TK'ing needs to be fixed.

Teamkilling needs to be tweaked, bad.

Imagine this: You and most of your team is bunched up in front of a door, and a sith comes through it. A gunner in the back has a genius idea to throw a grenade at his feet to hopefully kill the sith, not even thinking about his teammates. This grenade kills 2 teammates, and badly damages 2 others, and the sith is completely untouched, just like the gunner who threw it, who is now miles away.

Pretty annoying right?

So fix it. If a teammate does something stupid like this, it should kill them. If you teamkill someone, it will automatically rack up TK points. Be more careful. If you get to a much higher but predetermined number of TK points, you will be kicked from the server for X amount of rounds.

Instead of punishing the teammates 4 who were defending the door by killing and injuring them, punish the gunner that threw the grenade and ran away to cover, leaving your team such little time to even react to that grenade. I've seen this happen many times, and not even in bunches of my team. There will be a sith/low value target that walks through the door and a gunner will literally throw a grenade right at my feet and run off, and it kills me and doesn't even touch the enemy.

If anything else, it should do very little damage to the team and almost kill if not kill the person who threw the grenade.

Grenades are just the tip of the iceberg.

Long story short with anything else, each time you shoot a teammate, YOUR health goes down. Be more careful. Don't be careless.

Please tweak TKing.

(Troll - "TKing is half the fun of MB2" , "It's not wrong if it was funny" , etc"
I see nothin wrong with the system....
this feels like you just want to run in front of people's shots and get them fucked up faster.
Also uh, why should other people get punished when YOU run into the nade or something like that. Wouldn't be very coolio.
I can imagine some new jedi running into my arc sniper shot and me sniping him into the head. RIP me amr?
That's my opinion tho
Ooo young one... Little do you know this game secret name's ''MemeBattle2''

For fun and lolz it shall always remain.


Not a car!
Movie Battles II Team Retired
This will just result in people trolling by running into teammates fire more often.
This will just result in people trolling by running into teammates fire more often.

It already happens, and the only people who do it are trolls, or mad players. If situations like this happened, the TK point system, would be abused with the same frequency that it is now.

Still disagree with the idea, though. TK system is effective enough as it is, now. The only way to get around it is with VPN or several rounds of patient waiting after reaching instant death on team damage.

Or you get creative, and then there is nothing that can be done about it, aside from adding punish to kill assists, which would be disastrous.

p.s - lol guise my irritable personality conflicts with others players and eventually persuades them to tk me pls ficks tk point systeme


Not a car!
Movie Battles II Team Retired
> It already happens, and the only people who do it are trolls, or mad players.

Yeah, but at least it removes the troll from the round too. The only issue I have with the TK system right now is that it punishes Jedi a little too harshly for screwing up a push. I've not had huge issues with tkers on populated servers, because of good admining.


Internal Beta Team
The only issue I have with the TK system right now is that it punishes Jedi a little too harshly for screwing up a push.
IMO jedi have it the easiest when it comes to avoiding TK points. Considering how often most servers have >50% of a team playing jedi, it's hard to shoot down a hallway without having a jedi strafe erratically into your shot and !p you for it. Or worse, some people will just run straight into your stream of suppressive fire and !p.

When a server is filled with particularly absent minded teammates, I find myself occasionally having to swap to jedi (even though our team already is 90% jedi) to wait for my TK points to go back down. I rarely find myself getting TKs on jedi even a with bad push.
or we can just remove teamkilling in general and people can go full out without having to worry about killing teammates

that way the only thing they coudl complain about is teammates blocking their bullets lol
The only issue I have with the TK system right now is that it punishes Jedi a little too harshly for screwing up a push.
Well, I am okay with Jedi being severely punished for screwing up push. Makes the Jedi not blindly push anything that comes flying in his direction and actually forces him to learn how push works.
The only thing I would change (and which would make the TKP system more forgiving to badly pushed nades) would be to remove the amount of TKP you got from the exploding grenade damage if it kills teammate and he !Forgives you.
This idea was already discussed here: Reshaping the tk point system

This way if you screw up push on grenade (and assuming you do not have teammates who !P whenever given the chance) you could continue playing nearly as if you didn't screw up (TKP point-wise).


KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
This thread brought me so much joy on the tram nearly at 8AM. KEEP IT UP!

Oh and 'lest we forget this beautiful piece that only exists due to the TK system we've had for years

"Credits: Bob Billy and i'm rebel for inspiring me. "

I don't think any big change can remove the frustration that comes with tks unless you remove friendly fire. That would lead to a completely different game tho.

The system is fine for the most part. When someone plays wreckless for more than one round, tk points are constantly so high, that you have to be extremely careful. You can't adjust the system for people who tk for fun or just don't care, without ruining the game for people who tk out of mistake or due to other people making mistakes with their positioning. And trolls will easily get rid of tk points by *censored tip* anyway.

I do agree that nades/rockets that get pushed back and kill/hurt teammates should effect the one who threw/shot them tho. Maybe not giving this person the full tk points but only half. Also jedi/sith could be punished less, if they mess up a push by only giving them half the tk points.
Update -

Was just banned from a server (For TK) for trying to push a thermal away from my team, my push did nothing and kept going behind me and killed 5 teammates, and all of them punished