noob what the FUCK IS THIS
Random things. Enjoy!
More coming soon I think.
- Download the .pk3
- place into your MBII directory
they look the same to meBased heavily on Thexan's saber from SWTOR but not a complete replica, I made this saber in trying to improve my 3D modelling and texturing skills.
1. Open the .pk3 and open the .sab file in ext_data
2. copy this code.
name "^#Name"
saberModel "models/weapons2/sentinel/saber_w.glm"
soundOn "sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav"
soundLoop "sound/weapons/saber/saberhum4.wav"
soundOff "sound/weapons/saber/saberoff.wav"
saberLength 39
saberRadius 1.8
saberColor random
3. Replace code of any saber you wish and choose a name you like and colour number
4. It should look something like this.
The number shown before the name will change its colour, this will show up as Banana written in yellow in the hilt menu in-game.
gimme download right nowPlasma's Kylo Ren Reskin/Edit wipppp
- Mainly edited the positioning of the shawl and sharpness of the shoulders for a more movie accurate Kylo
- Sharpened mask details and new cloth/arm texture
- Added neck guard on Kylo (unmasked) as visible in TFA
Still some things to change but may release soon
I take no credit for the model/parts
Plasma - Model
Punisher - Ported Kylo head
Battlefront II - Textures