Suggestion to shift the attention from overcomplication to creativity.

I think the hardest thing to get so far in duels as a new guy is swingblocking. The concept is very easy to grasp but for some people the button juggling is frustrating to stay polite.

What I'd suggest is allow us to swing while still holding mouse 2. BUT for block to be effective you still have to release then press it again. Just removing the necessity of releasing that button (to start swinging EDIT) would help a lot. The impact on the skill ceiling would be minimal while making it less of an annoyance for new players. After a week I noticed I focus more on this tedium than actual dueling strategy and I believe that it is a thing that is unnecessary. The only thing it would change is those rare case when somehow you kill somebody inbetween his block and swing. Wich are honestly kind of rare as soon as you get a bit of experience. Rarely happens to me and I play a lot since 2 weeks.

I just feel it should be more about creative attacks / combos and less about button juggling. That honestly would be my top complain about how the dueling works. Depth dosen't need overly tedious or complicated controls... In the fact you remove depth. At least for newer players... Swingblock becomes like a huge crater that separate good and new players. But some quirks about controls like I mentionned only enlarge this gap without really adding any depth.
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I'd like to know too. Swingblocks are like BASICS wich you cannot really do shit without.

I'm not particularly good at swing-blocking and the vast majority of people I duel don't seem to be either as I mblock disarm them often. I don't think swingblocking is as important as youre making it out to be. Spacing, timing, and pbing are more important. Knowing how and when to swing block is important but not "basic", precisely because it is so hard. Something that is "basic and necessary" is something everyone has and you have to be able to do to compete.

If you make swingblocking easy, you are in actuality going to be making it a basic necessary skill.