The Great Debate (Timelimit)

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I want to ask a question here:

A lot of people say "oh well if you want to rp, then just go download another mod!" or "We can't let you have your RP features because that would/will kill the mod!" or "the rp community would split the community!"

I'm curious, if the people who play this game only want to rp, and you don't want to give them the power or assets to use or do that in fear of the splittage of community or the death of this game, what's the point? Giving power and the assets to the The people who only want to RP would not only increase player size, but increase the communtiy as a whole, and increase the friendship and closeness this community has.

I'd like to address two parts here but i'll start with this one since I am one of these people that you're talking about. I think it is fairly obvious why people would suggest to play on another mod or to create their own... but in the case that it isn't i'll lay it out plainly. Creating a mod of this scale isn't exactly a small or easy task to do. The amount of things that go into it I assume as a Developer myself must be fairly large. Most professionals wouldn't even like to explore a project of this scope without either payment or passion behind it.

The Dev's obviously have a sense of passion for this or they wouldn't be here doing this for free. They obviously have a design plan in place of what they want to see for the future and direction of the mod. Currently that is team-based objective play with some dueling to practice (Or host tournaments?) a rather intense and complicated saber system. So when people come in and "request", and I use the term lightly, it's not because there is some hatred for that specific group of people but it's because it completely goes against what the direction is for this project. The Project Lead himself(Herself? I dunno.) has plainly stated that they used to Role Play. It isn't a matter of hating Role Players.

This "for the people" routine is dried and old. You have zero proof that opening the project up to other avenues would increase it's attraction to more people. This is a significantly older game with dedicated players in it already. Some sprinkle in and others sprinkle out. I'm not suggesting that opening the project up WOULDN'T possibly increase traction but let's look at the track record. Movie Battles 2 is the dominant mod to the base game. It certainly isn't many of the other mods that have come and gone over the years. Perhaps there is a reason to this? Maybe not? It is worth speculation though for what it's worth.

@noel said "The mb2 dev's anti-RP attitude is literally unexplainable."
I like the devs of this game, they seem cool and competent, but this is true. The people who truly just want to rp, just give them the assets to do so, there's no point you shouldn't.

What I'm trying to get across, is there's probably tons of people who want to RP and not play the base game as much, so by limiting/cancelling and ability to RP or do things that could grow that area of the game, you're literally doing nothing but hurting the community as a whole by not allowing them to experience something different, but especially putting a killing blow to the whole RP community.

And for the record, I don't RP, but I care very much about the state of the game and how others want to play.

So... after reading this it is coming across as either dishonest or naive but I don't believe it to be both. I suppose the same argument could be made that this mod is also hurting the furry community by not allowing them to experience their fursonas since this mod doesn't accompany that, right?

Before the idea is said that this is a stretch to say - it really isn't. You can replace role players with any other sub-community and still get the same result. In the end the people "asking" for this, again; I use the term lightly, are ignoring the fact that this isn't part of the Project Scope. In the same argument i'd say that Movie Battles has more or less saved this community by keeping so many people together already. If anything people should be thanking the Dev's for the time and energy they put in.

With that said: The Dev's could probably brush up on their P.R skills once in a while. :p...

This image here is exactly WHY they'd rather not risk splitting things up as well. The mod is clearly doing fine player wise - but like everything - it just needs a tune up once in a while to keep things fresh.
Screenshot - 70ef1be34162c68794bad3d3d41224e4 - Gyazo


furry community



The day movie battles considers appealing to degenerates like furries something right to do it really dies. Roleplaying is good enough as it is (you can spam taunts).
Silence heathen, how dare you tell the secrets of true and tried, REAL roleplayers.

These pedantic frauds that come and demand server powers to lord over any unsuspecting players that wander into their midst, fascist scum. Scatter them to the wind. Burn them and let ash fall to the ground.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
List of some mods that no longer exist in any reasonable capacity due to Sandbox/RP
  • Lugormod
  • MakerMod
  • ForceMod 2
  • ForceMod 3
  • Open Jedi Project
List of mods that could not find enough support community and dev wise for RP:
  • Jedi Knight Galaxies
  • RPMod
List of mods that cater directly to their target audience and still survive with ~1k players/day after 15 years:
  • Movie Battles II

We don't need to "brush up on our PR" because a group of members of the community decide to overlook facts and reasons staring them in the face because they cannot look past their own point of view for two seconds. We are going to push towards the direction and focus of the game, and not expand beyond that. We have our target audience and our goals. Sandbox play of any sort is not included in that.

SaucyMonkey is right that we are the dominant JKA mod for a reason. All of those mods died out because they did not focus on their core values and gave into people trying to make every JKA mod a sandbox of some sort. Even mods which we have willingly given our assets to in order to give them a boost simply do not survive the test of time in the way we have.
Says mr I don't follow beta channel:


This is # of unique players that hit refresh on the server list while in-game. (So doesn't count people using /connect or other methods to join servers)
900 of them are Papa John's VPNs

Hmmm, is there any JA mod for rpers out there comparable to mb right now? Or ever?

Joel, I think I remember that name as belonging to some rper cult back in the day. Could be wrong. Was it Acai? Acalis? Actually, don't care.

You know what's funny. I join any regular server of mb2, and I can pretty much do whatever I want as long as its not tking or racist, harassing garbage.
And yet every rp server I ever joined, what some clowns claim as some new freedom, had more rules and stifled how I wished to play than any god damn open server.

These people want admin powers, period. It doesn't stop at timelimits, it begins with rules of behavior. You'd be hard-pressed to find a shittier type of gameplay than the wannabes with powertrip issues.


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
900 of them are Papa John's VPNs
I'm sorry that facts do not match the narrative you wish to push. We have come up with two different ways of measuring this and both broadly agree. Anyway, enough of this. Questions have been answered, opinions listened to, I don't feel that people are listening to the answers or are just dismissing what we're saying because they don't agree with it.

We are not stopping RPers. We merely want to add different things to the game and frankly in terms of development time if we give an inch, you'll take a foot and much more than that and we wont have a leg to stand on.
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