Some ideas on how to improve gameplay and make it more fun and dynamic.

Part 1. The first and the main one idea of this post is to mix Open mode with Legends mode. And It could be done by making from each skinmodel a mini subclass with own height, speed, forcepowers and abilities, so every model would actually make sense:

- Make a characters such as Desann, Vader, Grievous, Liam Neeson and etc. taller(their real height). In current state its just funny to look on some player models. Desann looks like cute little pet, not like an overgrown monkey-lizard. Add Yoda model then, and make him as tall as everyone, like in Kotf. Its basically the same thing .

In this screenshot you can see that hes actually taller than wookiee.

So, the models should have 3 height categories:
SuperLarge (like Desann model in Jedi Outcast/Academy): Desann, Grievous, Nihilus etc.
Large: Vader, Malak, Liam Neeson, Count Dooku etc.
Medium(every other charachers): Luke, Kyle, Obi, Anakin, Reborn etc.

- Make a models such as Reborn, Luke, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Jaiden, Maul, Dark Jedi etc. just a little faster, their movements and swings, just a bit. Something between Maul from Legends and average Jedi/Sith. (Just a little faster, so you wont see the difference but you will feel it)
But for models such as Ben,Vader,Desann,Grievous,Dookue,Sidious (the big ones, the old ones) leave the usual speed or make them a bit slower.

- Give most of the Jedi/Sith characters passive heal 1 ( Hero heal), or maybe some modified version like this: avarage hp (from 60-64 to 65, from 65 to 68-70), low hp (from 1 to 10). 10 hp its really nothing, its one shot.
So you could slowly heal up from 1hp to 10 so Luke Skywalker wont be onepunched by the B1 - droid with huge backpack just like in the Ep6: Return of the Jedi.

- Add Character customization. I really dont understand why this great feature not in the game. KoTF developers will sue you or what?I wanna play as Jedan but there only like two male models: First one is Human male with ugly jacket and ugly pants, second one is Rodian with ugly clothes and funny cartoon voice. Just imagine how many different models we would have
It would be cool if devs added all maincharacters faces options and robes from Kotor 1&2. So, you chose to play as character from Kotor 1 on dark side (as a sith) for example, then you goes to customization menu > Face: theres only grey skined, junkielike faces with blank eyes from which you can choose any ;> Torso: all dark jedi robes from Kotor 1. Opposite thing for lighside: normal looking faces and Jedi robes(red, blue, brown...). Same thing with Kotor 2.
Theres wont be like 10000 icons of Maul, you just choose one existing icon from list and then you customize him.

- Some models shoud have their unique stats(more hp, more fp, armor), abilities(less blaster damage, invisibility), restrictions, some Jedis/Siths should have an option to purchase light/dark side forcepowers.
So, you make your own build like in Open mode but now models that you chose to play as got some advantages and disadvantages. Like this:
  • - Give Kreia force lighting and choke(with leve 2 restriction) option/Traya mindtrick (with soundeffect from kotor) option and give them both saber throw from the Jedi Academy. Invisible to forcesense;
  • Give a Darth Sion heal 2 (Hero heal);
  • Give Kyle Katarn lighting and force grip option;
  • Give Sidious more fp and lower cost for lighting(0 points for level 1). Hes a little slower and his swings are weaker(yellow,red etc does less dmg) but he invisible to forcesense. Almost the same thing with Ben Kenobi ( more fp, slower, weaker swings, mindtrick level 1 - 0 points). So the guys like Ben and Sidious perfect for forcewhoring;
  • Give Nihilus more fp points;
  • Shadowtroopers, Vader, Grievous should take less damage to the blasterfire or just give them extra armor;
  • Visas. Sense drains 0 fp cause shes literally blind and she use force as an eyes( Sense 1&2 costs 0 points, sense 3 banned, avarage speed);
  • Jump 3 closed for Vader, Dooku, Kreia and others;
  • Give shadowtrooper invis cloak that works for 3-5(maybe more) seconds and can be used 3 times during one round. This ability could be added to some Kotor characters too.
- Add Yoda to the game directly from Legends mode. But only with one option build.

So, if all these changes were made, the game would look like this(on the example of Desann):
(+) Huge character with huge saber(should be a little shorter than original JA one), 125 hp. He can purchase only yellow or purple style, but yellow stance would be a mix of yellow (swings, dmg, def) and red (dmg and def). His attacks are very strong but defense is weak. He able to knockdown wookiees with flying kick and melee kata them. Hes heavy so he can be pushed only on short distance. Slaps and melee attacks do more damage and throws even further.
(-) Cant purchase push 3 and pull 3, slower speed and movements, easy target for gunners because of his height.

And its only one character, such thing could be done with everyone. But characters like Jaden, Reborn, Maul, Obi, Luke ...... remains the same, theyre like all-around characters, except faster movements and passive heal.

Part 2. Other gameplay improvement suggestions:

Give to the original JK hilts authentic JK blade thickness directly from JKJA. I dont understand why original ones removed from the MB. Theres a thin saber, so I dont see any problem to add those. Also, bring back the original Kyle Katarn hilt, this HD 1080p version looks ugly(or add original one as second version of Kyle hilt) . And add this changes ASAP please!!! OR, even if its possible, it would be superawesomecoolnicegreat to add an option of choosing blade type (JA, MB, Thin)

- Add an ability to Push and Pull friendly nades and rockets. It will bring more tactical opportunities to the game and it would be a good counter vs Padawan[1] with rocket launcher on deathstar reb spawn as well

- Change MBlock system. It doesnt make any sense right now, especially when you got full bp and than you got disarmed. Like Why?.. What?! because of what??? Theres is some players who just standing still and waiting to Mblock and when they failed theyre just running away, and thats extremely dumb and stupid. So player should gain this. So make it look more like the acm staff. Level 0 - Wont disarm; Level 1 - Able to disarm ;Level 2 Able to disarm without aiming on swing direction. Starting with Level 0 - Wont do shit if you successfully mblocked, it wont disarm enemy, it will drain more bp points if opponent didnt SBlocked. To reach Level 1 you got to do succesful pb combos or something like that. To reach Level 2 player needs to disarm opponent.
Just imagive how it would be cool to fight against Kyle for example, and he pbs every single hit with his scripts and then he goes "Haha, not a chance"(reaches level 1 def) and then got immediately bacstabbed by Vader with duals. It would've awesome

- Remove all ep 7-9 characters models(Im not joking). Like: Rey, Han Solo[2], Darth Sidious[2], Kylo Ren, Old Luke, Instead of this, add Kylo Ren model with big nude tits and give him 50 fp/ 1 . Cause, lets be honest, Ep 7-9 its not a Star Wars, its not a canon its complete bullshit and this shit movies hurt my feelings

- Add a gunbash ability to the soldier class so they could knockdown Hero/BH, Clone/Arc/Mando , Commander/Soldier. Cause everytime when I play as a soldier , I feel like this class missing something. This is some little ability that changes everything and nothing in the same time. Not so helpful but in some situations could be useful

- Dont change TK system. Its annoying as hell. Most of the ppl trolling and tking not because theyre such a dicks and want to ruin game, but because its more fun than actually to play.

- Add ability to swing during wallgrab (not so important but looks cool). It could be added for some character only (Grievous for example)

- Switching from staff to single got to be fixed so you can change style during swing( like in JA). It feels broken right now.

- Add a black color for siths lighsabers (a white blade with black light). Like this:

It looks cool

- Fix this thing so it would like in JA. In current version player just standing in the air.

And my personal request to the developers. Add this reborn mp skin(blue team reborn) to the game as a Jedi PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. And give him special voice lines , Im ready to send you all death and gurp sounds.

So, this changes would make a game way more fun, dynamic, tactical and bring some "Deepness" to the gameplay. Its gonna be the actual Star Wars game. Most of these things are already in the game, so it is not very difficult to implement those changes, but still a lot of work to do.
And Im apologizing about my English, Im not Amerika. If you noticed some grammar mistakes leave a like on this post.

I will be honest, if these changes were implemented the balance of the game would be completely thrown off. Not that these are al really bad suggestions, but what you want does not work with current MB2.
the models should have 3 height categories
I was actually working out a similar idea. I was thinking that we could have tall, mid and short heights and such. I will try to fit it into a realistically plausible format and make my own post about that.

Strange/oddity characters like Yoda and Desann just do not fit in open. The sizes are too ridiculous to fit.

Give most of the Jedi/Sith characters passive heal 1
Just for free? They already regen FP, so you have a regenerating shield that you basically always have? The only way to really balance this is if you have to only use defence one at the very least.

Add a gunbash ability to the soldier class
Knocking down with gunbash is ridiculous, but I would not mind them having it.

Add an ability to Push and Pull friendly nades and rockets.
If you are not joking, people will use that to troll.

Change MBlock system
Why even try to disarm if you have AP? I get why you are frustrated but you can work around people who mblock.

Dont change TK system. Its annoying as hell. Most of the ppl trolling and tking not because theyre such a dicks and want to ruin game, but because its more fun than actually to play.
What? Just...what? More fun to play for them, yes, because they enjoy trolling more. If the game was perfect those trolls would not change at all. This is like saying that most criminals only steal because they are poor, not because, you know, they want to have something without paying.

Add a black color for siths lighsabers (a white blade with black light). Like this:
Yes please. Also add white saber for jedi pls and thx.
Everything in the first section has already been suggested in some form and is a hard no from the devs, you're not gonna get anywhere with that. (model dependant gameplay features)

Pushing all nades is the same, has already been suggested and is never going to be added.

I believe gunbash on more classes is a possibility so that's certainly up for debate but the rest were unfortunately a complete waste of your time to type out.

But hey this is most likely a troll post so I wasted my time as well
Thanks for replies!
I will be honest, if these changes were implemented the balance of the game would be completely thrown off.
All things that I wrote its just a raw concept of how game could look like. Of course all these things needs a lot more development, effort, testing and the game needs like 100000 of updates to make it work right
The Jedi/Sith meant to be "unbalanced" because its Star Wars, and things like height its so important for such game. For guys like Yoda, Desann, Grievous its like 70% of their character. As a gunner or a jedi I wouldn't mind to play against "unbalanced" characters. It would be a whole new experience, so you cant kamikaze Desann with one soldier, you gotta team up vs him, and wookiee players will be forced to use more than 2 buttons. Its impossible to fit in vents for Desann and tight corridors are dangerous for him but its gonna be part of his gameplay. And such characters should be number limited (one Yoda, Desann, Grievous, Vader per team)
Just for free? They already regen FP, so you have a regenerating shield that you basically always have? The only way to really balance this is if you have to only use defence one at the very least.
Yeah, because theyre Jedis and they got lightsaber that deflects shots. There a lot of situations like accident team shot, fall damage, nade blast that leaves you with 1 hp at the beginning of round and you just become useless. And if you could heal up from 40 to 45 its not a big deal. Cause Jedi/Sith class is the most unfun class to play. Its feels like soldier with one live, saber and magic tricks. Theyre slow, feels heavy, you just cant risk. Game forces Jedis to hide behind every single corner and to use bugs (like teleportceiling), theyre so stricted and fragile. Theres only two ways to play as a Jedi/Sith: be a rat or be a pro.
Knocking down with gunbash is ridiculous, but I would not mind them having it.
Its actually makes more sense than knocking down enemies with leg kick
If you are not joking, people will use that to troll.
Oh shit, theres mistake. Only PUSH.
Ok, lets delete nades and rockets from game because ppl use it for trolling.
Theres a lot situations when your teammates accidentally threw a nade near you and you cant do shit about it , it just happens too often, or when some annoying fuck just threws sonic nade on their team. Its actually will prevent players from trolls
Why even try to disarm if you have AP? I get why you are frustrated but you can work around people who mblock.
There was situation on duel server when I got mbcloked 3 times in a row. One time is fine, two times not so fine, but 3 times it just ridiculous , and yeah I was sblocking. Maybe not for first time but for third time 100%
Im not against mblock , its cool and great thing, but sometimes it works randomly ( in rare occasions). This "new" mechanics will prevent players from abusing it and make it less random and the whole thing will look more logical and reasonable. Its just looks so stupid when you gently and softly touches opponents saber and then you got disarmed. But with this system, you will be 100% sure that you got mblocked deservedly by good player with good defence. And level 1 def should be pretty easy to gain. Or at least, player should got low bp to get disarmed. It makes more sense.
What? Just...what? More fun to play for them, yes, because they enjoy trolling more. If the game was perfect those trolls would not change at all. This is like saying that most criminals only steal because they are poor, not because, you know, they want to have something without paying.
Ah, yeah, this sounds stupid, but its not the point , let me rephrase. Im saying that most of the trolls are harmless , of course there is some obvious tkers, but rework whole system for this 3 and a half players its ridiculous, it solves nothing and make it more worse for players who actually plays and who will be kicked randomly.
Instead of this, there can be special "black list" system for each server, so ppl who were added by the admins to this list starting round with 400 tk points, every single time when they're reconnecting. Or something like that

But hey this is most likely a troll post so I wasted my time as well
No, Im not trolling, why would you think like that? Maybe its because I just cant explain some things correctly or cuz Im kinda new to this game(less than a year) and dont understand much about some mechanics. But all these things I noticed throughout my game experience and they're like superobvious and just feels wrong and not only for me.
Everything in the first section has already been suggested in some form and is a hard no from the devs, you're not gonna get anywhere with that. (model dependant gameplay features)
So let me clear things out: these model features things can't be added to the game not because of some "balance" bullshit or something, but because its just super hard to realize technically?

And if so, what about: original blade type for JK hilts(or option to choose blade type for each MB hilt), original Kyle Katarn hilt, character customization, black lightsaber and my lovely blue reborn model as a Jedi ( with special voicelines), what about this things?
The model specific gameplay mechanics aren't getting added because it goes against mb2's core design for open mode, this has been discussed before and firmly rejected by the devs.

Model and hilt suggestions etc are completely fine as well as a lot of gameplay suggestions, but most of your ideas here aren't going to go anywhere
The Jedi/Sith meant to be "unbalanced" because its Star Wars
From what I can tell this is the crux of all your ideas listed here. Make saberists OP because your average Star Wars Joe wants to turn off his brain and play le jedi and slaughter dozens of stoopid gunners.

Here's the problem - it's a great idea for a singleplayer game (think Jedi Knight series) or an assymetrical multiplayer game (think Evolve). For a game like MB2, however, it's a HORRIBLE idea.

As a gunner or a jedi I wouldn't mind to play against "unbalanced" characters. It would be a whole new experience, so you cant kamikaze Desann with one soldier, you gotta team up vs him, and wookiee players will be forced to use more than 2 buttons.
So you say, but you know what would happen instead? Everyone would play saberists, and nobody would even touch gunners. Because why the fuck would you play as cannon fodder, when you can be a super cool alpha chad mega jedi?

That's basically it, no point in elaborating further when the very basis of your idea is flawed.
The model specific gameplay mechanics aren't getting added because it goes against mb2's core design for open mode, this has been discussed before and firmly rejected by the devs.
Ok, understood. Thanks)
From what I can tell this is the crux of all your ideas listed here. Make saberists OP because your average Star Wars Joe wants to turn off his brain and play le jedi and slaughter dozens of stoopid gunners.
No, absolutely not. By the word "unbalanced" I mean their own height, speed and everything, basically like they should be. For me it looks more like "Let's make all basketball players the same height and size so the game would be balanced". Im just saying that this things are too important for canon. Just make Jedi/Sith class more diverse so the players can find their own niche, like if you good at standing and holding block its fine do that; if you want to tank - pick a Desann or Grievous but be ready to accept flawes, if you wanna to support team with forcepower - pick a Ben or Sidious; If you want more jumpy acrobatic playstyle - you got that possibility. For me, the Laggy Bi*ch, average MB player, this things sounds awesome, not unbalanced, just like they should be and I repeat, as a gunner I would love to see these changes. And these rules works for both teams, cause game not about gunners vs jedis, its about team vs team. And if everything were like this, I would even buy Jedi Academy on Steam
So you say, but you know what would happen instead? Everyone would play saberists, and nobody would even touch gunners. Because why the fuck would you play as cannon fodder, when you can be a super cool alpha chad mega jedi?
I would love to see the same "character" thing with every gunner class, but here the problem :1) Only Hero/Bh and Jedi/Sith classes got "personalities", it wont be fair compared to other gunner classes; 2) Its 10x work to do.

And I repeat, the whole idea is to make game more fun, cooler, more canonlike and more diverse, that's all.

But thank you anyway) I got you:)
Ok, understood. Thanks)

No, absolutely not. By the word "unbalanced" I mean their own height, speed and everything, basically like they should be. For me it looks more like "Let's make all basketball players the same height and size so the game would be balanced". Im just saying that this things are too important for canon. Just make Jedi/Sith class more diverse so the players can find their own niche, like if you good at standing and holding block its fine do that; if you want to tank - pick a Desann or Grievous but be ready to accept flawes, if you wanna to support team with forcepower - pick a Ben or Sidious; If you want more jumpy acrobatic playstyle - you got that possibility. For me, the Laggy Bi*ch, average MB player, this things sounds awesome, not unbalanced, just like they should be and I repeat, as a gunner I would love to see these changes. And these rules works for both teams, cause game not about gunners vs jedis, its about team vs team. And if everything were like this, I would even buy Jedi Academy on Steam

I would love to see the same "character" thing with every gunner class, but here the problem :1) Only Hero/Bh and Jedi/Sith classes got "personalities", it wont be fair compared to other gunner classes; 2) Its 10x work to do.

And I repeat, the whole idea is to make game more fun, cooler, more canonlike and more diverse, that's all.

But thank you anyway) I got you:)
I'm not sure if you're aware, but there's a mode in MB2 that's called "Full Authentic" or FA in short, which lets you pick specifit "characters" with pre-made builds (depending on the map), and those characters are limited, so only 1 person can play as them at a time. Those are usually super OP, but you may or may not get them, and might have to play as regular cannon fodder instead.

There is also "Legends" mode, that is very similar but it removes cannon fodder classes altogether, and lets you choose from movie/comics characters only. Their builds are also pre-made, and they are all very unique, with their own models, heights, sizes, mechanics, weaknesses, etc.

I feel like you're better off just playing those modes intead of pushing for open mode changes that will DEFINITELY not happen.
Part 1. The first and the main one idea of this post is to mix Open mode with Legends mode. And It could be done by making from each skinmodel a mini subclass with own height, speed, forcepowers and abilities, so every model would actually make sense:

- Make a characters such as Desann, Vader, Grievous, Liam Neeson and etc. taller(their real height). In current state its just funny to look on some player models. Desann looks like cute little pet, not like an overgrown monkey-lizard. Add Yoda model then, and make him as tall as everyone, like in Kotf. Its basically the same thing .
View attachment 6557
In this screenshot you can see that hes actually taller than wookiee.

So, the models should have 3 height categories:
SuperLarge (like Desann model in Jedi Outcast/Academy): Desann, Grievous, Nihilus etc.
Large: Vader, Malak, Liam Neeson, Count Dooku etc.
Medium(every other charachers): Luke, Kyle, Obi, Anakin, Reborn etc.

- Make a models such as Reborn, Luke, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Jaiden, Maul, Dark Jedi etc. just a little faster, their movements and swings, just a bit. Something between Maul from Legends and average Jedi/Sith. (Just a little faster, so you wont see the difference but you will feel it)
But for models such as Ben,Vader,Desann,Grievous,Dookue,Sidious (the big ones, the old ones) leave the usual speed or make them a bit slower.

- Give most of the Jedi/Sith characters passive heal 1 ( Hero heal), or maybe some modified version like this: avarage hp (from 60-64 to 65, from 65 to 68-70), low hp (from 1 to 10). 10 hp its really nothing, its one shot.
So you could slowly heal up from 1hp to 10 so Luke Skywalker wont be onepunched by the B1 - droid with huge backpack just like in the Ep6: Return of the Jedi.

- Add Character customization. I really dont understand why this great feature not in the game. KoTF developers will sue you or what?I wanna play as Jedan but there only like two male models: First one is Human male with ugly jacket and ugly pants, second one is Rodian with ugly clothes and funny cartoon voice. Just imagine how many different models we would have
It would be cool if devs added all maincharacters faces options and robes from Kotor 1&2. So, you chose to play as character from Kotor 1 on dark side (as a sith) for example, then you goes to customization menu > Face: theres only grey skined, junkielike faces with blank eyes from which you can choose any ;> Torso: all dark jedi robes from Kotor 1. Opposite thing for lighside: normal looking faces and Jedi robes(red, blue, brown...). Same thing with Kotor 2.
Theres wont be like 10000 icons of Maul, you just choose one existing icon from list and then you customize him.

- Some models shoud have their unique stats(more hp, more fp, armor), abilities(less blaster damage, invisibility), restrictions, some Jedis/Siths should have an option to purchase light/dark side forcepowers.
So, you make your own build like in Open mode but now models that you chose to play as got some advantages and disadvantages. Like this:
  • - Give Kreia force lighting and choke(with leve 2 restriction) option/Traya mindtrick (with soundeffect from kotor) option and give them both saber throw from the Jedi Academy. Invisible to forcesense;
  • Give a Darth Sion heal 2 (Hero heal);
  • Give Kyle Katarn lighting and force grip option;
  • Give Sidious more fp and lower cost for lighting(0 points for level 1). Hes a little slower and his swings are weaker(yellow,red etc does less dmg) but he invisible to forcesense. Almost the same thing with Ben Kenobi ( more fp, slower, weaker swings, mindtrick level 1 - 0 points). So the guys like Ben and Sidious perfect for forcewhoring;
  • Give Nihilus more fp points;
  • Shadowtroopers, Vader, Grievous should take less damage to the blasterfire or just give them extra armor;
  • Visas. Sense drains 0 fp cause shes literally blind and she use force as an eyes( Sense 1&2 costs 0 points, sense 3 banned, avarage speed);
  • Jump 3 closed for Vader, Dooku, Kreia and others;
  • Give shadowtrooper invis cloak that works for 3-5(maybe more) seconds and can be used 3 times during one round. This ability could be added to some Kotor characters too.
- Add Yoda to the game directly from Legends mode. But only with one option build.

So, if all these changes were made, the game would look like this(on the example of Desann):
(+) Huge character with huge saber(should be a little shorter than original JA one), 125 hp. He can purchase only yellow or purple style, but yellow stance would be a mix of yellow (swings, dmg, def) and red (dmg and def). His attacks are very strong but defense is weak. He able to knockdown wookiees with flying kick and melee kata them. Hes heavy so he can be pushed only on short distance. Slaps and melee attacks do more damage and throws even further.
(-) Cant purchase push 3 and pull 3, slower speed and movements, easy target for gunners because of his height.

And its only one character, such thing could be done with everyone. But characters like Jaden, Reborn, Maul, Obi, Luke ...... remains the same, theyre like all-around characters, except faster movements and passive heal.

Part 2. Other gameplay improvement suggestions:

Give to the original JK hilts authentic JK blade thickness directly from JKJA. I dont understand why original ones removed from the MB. Theres a thin saber, so I dont see any problem to add those. Also, bring back the original Kyle Katarn hilt, this HD 1080p version looks ugly(or add original one as second version of Kyle hilt) . And add this changes ASAP please!!! OR, even if its possible, it would be superawesomecoolnicegreat to add an option of choosing blade type (JA, MB, Thin)

- Add an ability to Push and Pull friendly nades and rockets. It will bring more tactical opportunities to the game and it would be a good counter vs Padawan[1] with rocket launcher on deathstar reb spawn as well

- Change MBlock system. It doesnt make any sense right now, especially when you got full bp and than you got disarmed. Like Why?.. What?! because of what??? Theres is some players who just standing still and waiting to Mblock and when they failed theyre just running away, and thats extremely dumb and stupid. So player should gain this. So make it look more like the acm staff. Level 0 - Wont disarm; Level 1 - Able to disarm ;Level 2 Able to disarm without aiming on swing direction. Starting with Level 0 - Wont do shit if you successfully mblocked, it wont disarm enemy, it will drain more bp points if opponent didnt SBlocked. To reach Level 1 you got to do succesful pb combos or something like that. To reach Level 2 player needs to disarm opponent.
Just imagive how it would be cool to fight against Kyle for example, and he pbs every single hit with his scripts and then he goes "Haha, not a chance"(reaches level 1 def) and then got immediately bacstabbed by Vader with duals. It would've awesome

- Remove all ep 7-9 characters models(Im not joking). Like: Rey, Han Solo[2], Darth Sidious[2], Kylo Ren, Old Luke, Instead of this, add Kylo Ren model with big nude tits and give him 50 fp/ 1 . Cause, lets be honest, Ep 7-9 its not a Star Wars, its not a canon its complete bullshit and this shit movies hurt my feelings

- Add a gunbash ability to the soldier class so they could knockdown Hero/BH, Clone/Arc/Mando , Commander/Soldier. Cause everytime when I play as a soldier , I feel like this class missing something. This is some little ability that changes everything and nothing in the same time. Not so helpful but in some situations could be useful

- Dont change TK system. Its annoying as hell. Most of the ppl trolling and tking not because theyre such a dicks and want to ruin game, but because its more fun than actually to play.

- Add ability to swing during wallgrab (not so important but looks cool). It could be added for some character only (Grievous for example)

- Switching from staff to single got to be fixed so you can change style during swing( like in JA). It feels broken right now.

- Add a black color for siths lighsabers (a white blade with black light). Like this:
View attachment 6558View attachment 6559View attachment 6560
It looks cool

- Fix this thing so it would like in JA. In current version player just standing in the air.
View attachment 6561

And my personal request to the developers. Add this reborn mp skin(blue team reborn) to the game as a Jedi PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE. And give him special voice lines , Im ready to send you all death and gurp sounds.
View attachment 6562

So, this changes would make a game way more fun, dynamic, tactical and bring some "Deepness" to the gameplay. Its gonna be the actual Star Wars game. Most of these things are already in the game, so it is not very difficult to implement those changes, but still a lot of work to do.
And Im apologizing about my English, Im not Amerika. If you noticed some grammar mistakes leave a like on this post.

I like many of these ideas, especially the ones about model heights seeing a tiny vader and desann is a bit stupid I have no idea why the developers thought it was a good idea to rescale them like that. but as much as I hate the people above telling people to go to legends for this, the specifics you want for each class do happen match the gamemode in your case.

Nevertheless open should still be reworked to make legends irrelevant with more variety of options to tailor your playstyle to how you want rather than having a preset build for your favourite star wars character.
I thought of a similar idea a while back for open/legends mix by giving some player models some unique attributes to balance them. For example, it's always felt weird to me that in Open Mode you can play as so many diverse Jedi... but not Yoda. Also just weird things like how Grievous can't have 4 lightsabers and how like you said Vader and Grievous are too short. I like your dark saber idea as well, Sith just get no cool color customization compared to Jedi, Sith get like orangish red to pinkish red.

I would play Legends or Full Authentic more often... if this game was a bit more alive. I played custom FA on the CA server the other day and it was a nice change of pace. I think in the current state of the community, it makes sense to sort of consolidate the best parts of the alternative gamemodes into open, because open is the only gamemode I can find occupied in my region. Plus Open is the best mode, so I'd prefer to play an updated Open than current state of Legends most of the time.

I'm not as huge of a fan of your other ideas like the gun bash and especially your passive heal force user thing. Force Users already have a LOT of defensive options against other classes, so to me it makes the most sense to punish Jedi and Sith the MOST for letting themselves be shot. You already can deflect blaster bolts, do flips, or pull guns from people's hands. Why you think they also need passive heal is beyond me. You IMO need to play the game a bit more if you think Jedi and Sith are as underpowered as you claim.

If passive heal is to be given to any class it should be given as a point option to bounty hunter to balance it against Heroes.