tldr - 1.4.8 is way better than the current game
While this may be the case, ask a hundred duelists for their favorite build, you'll get a hundred different answers.
But that doesn't take away from the case that a lot of people are dissatisfied with the current state of things.
I agree, devs need to stop with this "Progression! never backwards!" approach to making changes
While this approach is
very flawed within its own right, I don't think that pointing towards dwindling numbers is logically consistent either. It doesn't take a lot to realize that this has been a part of a larger downwards trend, affecting every game mode, hence it doesn't support your claim at all.
so many of the team's developers have quit in recent years so what kind of drastic change to fix and revitalize the mod are you expecting?
You already know there was one guy working on the saber stuff and he recently RQ so who is left to work on it?
Me. I'm trying to, at least. It's really easy to be nihilistic and point fingers, but stepping up and making a change is a quality that
you lack, same as the "devs" that you speak of.
As far as I'm aware, this project is pretty much open to anyone who's willing to work on it. If you're so dissatisfied with lazy devs, just apply and do it yourself.
Perhaps this would be perceived differently if the devs would directly ask the community ?
As far as sabering goes, I have.
TLDR; Stop whining into the void and provide actual feedback with verifiable data/footage. And only
then you can say that you tried to do your part.
While I really shouldn't care about ragethreads like these, I'd really like to shift the focus from "X build was better" to "X is a feature that the current build lacks".
Compiling this kind of specific input will help me reach a build that most people would be satisfied with.