What grinds your gears in mb Il?

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Then that means...
I have accomplished something no one else has. Eat it nutsacks!

All sing in tribute to me!

Bring it Grandma. I'll put it in terms you can understand you geriatric ho:)

the full force sith thats what gets me they are so damn annoying and they seem to be all over recently
Gears hath been grinded:
  • When slaps get through even though I swingblock. I feel like against the top duelists, the margin of error is so small that even if latency<75 it makes a huge difference. It's not even a complaint, actually more of a testament to how amazing some people are with their timing
  • Cyan in general (nice idea, terrible execution)
  • Arc roll bug

Gears hath been oiled (fun stuff):
  • Watching new duelists who only recently bought JKA become more and more skilled. It's cool seeing where they're at, and also remembering when I was at their level. Also some of them have gotten quite good which I admire because I know how long it takes to start putting the pieces together.
  • Good jedi who won't abandon their gunners, who utilize teamwork, and have common sense.
Bad jedi that don't get better and are on your team.
Bad gunners that hide rather than engange the enemy. Not even talking about snipers, there it's justified somewhat, but cr3 users?
Rocket Arcs that don't know when to rocket, how to rocket, just rocket only for the predictable pushback.
Idiots that pause to say sorry in the middle of a firefight for tking you. You want absolution? Finish the fight and then say srry. Tking and then getting killed because u paused to chat to type srry - reaffirms your stupidity.
Bad class players. There comes a point where you want to shout, change your class stupid, you've played and sucked long enough as the one you've been playing for god knows how long.
As ever, teams. Be it numbers or skill stack. Forget numbers or skill stack actually, the worst stack is the noob stack. A team stacked so full of noobs that afk players have a greater chance of defeating the enemy.
Idiot players that let flanks happen, they just sit and watch only to die pathetically near the end of the round because the entire team got rolled while they sat back only for their brief fart out of existence.

Nothing so frustrating as being on a populated server full of *special* players.


Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
Idiots that pause to say sorry in the middle of a firefight for tking you.

I'd add to this on people who punish TKs in-game. This is why people stop to say sorry because they're afraid that the person will punish and ruin the rest of the match for them. (You know how it is when you have high TK points and friendlys are running into shots.


Movie Battles II Team
The smart TKer makes a "Sorry" bind.
Nah, it has a lot more feeling to the "sorry" when you type it by yourself instead of a bind. More personal! 8)

And what @NERO said, it doesnt even necessarely take that long. Super fast sry and then rape the enemy.

@BigBossBigTeef this game is 50 percent chat and 50 percent playing. I would stop playin mb2 if the social side of mb2 wasnt there anymore.


Movie Battles II Team
I would play more if people were not so cancerous in chat.
Ignore the cancer if needed, tho I myself enjoy all the shit being said on chat. I just love typing there all that comes to mind. Tho I dont know if NA side is somehow even more cancerous
Ignore the cancer if needed, tho I myself enjoy all the shit being said on chat. I just love typing there all that comes to mind. Tho I dont know if NA side is somehow even more cancerous
The NA side chat is the equivalent of a league of legends or dota match.
It makes me even more grateful there isn't a VOIP.

I played on the BG server for a half hour, and I didn't want to kill everyone in the room in the first 5 minutes. People actually played the game instead of fuck around. However with 200 ping, I could only tolerate my shoddy performance for so long, and went back to the AOD servers.

I would like to play on the offical na's but no map rotation, rtv trolls, good admins are mostly EU people, and with Lou banning people for weeks because of one single team kill. I rather stick to the no moderated server, than a over zealous one.
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Nah, it has a lot more feeling to the "sorry" when you type it by yourself instead of a bind. More personal! 8)

Just bind it for when you cant stop fighting and write it when you know you have time for it. It avoid you being killed, and you're still a nice guy who apologizes
really confused by your experience because thats never the case for me
Where do you play, because I constantly deal with random nobodies that are just pricks.
It's the reson why I keep changing my name every-time I play.

When I first started playing this issue was nonexistent, now its common.
And it bugs the shit out of me, because its that exact reson as to why I haven't been playing the past few weeks.

I play with random people, I am not like preston or Supa that has friends they always play with that also happen to have admin privileges.
Nor do I have a clan of people to help me stack a team.

I play alone because I don't have the option of playing with friends. The only people on the fourm that are decent human beings seem to be eu players.
The decent NA people seem to play when im not, or simply don't play on the servers I play on.
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