Suggestion: Remove abused admin commands

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smod SetTK:

This command is being abused by admins who are tking people. They are removing their own tk points, the tk points of their clan members and in some cases putting tk points on people they don't like. This is an obvious abuse of power and there is no legitimate reason why this command is even needed. Admins already have the ability to unban people through an smod command, so if someone was really not a teamkiller, the admin could just unban them. However, in every case I have seen, servers have the tk points high enough where getting tempbanned for tking is a legitimate response due to the automatic point system. Admins also have the ability to set how long the tempban is for. Request removal during next update.

smod mute:

This is another command I have yet seen used properly. I can see if someone is spamming on the server with countless binds where this would come in handy. However, again, it is another command that is being used simply to mute people the admin/clan doesn't want to hear. Even when this command was in JA+ it was constantly abused by admins, right next to /amslay. With /ignore available, there is no reason for this command. Request removal during the next update.


Movie Battles II Team
SetTK is not used on US Official Servers. But I disagree with you on the Mute command. I have only had to use it once, but it is an effective tool for spammers/advertisers.
SetTK is not used on US Official Servers. But I disagree with you on the Mute command. I have only had to use it once, but it is an effective tool for spammers/advertisers.

U.S. Official servers aren't the only servers being used on MB2.
Not really the fault of anybody else then clans/servers picking people unsuited for the job. For some reason it's a big thing in games these days where people who own a server or take up an admin/mod status don't really enjoy or play the game that often. I'll never understand why, but some people just become a mod/admin when they are unfit for it or just don't play the server on their own time. The best bet for you would be too find another server, or open one if you can afford the expenses.


Movie Battles II Team
U.S. Official servers aren't the only servers being used on MB2.
Well servers that are player owned should be able to have the right to enable it. If you don't agree then just don't play community servers. I don't know how this is on EU's end of things but I don't see too much admin abuse over here.
Well servers that are player owned should be able to have the right to enable it. If you don't agree then just don't play community servers. I don't know how this is on EU's end of things but I don't see too much admin abuse over here.

Think about it. What is the importance of adding this command? How does adding a command like SetTK benefit anyone? It can only be used by admins who are currently on the server and if someone really is tking that bad, they will be kicked/banned anyway. So, what's the purpose?


Slayed dreamer
I see no reason to remove it. Abusive admins just will use some other command, that's all.
And good admins will have less tools to use, why they should be a collateral victims?
So commands aren't a problem, but people who abuse them are. This cannot be cured by technical solution.

Also, mute was wanted by some admins:
BTW - "smod mute" function is incoming, obviously.
Ouj Reviews...
Anyway I really like that the mute command is coming. That should help against the chat spammers.
Ouj Reviews...
I disagree with removing mute, if people are admin abusing then report them for abusing.
If mute was removed then people would resort to kicks and bans, and from my point of view.
Getting muted is better than not being able to play at all.

However I can see how the tk command would be exploited by clan servers.
set tk is a convenient way for admins to not worry about tk points themselves while playing but keep them in place for non admins

its a win-win for admins and a completely useless feature outside that

what is the intended use of set tk

I see no reason to remove it. Abusive admins just will use some other command, that's all.
And good admins will have less tools to use, why they should be a collateral victims?
So commands aren't a problem, but people who abuse them are. This cannot be cured by technical solution.

this is honestly a pretty weak argument. you're putting admins into the category of "abusive" or "not abusive" which really doesn't describe how humans actually act

kicking or banning someone from a server unjustly is pretty extreme and most admins won't usually cross that line for the most part, and if they do you pretty much know they are immediately an awful admin

but when you give more and more tools that are less egregious when abused you allow people to slide down the scale of abuse to the level they are comfortable with, and even worse you're providing them with less visible forms of abuse

the myriad ways to abuse people in JA+ (including crashing peoples clients) that were all less severe than kicking someone were ridiculous. theres some psychological effect in play with abuse when it doesnt escalate to kicking/banning that innately seems less severe
I can see how tk points cmd could be abused. Initially I was a fan since I tend to get into the red very easily for some strange reason.
But no admin has been kind enough to lower it for me....
That was the only purpose I could see for it. Good, innocent and wholesome players like myself freed from the burdens of bad !pers and lamers.

But it seems that the gains are outweighed by the losses. Easily exploited by playing favorites can ruin everyone else's gameplay.
We have kick/ban and unban. There's really no need for this to handle bad seeds.
If anything, the fruit of corruption would grow, worming into the hearts of good and moral folk.



Mute...don't care. Only time I think I've ever seen it used is on screenys here and maybe once in-game with someone deliberately egging on some admin.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
tfw you spent all time for 1.4 coding these commands


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Actually, such usage of SetTK is really wrong. It was originally created with the idea to punish trolls for the slightest mistake, not to separate admins from common players by having this godlike power. Instead of going radical (removing it), I propose a rework.
It will be impossible to set tk points to the lower value than the player currently has. So, if I have 100 TK points, settk won't be able to set it to 99 or lower, only higher. Does it sound well?
P.S. From the other side, if the only admin on the server will get kicked for too high TK points amount, who will be left to administrate the server? doh...
P.S. From the other side, if the only admin on the server will get kicked for too high TK points amount, who will be left to administrate the server? doh...
We get your point, we really do.
But remember, clan servers serve their own before others.

In my opinion, the admin should not be playing and just spectating, and the people who have admin take turns watching over the map.
That is what my source mod servers did.

I always see admins making mistakes because they are distracted by playing the round.
If they were not distracted, fewer mistakes would happen and admins can see for themselves using the spec mode instead of always seeing the incident from one side.
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There really is no help for these problems. Clans are just gonna be lazy and give admin to their members and excuse their members from all rules. You really can only make a server if you have the money if you want to avoid these problems. Most admins don't even play the games they admin, meaning they are usually poor at it and take to long to respond to a report. People shouldn't even have to wright a report on any forums if a server actually has good active admins. Admins should really only be a person who likes the game and server, therefore spend a good chunk of gaming time on it. If an admin has to be called in they should just resign as admin until they can play the game again.

But this is just my opinion, although formed from years of experience with admins.
I would blame the tk point system itself no the admins removing their points.
For example I do 95% !forgive on teamkills like everyone should do because they are not intentional. But there are tons of people that just don't care, have no idea how to position themselves and get teamkilled as a consequence of that. And boy if you teamkill a jedi that punishes you and then somebody runs into your shot and you instantly die because of it, very funny.
So in my opinion it's not admin abuse to remove your own tk points(if you didn't do them intentionaly ofc) since your have to stay on the server to do the usual admin work.

In my opinion, the admin should not be playing and just spectating, and the people who have admin take turns watching over the map.
That is what my source mod servers did.

Yeah right, feel free to do so. We don't get payed for this so why would we be denied of having fun by only being in spectator mode?
Yeah right, feel free to do so. We don't get payed for this so why would we be denied of having fun by only being in spectator mode?
Do you want to do it right?
Or do it wrong and piss everyone off in the process?
Because I noticed you don't seem to have a problem with pissing people off when you fuck up, instead of just admitting being wrong and apologizing for it.

Sitting out for 2 to 3 rounds that last about 2 to 3 minutes each won't kill you Gumba.
In-fact your performance increase may stop people coming to the forum and bitch about it.

Suggestion - Remove admins who abuse their admin. ;)
Gee whizz, I wonder why I haven't thought of that before.
Oh yeah, because im fucking ignored when I catch people abusing their admin and proceed and call them out on it, with supplemental snitching.
@Viserys is the only person to actually listen to me and put a certain somebody in their place.

These are private servers and we have no say who gets admin and who doesn't, we can bitch on the forum all we want and it will not change a damn thing how private servers admin their shit. The only servers the forum has power over are the officials and guess what? 1/4 of the community plays on them actively.

So your suggestion Frank, is completely useless.
But I appreciate you at-least trying to fix whats wrong*not sarcasm*, where as some people find it acceptable to shit on their own communities.
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