Ruptor fp dmg is too damn high


Movie Battles II Team
Ive been triggered before but today Ive been triggered enuff by this to finally say it aloud.

The fp dmg of ruptor is totally ridiculous. It does the minimum of 30 fp dmg (standing + block) and can do 40 fp dmg when running. This makes ruptor the jedi destroyer from afar and the jedi can do nothing about it. 2 ruptor guys shooting a running jedi = 80 fp. You wanna dodge a gunner who shot you to 40 fp, maybe jump into cover? Oops too bad, ruptor got you even tho you were block jumping with def2/def3.

It is very easy to hit with this gun, especially a jedi and it does same fp dmg as proj. I feel like this was implemented with the rest of the fp buffs for guns by accident or without a second thought. Most bhs dont even know how potent this is but people have started to learn this fact and use it.

I am totally fine with all the other fp buffs for guns that have been implemented during these years. But this one buff is just too much. There was nothing wrong with the old ruptor fp dmg.
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I gotta steal this thread and share my frustration, but with the Arc Rifle.

The FP drain on this weapon, as well as the insane damage it does from both close and afar, with FOUR consecutive shots being able to be fired - WHILST jumping if you please, makes me wonder the sanity of the development process, when this has been reported as OP for the last 4 years. And then you have the EE-3, which can hardly kill a still-standing target with more than 80 hp, and only 3 consecutive shots. Wtf?

The difference in efficieny for both very limited classes, is astounishing.

"But Oink, Manda's have rockets!" So does fucking Arc you nimbwit, not to mention you can just Dex 2/3 out of the range. It's OP in all aspects of the gameplay, even against Deka and SBD. Name me one class in which Arc has a weakness. One!

You can't nade 'em, cuz they just insta-roll and can shoot whilst doing so. You can't flame them, cuz they just dex close (or afar) to you. You can hardly rocket them due to the same. You can't push or pull effectively, because they can both shoot and roll upon that very action. They can sustain immense amount of bodyfire, to the point it makes you question if they have 40% more protection than other classes? Nothing mentioned in FAQs or documents, but they seem to have a more prolific armour.

The only thing you can do to them, is literally snipe them. And even that is an extra advantage for the Arc, because he can jump around like a fucking rabbit WHILST sniping you - causing you more or less 80hp dmg per shot, and he got FOUR!
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Oh, and for the love of God; are you ever going to add something new to the game instead of just changing variables and math equations? Has anything new been added since, like, fire grenades? That was, what, 1967?

And the extra game modes doesn't count. It's a waste of time. Focus on what matters (looking good, plastic surgery and a good mb2).
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I gotta steal this thread and share my frustration, but with the Arc Rifle.

The FP drain on this weapon, as well as the insane damage it does from both close and afar, with FOUR consecutive shots being able to be fired - WHILST jumping if you please, makes me wonder the sanity of the development process, when this has been reported as OP for the last 4 years. And then you have the EE-3, which can hardly kill a still-standing target with more than 80 hp, and only 3 consecutive shots. Wtf?

The difference in efficieny for both very limited classes, is astounishing.

"But Oink, Manda's have rockets!" So does fucking Arc you nimbwit, not to mention you can just Dex 2/3 out of the range. It's OP in all aspects of the gameplay, even against Deka and SBD. Name me one class in which Arc has a weakness. One!

You can't nade 'em, cuz they just insta-roll and can shoot whilst doing so. You can't flame them, cuz they just dex close (or afar) to you. You can hardly rocket them due to the same. You can't push or pull effectively, because they can both shoot and roll upon that very action. They can sustain immense amount of bodyfire, to the point it makes you question if they have 40% more protection than other classes? Nothing mentioned in FAQs or documents, but they seem to have a more prolific armour.

The only thing you can do to them, is literally snipe them. And even that is an extra advantage for the Arc, because he can jump around like a fucking rabbit WHILST sniping you - causing you more or less 80hp dmg per shot, and he got FOUR!
b-but oink! now you have to initiate a getup move as arc before you can start shooting from the ground! how will they ever compete with mandos???!?!?!!?!


Movie Battles II Team
I honestly have little to no problems with arcs. Very few arcs are actually good enough to start a real mayhem. And since rebs are usually on the offensive the arc is one of the few classes among jedi that can truly advance without hinderance. Hardest part is to nerf arcs without making them useless, there is a very fine line.

I do agree that ee3 is pretty bad atm.
The ammo for the arc sniper depletes rapidly though, but I think mando rocket shouldn't have been nerfed this much, arc can carry 6 rockets and suffer no staggering but mando can be staggered, old mando was much better, after all, mando can only carry 1 rocket anyway.


Internal Beta Team
Arc sniper is strong because you can fire it while running with hero speed and while jumping/falling/wallrunning/rolling etc. with a lot of shots in the mag. EE3 sniper is 3 shots with significant individual delay while needing to let go of WASD to fire, which is just overall not as good. Since Imps have the strongest sniper (disruptor) and rebs have only 1 other sniper (proj), and since proj basically takes 10 years to fire and is basically not worth taking in comparison to a fragging E11 and nade build, Arc sniper is prevalent and EE3 sniper isn't.

Mando rocket needed the nerf, uncounterable flying rockets on defenseless gunners was the ultimate low skill move that completely negated skill because the mando pressed 1 button and won whereas the gunner had to kill the mando within like 0.5 seconds to survive. If you're getting dumpstered by Arc rockets I suggest you pick up any grenade with knockdowns and lay them flat on their back because they can't use getups with loaded rockets. Or just don't stand near doors when you hear the loading noise.

Arc can be problematic when lots of good players use it because (similarly to bounty hunter) it can spec into countering almost anything and doesn't really have weaknesses against most team comps. However, it's not quite broken because it doesn't have any unique item that absolutely dominates the field like old mando rocket, old disruptor rifle before the tweaks, old Quick Deploy droideka, etc. However, balancing Arc should probably come after SBD is reworked and potential deka changes happen since those classes have significant amounts of interaction currently.

They can sustain immense amount of bodyfire, to the point it makes you question if they have 40% more protection than other classes?

Mando armor is equally strong.

I agree that the lack of inherent counters to Arcs is problematic, but in the meantime, out-DPSing one is likely the best solution. Dodge T21 commanders in close range have significant DPS advantage on Arcs, and high-damage weapons, such as charged Mando westars and disruptors will still kill them like most other classes. Though the class as a whole doesn't have many counters, certain builds do: Pistol-only Arcs tend to expose themselves when trying to bounce corners, so peeking them when they charge their guns can allow for free damage. Sniper-only Arcs tend to be light on utility, and so SBD with mag plating is very strong against it usually. Rocket/EMP Arcs tend to be slow, with only Dex 2 and usually low stamina, so knockdowns paired with high damage guns tend to make them waste stamina while dodging, allowing Sith to get close and pressure them while a gunner finishes them off.