Troll side.

**Code of the Trolls:**

**There is no peace, only chaos.**
Peace is an illusion created by the weak to feel safe. In chaos, there is strength and the freedom to act without limits.

**Through chaos, I provoke reactions.**
The chaos I create stirs emotions and disrupts those around me. Every reaction strengthens me.

**Through reactions, I gain power.**
The emotions I evoke are the source of my influence. The more reactions I cause, the more power I gather.

**Through power, I achieve amusement.**
With the power to control chaos, I am free to entertain myself at the expense of others, manipulating their emotions and thoughts.

**Amusement sets me free.**
Only through boundless amusement do I find my true essence. Nothing can stop me, for true freedom is chaotic and without rules.

--- By Lord Blaze.



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very good, gogo. you've passed the theoretical test for the first module of trolling 101. now, comes the practical exam. you must teamkill tryhards 100 times and rush jedi temple elevator 200 times. you get extra points if they're members of CA, or if your victim is fives. if you reach the elevator first DO NOT press the button, wait for the rest of the team to arrive. if you press the button you lose 20 points.
muito bom, gogo. você passou no teste teórico do primeiro módulo do trolling 101. agora, vem o exame prático. você deve matar os tryhards 100 vezes e invadir o elevador do templo Jedi 200 vezes. você ganha pontos extras se eles forem membros do CA, ou se sua vítima for fives. se você chegar ao elevador primeiro, NÃO aperte o botão, espere o resto da equipe chegar. se você apertar o botão, você perde 20 pontos.
Its done, my master...