Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

SERVER {SF} Tips, Anti Spam, Forwarding of In-Game Reports to Discord & More



All servers are located in Paris.

Map lists are up to date with the latest patch, separated into two lists based on suitability, and available for voting via RTV.

I am actively making changes with the aim to improve the user onboarding experience and solve some of the issues players have with the toxic community to increase user retention as much as I can.

In the near future, after I get some necessary extra data logged into the log files, I'll be training ML models instead of writing algorithms and fine-tuning parameters for patterns I see by hand.

- Tips for new players every round. Tips are specialized based on what server you are on and what mode the server is on.
- An automated anti-spam system specifically built to detect spams of bound say commands and allow normal human chat even if it is fast. The penalty for spamming is being muted for 10 minutes.
- Players with bad IPs (VPN/proxy/etc) are automatically warned twice in intervals of 10 seconds and then kicked.
- In-game !report command that forwards all reports to our Discord for me, all admins, and other players to see instantly. Admins and players see different details as privacy is important to us.
- For team killer and lamer reports, some proof is automatically collected to hasten the judgment process of admins.
- I can take actions from my phone via a simple app.
- Shared bans between all servers.
- Impostors are automatically renamed. This is achieved by ignoring colors and using a map of characters that look exactly the same using the game's font. Normally there is no way to rename users using an rcon command but I have modified OpenJK and added a rename command.
- The most aggressive of lamers are automatically tagged, warned, and given enough offenses and reports by players, kicked or temp banned. If the system thinks you might have been baited into laming by people who are trying to get you kicked, it'll forgive the kills associated with the suspected baiters.
- All automated actions made by the bot are forwarded to Discord.
- If a banned player tries to enter the server, this is also forwarded to Discord.
- Important chat messages are sent to me as mobile push notifications. This used to be for reporting players but now only messages using the words admin/server are forwarded to me in order to provide a way for players to communicate directly with me.
- Flood protection enabled.
- Unpure clients (modified pk3 files) are welcome.
- Maximum dismemberment. Client settings must match though, so make sure you type seta cg_dismember 100 in the game console.
- Servers are dockerized and restart themselves automatically upon any type of failure.
- RTVRTM restarts itself upon any type of failure.
- DDoS and SSH brute-forcing protections.



{SF} Duel Auto Noob Tips

{SF} Fun FA|AntiSpam

{SF} Open Tips|AntiSpam

{SF} Development Server


{SF} Gunners Only

Ban Objections

If you've been banned and you think it's in error, drop a message on our Discord: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
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Based in London.

Map lists are up to date with the latest patch, separated into two lists based on suitability, and available for voting via RTV.

I have forked and modified RTVRTM to include a system for displaying new round messages, tips, and a description of what laming is in order to provide a way better user on-boarding experience. Right now I am collecting server logs concerning laming cases and names of players who have lamed in those logs so I can build a system using machine learning to automatically detect lamers.

Other features:
- Anti-cheat and flood protection enabled.
- Unpure clients (modified pk3 files) are welcome.
- All servers reset to popular default maps when all players leave.
- Maximum dismemberment. Client settings must match though, so make sure you type seta cg_dismember 100 in the game console.
- Server is dockerized and restarts itself automatically upon any type of failure.
- RTVRTM restarts itself on any type of failure.
- Server scales automatically if system resources are not enough so players will always have a great experience.

{SF} All Maps, Newbie Tips [DUEL|RTV]

Other servers coming soon!
The idea of using ML for detection is interesting but I would never advise for such a thing personally. Considering that such detection is highly dependent on the alg, its hyperparameters and the data used, it is highly possible that the data cannot represent such subjective behaviour. If the goal is only detection, that's fine but if you use that to automatically ban people, you will have false positive and false negative for sure. I would need to know the log content in depth to be completely sure that it's not appropriate but currently I have all my doubts. Also I doubt you can do data augmentation to increase robustness and generalisation so that's another important point to be considered when attempting to use ML.


The idea of using ML for detection is interesting but I would never advise for such a thing personally. Considering that such detection is highly dependent on the alg, its hyperparameters and the data used, it is highly possible that the data cannot represent such subjective behaviour. If the goal is only detection, that's fine but if you use that to automatically ban people, you will have false positive and false negative for sure. I would need to know the log content in depth to be completely sure that it's not appropriate but currently I have all my doubts. Also I doubt you can do data augmentation to increase robustness and generalisation so that's another important point to be considered when attempting to use ML.

Apologies for the late reply.

You are right about the false negatives and positives. To go into more detail:

I have finished implementing a more customized banning system that I'm using right now, which will also be used as a base for the system I mentioned. When using the !ban command, users are added to a list with a log snapshot of when they were banned so the bans can be reviewed easily.

On top of this, I will be building a non-ML system based on players mentioning being lamed, who these players are killed by, how many of the people being killed by these killers mention being lamed, and the times between kills of them. I have been banning lamers by hand using just the logs and remote rcon commands with over 90% accuracy (seem to get 2 wrong out of every 30 bans) and have taken notice of some clear patterns concerning these variables. There are also a couple edge cases like ganking on a legit player by many lamers which have also been taken into account as well. However, not all lamers can be caught this way. For example, it's difficult to tell when a player lames AFK players every now and then. However, this will serve as an invaluable tool for data collection, and as a temporary system until the better one is implemented. I'll also be reviewing bans every weekday to minimize the impact of any false positives and to make some quick tweaks if need be.

To make the ML system work, after building the previous system I mentioned, I will be forking OpenJK to include additional logs such as combat engagement data. I'll also look at logging additional user data at the time of a kill as, for example, seeing BP in the kill logs would help a lot. As I have more cases in my hand, I'll see what else should be included in the logs as well.
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I noticed one of your tips about Perfect Parries stops says that it stops damage being done to you

I think you got it confused with pb as currently perfect parries do nothing unless you're using cyan which in that case they cause a stagger

cool idea for a server


I noticed one of your tips about Perfect Parries stops says that it stops damage being done to you

I think you got it confused with pb as currently perfect parries do nothing unless you're using cyan which in that case they cause a stagger

cool idea for a server

Oh, thanks! It'll be fixed on the next server restart.


I have implemented a basic version of the automatic lamer kicking and banning system which partially covers these two types of lamers:
1. People who go online, and start laming serially. The most malicious type. Some of these guys usually steal another player's nickname.
2. People who run into dueling pairs and kill them, not necessarily often.

It has been running for half a day now and I'm very happy with the results. It nowhere near detects most of the lamers but it's a good start.

How it works is that an overall laming score is calculated by aggregating return values of different algorithms that each give you a laming score based on behaviors they check. Based on the final score you get, you either get warned, kicked, or banned.

Soon to be covered are people who lame by choking/pushing others into lava, and via other similar actions. And then a reporting system will be implemented using commands !lamekilled and !lamer <playername> which will allow some not-so-serial lamers to be caught by the system. (Those commands will only work if the player you are reporting has killed you, and then there are some extra checks)


Here is a snapshot of how the whole thing works. All the "Suspect: <id>" lines you see are warned players. The timestamps are the time of printing and not when the action is taken as docker logs seem to let the output buffer build up for background processes before printing it all out.

It has been a very busy month in our startup, so I'm just getting time to work on this properly. Expect a lot of improvements over this week.
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I have seen a very interesting behavior by a troll named cat today (and a second client from the same IP with a different nickname). They were baiting people into laming. Since all incidents are logged, cat has been perma banned instead. But thanks to them an anti-baiting logic will be implemented soon as well.
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I have relaxed the automated laming punishments until the reporting system is implemented as in chaotic conditions, or in cases of baiting, its judgment could be wrong. Now even player warnings are logged to disk and all actions that cause a ban now just cause a kick. The catch is that now a push notification system has been implemented that allows the viewing of a short report of any incidents so bans will still be coming to those who deserve it, fast.

Apologies to anyone who's had a bad experience.
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I'm trying to not post every update here, as in forums double posting is usually frowned upon. But this one is an important update:

To fine-tune the baiting detection that I was working on, I ended up writing a simulator to test the current automated systems without having to go live with players and try to trigger cases. This has let me fine-tune the lamer and spammer detection a bit more as well. As more cases get logged, these systems will keep getting better as I can now just run a simulation of what a system change will do by using past logs. However, thanks to the simulator, it is clearly proven that logs are not enough to get lamer and baiting detection to a very good level, as improvements on one side requires compromise on the other as far as I can see. Because of this I'll move on to forking OpenJK this week. The changes I have mentioned have recently been applied and are live now.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Any chance of North America SF servers? I'm uhh ping-sensitive but interested in all this fancy functionality.


Any chance of North America SF servers? I'm uhh ping-sensitive but interested in all this fancy functionality.

I can take a look at that in two weeks or so. I already have a good machine in San Jose which I use for CI. I'll take a look at how much load it can spare.


- Impostors are now automatically kicked. This is achieved using a map of characters that look exactly the same using the game's font. Within the week we're entering, they will be renamed instead as I'll be adding a rename rcon command.
- Players with bad IPs (VPN/proxy/etc) are automatically warned twice in intervals of 10 seconds and then kicked.
- Server hardware has been improved. (Amazon t2.small, up from t2.micro)
- DDoS and SSH brute-forcing protections have been added.

Edit: I have modified OpenJK and added a rename rcon command and implemented the renaming of impostors.
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EU Official Server Admin
All of this trouble and you still tempban/kick players that are being tk'ed instead tkers themselves, despite multiple reports from 3 different ppl. Some SS7 troll deliberately tk'd me and 1 other guy for no reason and then was shooting my back on spawn at next round start. When I tried to fire back you accused me of "self justice" action. You went that far as to tell me that you won't do jack shit if they keep tking me because I dare to defend myself. Then you kicked me and left tker unbothered on the server (again, despite reports from others too about this one particular guy). Well I'm sorry sir that some of us do not want to spend 2-3 rounds in a row on spectator just because you're idle and allow tk fest on our spawn. You're a joke of an admin. If I ever see you being tk'ed on official EU I will act accordingly, just remember that.


You are the joke Nex. SF exists so we do not have to deal with administration from people like you on official servers.


All of this trouble and you still tempban/kick players that are being tk'ed instead tkers themselves, despite multiple reports from 3 different ppl. Some SS7 troll deliberately tk'd me and 1 other guy for no reason and then was shooting my back on spawn at next round start. When I tried to fire back you accused me of "self justice" action. You went that far as to tell me that you won't do jack shit if they keep tking me because I dare to defend myself. Then you kicked me and left tker unbothered on the server (again, despite reports from others too about this one particular guy). Well I'm sorry sir that some of us do not want to spend 2-3 rounds in a row on spectator just because you're idle and allow tk fest on our spawn. You're a joke of an admin. If I ever see you being tk'ed on official EU I will act accordingly, just remember that.

For those interested, here are the full logs of the two rounds encapsulating the incident that ended with Nex's tempban for 15 rounds. All IP addresses have been replaced by and I have also removed player names from executed smod commands. If requested, I'd be happy to provide full logs for the day or logs on behavior of Nex on any day he was on.

I'll break the events down objectively.

1. ^7Ce7^0.^7Nex connects to an almost full server on 13:37:54 GMT that day.
2. Nex gets dropped at 15:13:10 GMT for malformed client info but he joins back after a break.
3. ^0Agent ^1Hitler ^0[^1SS^77^0] joins in at 17:30:30 GMT.
4. He plays without causing any issues until the incident with Nex at 20:03:54 GMT. That's a total time span of 153 minutes and 24 seconds. During this time Nex is not always present on the server, but they play together for a good amount of time.
5. At 20:03:54 GMT Nex gets sabered by Hitler while they are both in the same team.
6. Immediately Hitler writes "fuck".
7. Nex and his friend Louet, who was nearby, report him.
8. Admin #7 warns about team killing.
9. Nex asks for him to be banned. During which Hitler explains he mixed his model up.
10. At this point I write through svsay that Hitler has already been warned to calm Nex down a bit.
11. A new round starts and Nex immediately TKs Hitler.
12. Nex says that he is not going to risk waiting in spec for a round.
13. Hitler forgives Nex.
14. Admin #7 at this point reaches me through Discord. We talk about Nex repeating this behavior many times before and I agree that he should be temp banned.
15. Nex gets temp banned for 15 rounds.
16. Hitler continues to play without causing any issues and logs out for the day at 21:11:05 GMT.

As for my subjective two cents:

You exhibit the same issues in your message as you did in the incident and how you treat other players in general.

Your huge and fragile ego is a big problem, Nex. You need to realize that nobody is above anybody. You are known as one of the most toxic players in the community and behavior-wise stray really close to the infamous batmad. People can't make you change but people don't have to put up with you either.

By the way, cute squishing of a self-glo*cough* benevolent statement right after flaming all the way there. It's comforting to hear that from a quality admin with a fair sense of judgment.
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EU Official Server Admin
11. A new round starts and Nex immediately TKs Hitler.
12. Nex says that he is not going to risk waiting in spec for a round.
13. Hitler forgives Nex.
14. Admin #7 at this point reaches me through Discord. We talk about Nex repeating this behavior many times before and I agree that he should be temp banned.
15. Nex gets temp banned for 15 rounds.
16. Hitler continues to play without causing any issues and logs out for the day at 21:11:05 GMT.

Everything is correct up to the point 11. The point of which you have no idea what occured back then. Hitler SS7 troll started to shoot my back apparently for fun just like he slashed my back round before. Then I shot him back, once, he got killed. If you believed in his silly excuse of "mixing model up" you must be as naive as 7 y/o girl. He keeps doing shit like that for several months straight with his "friends" but how could you be aware of SS7 trolling activity since you're around for 1-2 month in the community, aight? Because it appears the whole community knows they are trolls except of you. yet another proof of how incompetent for admin position you are.

As for my subjective two cents:

You exhibit the same issues in your message as you did in the incident and how you treat other players in general.

Your huge and fragile ego is a big problem, Nex. You need to realize that nobody is above anybody. You are known as one of the most toxic players in the community and behavior-wise stray really close to the infamous batmad. People can't make you change but people don't have to put up with you either.

As for this, you can cut your irrelevant opinion based on prejudices brought to you mostly by mentally ill autsits with ocd such as k4 or tylenol, who keep posting and reporting trash content on discord/forums in subjects that refer to matters about which they have no clue what happened, hence I ignored them long ago.
And my two cents regarding your persona, you're a random guy out of nowhere, claiming to be totally flawless and faultless and to know everything about everyone. Let me tell you this, you're the most childish, toxic, unfair, megalomanic, egocentric, arrogant, lying and manipulative individual I have ever encountered in this community by far. And I have played with more ppl than you can imagine. I won't even compare you to batmad, cake or SS7 trolls as there is no point, by doing what you're doing (all of this in white gloves) you're beyond the scale. When it comes to described incident I just proved you wrong, explained you what happened at spawn but you obviously won't admit to your own mistake cuz that's unlike you. You heal your irl complexes by setting up virtual servers in ancient video game to rp god. And yet you dare to call out ego issues of others to justify your decisions, jesus christ... This qualifies for a psychiatric investigation mate.Asap.
From what I understood, your counter argument basically is that you tempbanned me and not the tker because you don't like me. If that's so I'm afraid it doesn't require any further commentary. But if you want to have it that way then so be it. I have a good memory mate and as stated before I'm gonna act accordingly to your actions if you will be in need oppressed by trolls/tkers on any other server I'm admin on. Assuming you stop rp god one day and jump in to the game at least once, but I don't see that coming any time soon judging by your current behaviour.
And if you still don't get it, I will put it as simple as I only can so your childish mind is able to comprehend what actually took place. Facts are: I got tked once, then he attempted to tk me 2nd time right after we spawned, I defended myself to prevent it, then you tempbanned me and left Hitler SS7 tker unbothered. Now grow up and think before you act next time.

Absolutely destroyed. gg no re

Keep your mouth shut kid if you have no clue what happend if you wasn't even there.


Slayed dreamer
He keeps doing shit like that for several months straight with his "friends"
So... They bullied you for like a few months, but you *still* didn't manage to record a demo, which you could possible use in situations like this one? Did I understand it correctly?