[SOLVED] mb2_YavinAssault

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okay, i know that it's a bad map, but when someone constantly votes for it, i'm stuck on it for some time
the problem is, its pretty unplayable on my client, due to some ground textures not being displayed at all;
here are some pics:
shot2016-01-11_17-11-59.jpg shot2016-01-11_17-12-02.jpg shot2016-01-11_17-12-05.jpg shot2016-01-11_17-12-17.jpg shot2016-01-11_17-16-39.jpg shot2016-01-16_00-01-31.jpg
inb4 delete mb2_yavinassault.pk3 and repair, alredy done
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seta name "^1Damn ^7Polak"
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seta ui_lastServerRefresh_1 "Jan-15, 2016 @ 23:42"
seta ui_lastServerRefresh_2 "Dec-4, 2015 @ 19:57"
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seta xin_rumbleScale "1.0"


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Try changing r_texturebits to 32. If that works, try lowering it to 16 and see what happens.


Slayed dreamer
You really need reset your config
Since I can reproduce it with your config, but can't reproduce with mine


i'm gonna have a bad time solving this issue, cause
/map mb2_yavinassault
/devmap mb2_yavinassault
causes VM_CreateLegacy on ui failed error
thanks for the tips, imma try the texturebits
will post after trying


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
I tried texturebits myself and it didn't do anything, but that may have been because the rest of my settings are set to high or to the maximum possible setting. I would just do as Puppytine suggested and delete your jampconfig and start over, unless you really do plan on going through every single setting in your config to figure out what the problem is.


Slayed dreamer
seta r_vertexLight "4" <=== This is the droidsparameter you're looking for
Remove it, problem solved.
i'm gonna have a bad time solving this issue, cause
/map mb2_yavinassault
/devmap mb2_yavinassault
causes VM_CreateLegacy on ui failed error
Play MBII.bat:
start jamp +set fs_game "MBII" "+map mb2_yavinassault"
unless you really do plan on going through every single setting in your config to figure out what the problem is.
No need to do every single, just delete half of TS config then launch mb. If textures still broken, delete half of half that left, otherwise restore what you've deleted, cut half of previosly deleted half.
Run again. Repeat...
Binary search algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Slayed dreamer
nope, i use openjk
i'll just open this thread and try the solutions as soon as i find myself on a server with yavinassault map
o_O Since when file of openjk called jampconfig?


Anyway I just created and used shortcut with target below and it works perfectly:
"G:\Program Files\JediAcademy\GameData\mbii.x86.exe" +set fs_game "MBII" +map mb2_yavinassault
If game complains "this game type is not supported", just add
seta g_gametype "7"
at the bottom of your config.

And be aware that sometimes openjk uses config in C:\Documents and Settings\<your name>\My Documents\My Games\OpenJK\MBII...
Last edited:


The Serial Stacker
Movie Battles II Team Retired
I'll jot that down for later use if someone comes in complaining about a similar texture problem.

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