Rebels Are Such Easy Prey - mb2 frag video


Movie Battles II Team

It is raw, it is violent, it is the new frag video ”Rebels Are Such Easy Prey”. Easily my most ambitious and time taking project so far (and that is a lot considering this is only a 4 minute video). I really put everything I had into this project, compromising nothing. I have tried to listen to the feedback that I’ve got from you (brightness and FOV issues, some clips being unclear about what is going on) and improve. I hope I’ve managed to do that.

About the video itself: as you will see, it has taken a lot influence from the 80s Sci-Fi films (especially the Terminator). Cyber punk style has always been close to my heart so making this video was a blast. I have to say it feels good to make a “serious” video after years of making the funny ones; kind of moving all the aggression I’ve built into one master piece.

Let’s get to the video itself. Some of the clips look quite cinematic, but I want to make it clear that none of the material used in this video has been staged, and to me at least that gives the video a kind of poetic feel to it (especially the intro).

For those who are interested:

I’ll explain a bit behind the scenes. To improve on the clearness of the video (making the action comprehensive so audience can follow the pace) I had to see a lot more effort than usual. For example, I had to start many of the scenes from scratch after I had edited them. Problem is that you cannot see if the clip works well until you have the final rendered version of it. The preview (at least with my computer specs) is not enough to show everything. Coming up with good camera paths and using the right amount of slow motions at correct times can be pretty hard, since you have to be careful not to make it too long so it does not bore the audience, and neither too fast which makes the video hard to follow.

About fov: this time I’ve set the third person FOV as 110 a default, hope it looks a bit better now. Also in some scenes I’ve been tampering the FOV so it zooms in and shows more action.

The brightness settings: This was a bit hard one. I used couple hours messing with brightness settings and color corrections in search of that perfect balance of not too bright and neither too dark. What made it harder that every map needed a different kind of settings (and sometimes a different part of the map) so it took some effort to get it right. I decided to make it quite bright and colorful, and the difference can only be seen if you compare them, so I give you some comparison under this wall of text.

To make things harder; since the game is old and the colors are not always too great even with the source material (I think, if some1 knows a way to improve the colors please tell me. I am using full graphic settings as it is). Problem is that black looks awfully like green and trying brightening that can make the green stand out even more. For example, the scene in lunar in this video does not look so colorful as the rest, but that is because it would have looked way too green if it did, so I improved the brightness while even reducing the green, but at the expense of it being so colorful.


This is lunar with the improved version on the left


This is dotf with the improved version on the right

Please tell me how I did :)
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i liked the idea of using this "cyber vision" with lulzy code written in "hud", and the grenade trajectory drawings; my favourite clip was MT+wallrun+roll+pull combo
you did good, really good

btw WTF happened at 0:49?
That is actually just rocket impact making the manda fly :D would be pro overload if I had pulled, too

I guess that clip could have been clearer. Anyways thats Rosh, getting a sith pushed into his face. I find it quite hilarious.

a rosh*
keep your fake rosh away from me heathen

gud video but music made me feel sick in my stomach
gud music but somethin about the bass just gives me the tummy rumblies
need my tendies
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Deleted member 2572

Fek off with that grip -). My downfall is 0:23. Had no fp so rip x-x