noob was wrong, I read what Mace said and he had every reason to post - why wouldn't he? Seeya in game mate ;)
