Real talk, the future of MBII and ...

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Entirely different game to MB2, I think it fits better for yours. No one has any intention of doing anything like that with this.
Never know until you try though, nobody knew people would do this shit for empires until somebody dumped everything on a github for the forum members.
His intention was so people could copy the game easier and port it to a better engine, and hopefully spawn a clone under a professional studio.

Yeah nah, there is so many failed empires ports and remakes. As of right now the official number is 13. So people are just playing with the original instead. Its kind of hilarious how fucking lazy my mod team members are compared to MBII where the game is technically finished when its just as old.

And our game was built and coded by polaks as well.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Never know until you try though, nobody knew people would do this shit for empires until somebody dumped everything on a github for the forum members.
His intention was so people could copy the game easier and port it to a better engine, and hopefully spawn a clone under a professional studio.

Thing is, JKA is an off shoot of quake which essentially died out since it was never inline with the upgraded things done to quake over the years where as source that was a thing almost anyone with steam could just go and easily grab. There is a much bigger pool and I have, for example, released maps for the community to attempt to finish... no one bothered. People wanted source for JKA for a long time. When they got it it was too late and OpenJK/Rend2 are no where near what they should be. So even if we did that, I really don't expect anything massive to come out of it especially since almost nothing has come out of releasing the entire source code for the game itself.

Believe it or not SeV (and I know you know, being a beta tester) you are not the only person to think open gameplay feels stale. That's probably a universal sentiment among anyone who has played the mod for a while.

This is exactly why I have been trying to work on EC as much as I can. Those who have been to some of EC's design meeting should know very well how hard LootaBox and I are trying to make things unique and fun again. I almost never play mb2 anymore because I am tired of its current state. As such, I agree with this completely:
So anyway, no, I don't think the answer to gameplay diversity in MBII is going to be found in bending over backward to cater to role playing or other unstructured gameplay. Might you have more players in servers? Sure, maybe, for a time. But that's just chasing a statistic. Movie Battles is about the gameplay more than anything else and that will cease to be relevant as soon as you turn it into just another FFA mosh pit with no teamwork or objective.

Well said.
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God if only I had the patience and intelligence to learn how to code.

I would just make a world war 1 esq game that plays like ace of spades.
Using the Russo Japanese war as the aesthetic.
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Slayed dreamer
I think duel mode is a perfect example of fragmentation and I have never liked having it for MB2 since there is no team aspect to the play. It works fine for basejka.
Dude, are you serious?!
You "never liked" a mode, that seems to be more popular than older mode, FA?
Mode that obviously has its own playerbase, which, in turn, increases playerbase of whole MBII?

And duel mode also helped to make open mode better, cause I remember what it was like to play open back in the days: there was always some group of players, in both teams, who didn't want to play normally, they just wanted to duel instead.
That was a problem, because those duelist get triggered if any other people tried to participate in those "honor duels".
You could easily be killed by somebody from your team if you didn't respect saber duels, and often admins were on the side of duelists -- so, you could even be kicked for not respecting duels.
Duel mode sorted that mess out, now we can just say "this is not a duel server, go away!".

Not sure why we should ignore wishes of people, enforcing them either to do exactly what devs order them to do, or leave the mod.
Such dictatorship reminds of policy that huge corporations provide these days, locking both their hardware and software in every possible way, removing customization settings, creating vendor lock-ins and so on.
Fuck corporations.
10 years ago I was literally a fanboy of Google. I really believed to what they say, "don't be evil" and stuff.
Now I see they're just as evil as anybody else, soulless and care only for money.

People having fun in duel mode, in the same way as in open mode.
People have stopped to try turning open mode to what it isn't supposed to be.
That's a win-win for Movie Battles.
If MB2 is not interesting enough to play without unlimited time/RP, they wouldn't be playing Open Mode anyway.
They could play open from time to time, just when they get bored from RPing.
There is possibility that some players would migrate from RP to Open (or Duel, or FA), cause taste may change as you get older.
Today this is your favorite mode, and tomorrow you like something else.

And RPers would increase total number of players.
If you implement it, you need an option for 3-5 minutes only and unlimited. You cannot have anything else because that will cause worse gameplay issues.
As I said before, server owners can decide on their own, what does "cause worse gameplay issues" and what doesn't.

If some server has goofy time limit (as well as bad map rotation, high ping, too low number of players limit, retarded admins etc etc), why do you care?
Players will just move to some other place, that's all.
We still have official servers, with all settings precisely set in the way developers want them to be.
This is pretty accurate... almost every major mod in JKA lived and once RP came in it marked its death, and those people eventually moved on to another mod year after year... Why does the RP mod change all the time? They aren't interested in staying and will leave once they're bored and run out of stories. Once that happens, mb2s gameplay is already damaged.
Really can't understand why are you afraid RPers so much.
Even if they come to MBII, and then leave, why it's so awful and dangerous?
What will happen to all other players after that? Players of open mode, duel mode? They will abandon Movie Battles too? Why they should do it? They aren't lemmings, after all.

It seems that you think roleplayers are some deadly, powerful and most dangerous thing in the universe, like a Death Star :D


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Dude, are you serious?!
You "never liked" a mode, that seems to be more popular than older mode, FA?
Mode that obviously has its own playerbase, which, in turn, increases playerbase of whole MBII?

It is my fucking opinion? Why you being a douche about an opinion. I said LIKED. What does my liking it have to do with FA when I never mentioned it? And fun fact, FA used to be way more popular than Duel mode is now and was for a very long time way more popular than Duel mode is. The mode did nothing to increase the playerbase of mb2. The people who play duel mode already played open before that and took their 1v1 honor duels to a more suitable place. I don't like it because it doesn't have anything to do with teamplay and that is my opinion and nothing more. If you want to compare FA vs duel for the past few months you would be right. If you compare the full life time, you are far off base.

You could easily be killed by somebody from your team if you didn't respect saber duels, and often admins were on the side of duelists -- so, you could even be kicked for not respecting duels.
Duel mode sorted that mess out, now we can just say "this is not a duel server, go away!".

Yes, lets totally bring the classic basejka "Lamer" logic into it. Totally not flawed at all. The lamer whining from base was completely cancerous but whatever.

Not sure why we should ignore wishes of people, enforcing them either to do exactly what devs order them to do, or leave the mod.
Such dictatorship reminds of policy that huge corporations provide these days, locking both their hardware and software in every possible way, removing customization settings, creating vendor lock-ins and so on.
F**k corporations.

Dude, can you sit back and think for a second? Please? This whole statement here tells me that you've never really been a part of making a game, or been a part of any such project that deals with clients on any large scale. Quite frequently a developer has to step their foot down and say NO. We are not going to do that because that will damage the integrity of a product (Such as adding back doors into encryption). That is what I am doing here. I believe removing timelimit, just like removing saberists, just like removing reinforcements, is damaging to the integrity of MB2 and you cannot do it. That is my opinion based off of working on this god damned mod since 2006/2007. I am pretty sure I am well aware what the core of MB2 should be. If I think something damages the core of MB2, then I am going to voice it. I cannot even count on my hand the number of times a group of people in the community has thought something would be fun and we try it and it ends up being utter shit. It happens in basically every gaming community ever. /frustration mode.

We are not pulling an apple by making common standard proprietary. Having timelimits, and adjusting within the range of those timelimits, is industry standard. Oh look, a timelimit slider. It has a minimum and maximum range on a game developed by EPIC that allows you direct mod tools access right out of the gate! Even a team that allows you more access to customize UT than we allow for MB2, they still have timelimits within a set range and do not allow unlimited. Ours is 3-5 minutes.

If some server has goofy time limit (as well as bad map rotation, high ping, too low number of players limit, retarded admins etc etc), why do you care?

Servers with stupid random mods, zero consistency, is why I stopped playing games like COD2 where every god damn server was modded and impossible to follow. It is not fun, it is not good for anyone new coming to the game as variances make it harder to learn. More and more games have locked certain customization options out of their dedicated servers for a reason.

As I said before, server owners can decide on their own, what does "cause worse gameplay issues" and what doesn't.

If that is your philosophy on the subject. Please never design a game. You don't seem to understand what the problem with that is. Pick up a game design book, or watch some game developer talk on youtube and maybe you will learn why it is a bad idea. You can allow customization within bounds of the rules of the game. Which is what MB2 already does. Anything else is an argument for open source, not anything related to server specific settings where they want to change the game entirely (IE Warcraft -> DOTA) and isn't relevant here.

And RPers would increase total number of players.

You don't know that, and if it does it could only be temporary. You're making assumptions. I know more people who want MB2 content ported to single player so they can fuck around than I do RPers.

Really can't understand why are you afraid RPers so much.
Even if they come to MBII, and then leave, why it's so awful and dangerous?

The problem isn't RPers themselves as in most cases they are fine. JKA's RPers are literally cancer though for some reason and every mod they touch dies because they drive out the rest of the community and even developers of those mods. Again I reference ForceMod. JKA RPers are also the only ones seemingly hellbent on getting the timelimit removed for MB2, so I associate removing MB2s timelimit with that group primarily.

Again, RPers generally aren't the problem. Removing a core RULE of Movie Battles is the problem. If we start removing core parts of MB2 then the game loses what it is. Removing the timelimit is akin to removing saberists, reinforcements, projectile blaster fire. It is what the game has been designed around since 2003. Deal with it.
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Removing a core RULE of Movie Battles is the problem. If we start removing core parts of MB2 then the game loses what it is. Removing the timelimit is akin to removing saberists, reinforcements, projectile blaster fire. It is what the game has been designed around since 2003. Deal with it.

Why is time limit needed in duel mode?


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Why is time limit needed in duel mode?

It gives a finishing point. Granted MB2s "End Match" Statistics are horrible but in an ideal case it would allow players to duel for a bit, practice, then give them some feedback on that. Show them how many PB/Semi-PBs they did, see how long they held ACM, how many of their swings were blocked, how much damage they did, etc. If we had levels, granted we don't, itd save progress, allow people to stand up and take a breather for a second, give them time to reflect on what they did good, bad, so they can focus on fighting as much as possible during the round. Health-wise breaks every 3-4 mb2 rounds (15-20 minutes) is about the amount of time you are supposed to play before getting up and walking around a bit.

This kinda leads into part of my problems with duel mode though. It feels tacked on, added to please/cater to a group of people. It also arguably shows the overfocus on sabering the last 6 years of development as well while not focusing on anything else putting MB2 in the predicament that started this thread. In its current state, there really isn't a reason for a timelimit but that doesn't mean that is how it should be. You're supposed to give players breathers, show them stats and how they did, give them time to talk to other people to learn, plan, help them with their builds, etc. Round based games like Overwatch, CSGO are popular partially because they do these things. You don't want huge drawn out rounds that last 20-30 minutes in many cases. Sure the experienced players could go on for hours but that really isn't good for the "average" gamer. A lot of people prefer HotS to DOTA2/League because of the shorter game times for example.

And as I mentioned, I don't like duel mode anyway because I don't feel it fits into MB2s core goals of being a team-based game which is part of the issue and why you cannot just go "oh duel mode exists but it doesn't follow the rules so obviously it should be okay". It is also why every game mode I have ever suggested/designed for mb2, relies on teamwork. Most duel levels I worked on, the FAs were designed for you to work as a team with strengths and weaknesses to each character on both sides and not one being a direct play counter to another. Yes there are 1v1 duel maps, but that is also a little different from a duel mode as well.
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It gives a finishing point. Granted MB2s "End Match" Statistics are horrible but in an ideal case it would allow players to duel for a bit, practice, then give them some feedback on that.
I don't believe a 10-second break is long enough to get feedback on how you did that round. You can do all of this stuff by just standing still in-game.

It feels tacked on, added to please/cater to a group of people.
This isn't really a problem though... I stuck around with this mod because of its saber combat, and I'm sure many others did too. As a new player, I honestly thought duel mode was the main mode until I was told it wasn't.

Im slightly confused with what you guys actually want. Do you want new players to play your mod and increase the player base, or do you want your game to be more competitive with one mode? If you want more players, you should try new things out instead of sticking to the same old thing. If you want your game to be more competitive, stick with whatever you doing. I'm not saying any choice is wrong btw because you guys are the developers, but if I were in your shoes I would want to attract more players to my mod to keep it living longer. And if it doesn't work there is no harm in just going back to the way things were before. Im sure no one would complain :).

In its current state, there really isn't a reason for a time limit but that doesn't mean that is how it should be.
Now that I actually think about it, duel mode should probably have a 60 min limit. No lives, just constantly respawning after deaths. Once the timer is up, it should display the score (just like the round limit thing). I pretty much duel every single day and I hate having to wait 10 seconds every 5 mins just to get back to dueling. It's really unnecessary. Stuff like /smod tempban can be changed to /smod tempban 30 (# = mins) and smod maprestart can be removed.

I don't really understand the stuff with an unlimited time limit with open mode classes... It just sounds like a mess to me. If you were to change the time limit of one mode, it should be duel mode.

You're supposed to give players breathers, show them stats and how they did, give them time to talk to other people to learn, plan, help them with their builds
Again, its unnecessary if you can do all of it in-game.

You don't want huge drawn out rounds that last 20-30 minutes in many cases. Sure the experienced players could go on for hours but that really isn't good for the "average" gamer.
I am assuming we're still talking about duel mode, but this stuff is really easy for the player to fix if they want a break. Escape>Join>Spectator.

NOTE: I am only talking about changes to duel mode.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I don't believe a 10-second break is long enough to get feedback on how you did that round. You can do all of this stuff by just standing still in-game.

It would likely be longer in the case of this happening. For example my plan for EC is to have an option for the server to choose say a 3 or a 5 round "match" and then when the match is done, the stats come up for an extended period of time. Fitting into the ideal 15-25 minute mark for a great number of peoples play time. The large majority of people don't play for hours on end, they play for 10 minutes to an hour and that is about it.

This isn't really a problem though... I stuck around with this mod because of its saber combat, and I'm sure many others did too. As a new player, I honestly thought duel mode was the main mode until I was told it wasn't.

That is the first I have heard that. Why would it be saber/dueling only when it is called Movie Battles and a majority of the fights were without a lightsaber? Most new players I've run into join normal servers but choose jedi/sith because they think they are probably the most powerful class or they like the idea of them a lot and think they're cool.

Im slightly confused with what you guys actually want. Do you want new players to play your mod and increase the player base, or do you want your game to be more competitive with one mode? If you want more players, you should try new things out instead of sticking to the same old thing. If you want your game to be more competitive, stick with whatever you doing. I'm not saying any choice is wrong btw because you guys are the developers, but if I were in your shoes I would want to attract more players to my mod to keep it living longer. And if it doesn't work there is no harm in just going back to the way things were before. Im sure no one would complain :).

I don't like the idea of making it a one-mode competitive game. I think adding other competitive gamemodes is what you do to increase player count. So long as you do it in such a way that it doesn't segment the community. Similar to how I designed Conquest/BOP and eventually how I told Jorge how CTF should be recognized by the game. How we did is is we made the game mode detectable by _GameModeName_ parts of the MapName. Which makes map switching at the time much easier (this is pre-RTV) and allows people to stay on the same server, on similar game modes, have a rotation, without fragmenting/splitting the community. The way duel currently works, the same with FA, is that it is harder to switch to because it requires MBMode switches. Granted people knowledgeable can make that happen in a single command, but still. People might not get to play their specific favorite mode all the time, but you add a piece of something that everyone can enjoy without segmenting them off in completely different game modes.

I don't think we should be adding any modes that don't fall into the Team-Based segment (IE no FFA). If we add modes that fall into the similar design spec of Assault (Time/ScoreLimit, Asymmetrical Classes, Team Oriented, Objective-Based) then anything we add is fine. That keeps the game in the competitive it was designed for.

Now that I actually think about it, duel mode should probably have a 60 min limit. No lives, just constantly respawning after deaths. Once the timer is up, it should display the score (just like the round limit thing). I pretty much duel every single day and I hate having to wait 10 seconds every 5 mins just to get back to dueling. It's really unnecessary. Stuff like /smod tempban can be changed to /smod tempban 30 (# = mins) and smod maprestart can be removed.

60 minutes is far too much for the average person. Yes people can just discon when they're done and join on the fly, but most people like to stop/start on "mile-markers". For example, I usually try and stop playing Overwatch when I get a loot box. If you put the mile marker too far apart, that isn't good for retention.

Again, its unnecessary if you can do all of it in-game.

I have found that all methods of doing that in-game are pretty clunky in comparison. Especially in JKA. My play is usually worse when I try to do both of those at the same time.

I am assuming we're still talking about duel mode, but this stuff is really easy for the player to fix if they want a break. Escape>Join>Spectator.

Like I mentioned above, yes you can do that but the average person these days prefers to start/leave on mile-markers. So you really wouldn't want to have long rounds for people.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I am assuming we're still talking about duel mode, but this stuff is really easy for the player to fix if they want a break. Escape>Join>Spectator.

You don't even need that unless you care about stats. I've gone afk in duel servers on several occasions - even if someone took advantage of the opportunity to repeatedly murder me, what harm did it do? It dropped my kill ratio and, worst-case scenario, forced me to sit in spectator mode for 3-4 minutes. (Really, unless I'm playing on a non-duel server, the most harm that comes from that sort of thing is precisely because the system is designed the way it is.)


It would likely be longer in the case of this happening. For example my plan for EC is to have an option for the server to choose say a 3 or a 5 round "match" and then when the match is done, the stats come up for an extended period of time. Fitting into the ideal 15-25 minute mark for a great number of peoples play time. The large majority of people don't play for hours on end, they play for 10 minutes to an hour and that is about it.
I see where you're coming from. Maybe you should make it so the server owners for duel mode servers can choose their own time limit, but only up to a certain point like 60 mins.

That is the first I have heard that. Why would it be saber/dueling only when it is called Movie Battles and a majority of the fights were without a lightsaber? Most new players I've run into join normal servers but choose jedi/sith because they think they are probably the most powerful class or they like the idea of them a lot and think they're cool.
Yeah... I wasn't really paying attention back then because I could only connect to duel mode servers. And I didn't really care about the name of the mod either.

I don't like the idea of making it a one-mode competitive game. I think adding other competitive gamemodes is what you do to increase player count. So long as you do it in such a way that it doesn't segment the community. Similar to how I designed Conquest/BOP and eventually how I told Jorge how CTF should be recognized by the game. How we did is is we made the game mode detectable by _GameModeName_ parts of the MapName. Which makes map switching at the time much easier (this is pre-RTV) and allows people to stay on the same server, on similar game modes, have a rotation, without fragmenting/splitting the community. The way duel currently works, the same with FA, is that it is harder to switch to because it requires MBMode switches. Granted people knowledgeable can make that happen in a single command, but still. People might not get to play their specific favorite mode all the time, but you add a piece of something that everyone can enjoy without segmenting them off in completely different game modes.

I don't think we should be adding any modes that don't fall into the Team-Based segment (IE no FFA). If we add modes that fall into the similar design spec of Assault (Time/ScoreLimit, Asymmetrical Classes, Team Oriented, Objective-Based) then anything we add is fine. That keeps the game in the competitive it was designed for.
Adding more competitive modes is very cool, but making everyone play the same mode is just awful. I really couldn't imagine myself playing CTF with open mode players because I mostly play duel mode. It just wouldn't work unless Duel/FA dies out.

I agree with not adding anymore modes unless they're team-based if that's what you guys are really going for. However, this doesn't mean you guys should try to drift away from working on duel mode/FA if people are still playing these modes.

60 minutes is far too much for the average person. Yes people can just discon when they're done and join on the fly, but most people like to stop/start on "mile-markers". For example, I usually try and stop playing Overwatch when I get a loot box. If you put the mile marker too far apart, that isn't good for retention.
I know what you mean, but really that isn't your fault if the player wants to spend extra time playing. They can always limit themselves to like 15 mins out of 60. It's their choice when they want to leave. Again, time limit should be server side with max time limits if this is really an issue.

I have found that all methods of doing that in-game are pretty clunky in comparison. Especially in JKA. My play is usually worse when I try to do both of those at the same time.
I'm always checking my score in game. I normally alt tab for a few seconds when I have to wait for the 10 second restart.

You don't even need that unless you care about stats. I've gone afk in duel servers on several occasions - even if someone took advantage of the opportunity to repeatedly murder me, what harm did it do? It dropped my kill ratio and, worst-case scenario, forced me to sit in spectator mode for 3-4 minutes. (Really, unless I'm playing on a non-duel server, the most harm that comes from that sort of thing is precisely because the system is designed the way it is.)
If you duel mode to be competitive, you're gonna want to have a good score. I personally don't give a shit about my stats, but if I wanted to take a break from a competitive mode, I would join spectator.[/QUOTE]


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I'm always checking my score in game. I normally alt tab for a few seconds when I have to wait for the 10 second restart.

The info I am talking about is too much to be contained in the tab screen. At least in its current design/setup.

Adding more competitive modes is very cool, but making everyone play the same mode is just awful. I really couldn't imagine myself playing CTF with open mode players because I mostly play duel mode. It just wouldn't work unless Duel/FA dies out.

It would work just like rotation servers, if someone wanted to 24/7 something they could. I personally think sabering/dueling has had FAR too much attention the last few years and the team needs to take a break from it.

I know what you mean, but really that isn't your fault if the player wants to spend extra time playing. They can always limit themselves to like 15 mins out of 60. It's their choice when they want to leave. Again, time limit should be server side with max time limits if this is really an issue.

That is kinda what we already do though. Technically time limit is server side with a max time limit. It currently is 3-5 minutes and the server owners can set it as such. Everything just uses the max currently. That is what we chose a long time ago. Could duel be extended? Probably. CTF was technically going to be 10-12 minutes with 5-6 minute half times last time I saw. Certain modes like Assault shouldn't be allowed past the 3-5 minutes we currently have because that is what we designed the gameplay around just like we were last I checked designing CTF around 10-12/5-6. I don't think any gamemode should ever pass the 15 minute threshold for a single round.
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EU Official Server Admin
After reading few posts it's clear that problem is within dev's decision making. They can't even recognize a stupidity behind time limit restrictions to duel mode and try to enforce their silly views on argument opponents with pointless walls of text. It doesn't make you look any more credible, believe me. It all comes down to willingness. The only way MBII can move forward is to replace devs responsible for direction game is suppose to go. They are too stubborn and conservative when it comes to implementing some variety to such old mod. No wonder LoU left. It is more of a dictatorship than actually listening to feedback of players.
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
After reading few posts it's clear that problem is within dev's decision making. They can't even recognize a stupidity behind time limit restrictions to duel mode and try to enforce their silly views on argument opponents with pointless walls of text. It doesn't make you look any more credible, believe me. It all comes down to willingness. The only way MBII can move forward is to replace devs responsible for direction game is suppose to go. They are too stubborn and conservative when it comes to implementing some variety to such old mod. No wonder LoU left. It is more of a dictatorship than actually listening to feedback of players.

The bias is strong in you. If what we did was wrong, MB2 would never have lasted as long as it did. Like I said, community doesn't always know what is best. And hearing you say that we don't listen to players upsets me greatly and shows me you have zero knowledge of what actually goes on. If you knew anything about me, you would have known over the 10 years I have been here I constantly ask feedback from people both in-game and on forums. Hello this thread from like a week ago: Your Opinion on Reinforcements & Their Future Where your feedback pushed me in a slightly different direction with what I was planning to do with reinforcements. How many times did I change RC, Enclave, etc. layouts because I listened to the community? You are ignorant, you are an asshole, and you are the one unwilling to see others viewpoints and instead you try to bring them down.
This post has had content moderated for rule violations.
After reading few posts it's clear that problem is within dev's decision making. They can't even recognize a stupidity behind time limit restrictions to duel mode and try to enforce their silly views on argument opponents with pointless walls of text. It doesn't make you look any more credible, believe me. It all comes down to willingness. The only way MBII can move forward is to replace devs responsible for direction game is suppose to go. They are too stubborn and conservative when it comes to implementing some variety to such old mod. No wonder LoU left. It is more of a dictatorship than actually listening to feedback of players.

In all seriousness though, it's not just Mace that listens to the community either. After chatting with Tempest for a short while about pure Forcewhore, he added me on Steam, and started asking me many, many questions on the state of it, and how I as a player think Forcewhore does in support roles/otherwise. Many of the devs do actually care about the state of the game, but realize that they're only human, here, and that they do it for free.

There is no monetary gain pushing them towards working harder on the mod, there is no real incentive to work on this stuff either than personal reasons, and if they wanted to, they could all just drop this shit and piss off somewhere else. Also, realize that they're human, and they have the very human attribute of making mistakes, just like you or me.

In fact, I realize now if anything, a lot of the community has changed this mod for the worse in some areas. People complain about this or that, suddenly entire features disappear, or certain powers become practically useless unless you have a build absolutely dedicated to this OPTIONAL power or ability; Notable examples include Dodge, and MT. Dodge went from an OP sniper based god power to something hardly anybody uses. MT went from 8 or so seconds of godlike invisibility to a 4 second power that only works well if you pair it with Speed, or Pull. (keep in mind it will only work on isolated targets with no Sith/Gunner support as well, because by the time you've activated MT, sped up to somebody, and used Pull, you're out of FP, so have fun getting pushed down by Sith, or getting easily gunned down.)
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I think the devs ask the wrong people for advice tbh...

It's not advice, it's feedback, and the pressure put on by the community to change things is what causes change, as well as the devs' personal interest in of itself. I also find it ironic that the people who demand change the most, are the people who are most easily upset when they die to something specific without considering some sort of counter to said specific thing.

Also, this is a forum, not a text chat, elaborate instead of leaving a single, vague line of text; Vague posts are a lot of what is responsible for turning most topics into whirling maelstroms of shitpost.


To the topic of dueling, I do suggest that the time limit is removed, and infinite lives put in. This will encourage a more sort of JK2/JK3 like dueling practice, where people would sit in one area of the map and chat until it was their turn to duel, or multiple people would duel in tandem. Also suggest putting duel challenges back in, for people who don't want their duels interrupted (perhaps add time limit to duel challenges, though, and some sort of cooldown for the 2 inevitable douchebags that will lame somebody, and then duel challenge each-other to get away from the repercussions).

loel woew lamin amirite lole
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It's not advice, it's feedback, and the pressure put on by the community to change things is what causes change, as well as the devs' personal interest in of itself. I also find it ironic that the people who demand change the most, are the people who are most easily upset when they die to something specific without considering some sort of counter to said specific thing.

Also, this is a forum, not a text chat, elaborate instead of leaving a single, vague line of text; Vague posts are a lot of what is responsible for turning most topics into whirling maelstroms of shitpost.


To the topic of dueling, I do suggest that the time limit is removed, and infinite lives put in. This will encourage a more sort of JK2/JK3 like dueling practice, where people would sit in one area of the map and chat until it was their turn to duel, or multiple people would duel in tandem. Also suggest putting duel challenges back in, for people who don't want their duels interrupted.

I think the devs (tempest n gang) are asking the wrong players (rosh+/altroll) for advice.

Deleted member 2572

This thread= 'Devs are dumb! They don't update anything! They are assholes! Mb2 needs to be changed!'. Basically nothing new.
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