Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Pure Legends pack.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3500
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Deleted member 3500

Legends characters.jpg

As a fan of Legends, I'm not particularly fond of the New Canon or TCW, that isn't to say others aren't free to like it however. That being said, I humbly request a skin replacement pack featuring characters not only from the Prequel and Original Trilogies, but from the Classic Expanded Universe/Legends, by that I mean, Pre-2008 Legends material (aside from The Force Unleashed, that material is fine to stay), omitting any and all characters from the 2008 Clone Wars as well, and replacing them with the Classic versions from the 2002-2007 Clone Wars Multi-media Project.

I've made a long list of characters I'd personally like in this pack, any replacements to existing skins (Such as the New Canon and TCW ones) are preferable.

Prequel Trilogy:

Light Side:


1. Your average Phase I & II Clones
2. 501st Legion
3. 212th Attack Battalion
4. Whatever else there is since I forgot the others

Clone Commandos:

1. Any ARCs or Commanders
2. Delta Squad
3. Other Clone ARC variants


1. Naboo soldiers
2. Gungans


1. Jar Jar Binks
2. Padme Amidala (Episode II & Episode III variants)
3. Senator Bail Organa


1. Captain Penaka
2. Senate Commando
3. Captain Typho
4. Captain Tarpals


1. Anakin Skywalker (Episode II & Episode III) (Preferably the Models by Tompa09 titled "The Chosen One pack")
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I, II, & III) (Models by Hapslash and whoever else that are good quality)
3. Mace Windu
4. Qui-Gon Jinn
5. Plo Koon (Not his Clone Wars model, the model with robes)
6. Yareal Poof
7. Eeth Koth
8. Depa Bilapba
9. Adi Gallia
10. Evan Piell
11. Shaak Ti (Also be awesome to include her TFU model if you can find it)
12. Luminara Unduli
13. Bariss Offee
14. Kit Fisto

Dark Side:


1. Battle Droids (No Clone Wars droids, just the Battle droids of the films)


1. (This category is self-explainatory)

Bounty Hunters:

1. Zam Wessel


1. (Again self-explainatory)


1. Pre-Suit Vader AKA Dark Side Anakin (Models from Hapslash with Sith eyes hooded and non-hooded variants)
2. Count Dooku
3. Darth Maul (No Clone Wars models.)
4. General Grievous (Movie variants, no Clone Wars)
5. Palpatine (Episode III Senate & Emperor skins)
6. Darth Vader (Episode III variant)
7. Magna Guards (Look for the Electro staff hilts too)


1. Jango Fett

Now for the Original Trilogy:

Light Side:


1. Rebel Soldiers (Any varient)


1. Elite Rebel Soldier


1. Princess Leia (ANH skins, and ESB skins, as well as her Bounty Hunter skin, I found it wierd that particular skin was on the villain side. Also Slave Leia too)
2. Han Solo (All OT skin variants)
3. Lando Calirissian
4. Luke Skywalker (Farmboy skin)


1. Luke Skywalker ( All ESB & ROTJ skin variants) (Mostly the skins made by Toshi)
2. Old Ben Kenobi (All variants)

Dark Side:


1. Stormtroopers
2. Storm pilots
3. Imperial Workers

Imperial Commanders:

1. Imperial Officer (Various skins)
2. Tarkin
3. Stormtrooper commandos

Bounty Hunters:

1. Bossk
2. Weequays
3. Rodians
4. Dengar
5. IG-88


1. Boba Fett


1. Darth Vader (EP IV,V, VI variants)
2. Emperor Palpatine (OT variant)

Lastly Legends characters


Light Side:


1. Rebel Soldier (TFU skin variant)
2. X-wing pilot

Elite Soldiers:

(Can't think of any so feel free to skip this section)


1. Dash Rendar
2. Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces skin)
3. Mara Jade
4. Jan Ors


1. Luke Skywalker (See if you can find any Legends/EU style skins)
2. Kyle Katarn (Default skin as well as Dark Forces II & MOTS variants (You can find the latter skins in the Dark Forces II skin pack on JKhub)
3. Quinlan Vos
4. Aayla Secura
5. Siri Tachi
6. Jaina Solo
7. Jacen Solo
8. Mara Jade
9. K'kruhk
10. Jedi Dooku
11. Jaden Korr
12. Cade Skywalker (Might be tricky to find, search Gamefront or Mr.Wonko's site for a skin)
13. Rosh Penin
14. Bastila Shan
15. Satele Shan
16. Revan (SWTOR skin variants and Light Side Revan skin)
17. Kriea
18. Jolee Bindo
19. Galen Marek/Starkiller (Jedi Adventure Robe skins and Clone Starkiller)
20. Bultar Swan
21. Sora Bulq (Comes with Jedi and Sith variants)
22. Rahm Kota
23. Qu Rahn

Dark Side:


1. TFU Stormtrooper (All variants. Can be found in the TFU trooper pack on JKhub)

Imperial Officers:

1. Ysanne Isard
2. Galak Fyarr
3. Admiral Pellaeon
4. Grand Admiral Thrawn

Bounty Hunters:

1. Durge
2. Racto
3. Rax Joris


1. Asajj Ventress (Not the Clone Wars skins, rather preferably the skin titled "Asajj Ventress VM")
2. Komari Vosa (From the same author as the "Asajj Ventress VM" skin)
3. Darth Revan (SWTOR variant and KOTOR skins)
4. Darth Malak
5. Darth Sion
6. Darth Traya
7. Darth Caedus (Skin might be tricky to find, I'll give you a link if you can't find it)
8. Darth Krayt (Skins on JKhub)
9. Darth Nihilus
10. Reborn (All variants)
11. Shadowtrooper
12. Desann
13. Tavion (JK2 & JKA variants)
14. Cultists (All variants)
15. Jerec (Can be found in the Dark Forces II Skin pack)
16. Yun (Dark Forces II skin pack)
17. Sariss (Dark Forces II skin pack)
18. Maw (Dark Forces II skin pack)
19. Boc (Dark Forces II skin pack)
20. Alora
21. Starkiller/Lord Starkiller (Use the models that come from Peneke pack, same with his Jedi skins)
22. Darth Talon
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As a fan of Legends, I'm not particularly fond of the New Canon or TCW, that isn't to say others aren't free to like it however. That being said, I humbly request a skin replacement pack featuring characters not only from the Prequel and Original Trilogies, but from the Classic Expanded Universe/Legends, by that I mean, Pre-2008 Legends material (aside from The Force Unleashed, that material is fine to stay), omitting any and all characters from the 2008 Clone Wars as well, and replacing them with the Classic versions from the 2002-2007 Clone Wars Multi-media Project.

I've made a long list of characters I'd personally like in this pack, any replacements to existing skins (Such as the New Canon and TCW ones) are preferable.

Prequel Trilogy:

Light Side:


1. Your average Phase I & II Clones
2. 501st Legion
3. 212th Attack Battalion
4. Whatever else there is since I forgot the others

Clone Commandos:

1. Any ARCs or Commanders
2. Delta Squad
3. Other Clone ARC variants


1. Naboo soldiers
2. Gungans


1. Jar Jar Binks
2. Padme Amidala (Episode II & Episode III variants)
3. Senator Bail Organa


1. Captain Penaka
2. Senate Commando
3. Captain Typho
4. Captain Tarpals


1. Anakin Skywalker (Episode II & Episode III) (Preferably the Models by Tompa09 titled "The Chosen One pack")
2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I, II, & III) (Models by Hapslash and whoever else that are good quality)
3. Mace Windu
4. Qui-Gon Jinn
5. Plo Koon (Not his Clone Wars model, the model with robes)
6. Yareal Poof
7. Eeth Koth
8. Depa Bilapba
9. Adi Gallia
10. Evan Piell
11. Shaak Ti (Also be awesome to include her TFU model if you can find it)
12. Luminara Unduli
13. Bariss Offee
14. Kit Fisto

Dark Side:


1. Battle Droids (No Clone Wars droids, just the Battle droids of the films)


1. (This category is self-explainatory)

Bounty Hunters:

1. Zam Wessel


1. (Again self-explainatory)


1. Pre-Suit Vader AKA Dark Side Anakin (Models from Hapslash with Sith eyes hooded and non-hooded variants)
2. Count Dooku
3. Darth Maul (No Clone Wars models.)
4. General Grievous (Movie variants, no Clone Wars)
5. Palpatine (Episode III Senate & Emperor skins)
6. Darth Vader (Episode III variant)
7. Magna Guards (Look for the Electro staff hilts too)


1. Jango Fett

Now for the Original Trilogy:

Light Side:


1. Rebel Soldiers (Any varient)


1. Elite Rebel Soldier


1. Princess Leia (ANH skins, and ESB skins, as well as her Bounty Hunter skin, I found it wierd that particular skin was on the villain side. Also Slave Leia too)
2. Han Solo (All OT skin variants)
3. Lando Calirissian
4. Luke Skywalker (Farmboy skin)


1. Luke Skywalker ( All ESB & ROTJ skin variants) (Mostly the skins made by Toshi)
2. Old Ben Kenobi (All variants)

Dark Side:


1. Stormtroopers
2. Storm pilots
3. Imperial Workers

Imperial Commanders:

1. Imperial Officer (Various skins)
2. Tarkin
3. Stormtrooper commandos

Bounty Hunters:

1. Bossk
2. Weequays
3. Rodians
4. Dengar
5. IG-88


1. Boba Fett


1. Darth Vader (EP IV,V, VI variants)
2. Emperor Palpatine (OT variant)

Lastly Legends characters


Light Side:


1. Rebel Soldier (TFU skin variant)
2. X-wing pilot

Elite Soldiers:

(Can't think of any so feel free to skip this section)


1. Dash Rendar
2. Kyle Katarn (Dark Forces skin)
3. Mara Jade
4. Jan Ors


1. Luke Skywalker (See if you can find any Legends/EU style skins)
2. Kyle Katarn (Default skin as well as Dark Forces II & MOTS variants (You can find the latter skins in the Dark Forces II skin pack on JKhub)
3. Quinlan Vos
4. Aayla Secura
5. Siri Tachi
6. Jaina Solo
7. Jacen Solo
8. Mara Jade
9. K'kruhk
10. Jedi Dooku
11. Jaden Korr
12. Cade Skywalker (Might be tricky to find, search Gamefront or Mr.Wonko's site for a skin)
13. Rosh Penin
14. Bastila Shan
15. Satele Shan
16. Revan (SWTOR skin variants and Light Side Revan skin)
17. Kriea
18. Jolee Bindo
19. Galen Marek/Starkiller (Jedi Adventure Robe skins and Clone Starkiller)
20. Bultar Swan
21. Sora Bulq (Comes with Jedi and Sith variants)
22. Rahm Kota
23. Qu Rahn

Dark Side:


1. TFU Stormtrooper (All variants. Can be found in the TFU trooper pack on JKhub)

Imperial Officers:

1. Ysanne Isard
2. Galak Fyarr
3. Admiral Pellaeon
4. Grand Admiral Thrawn

Bounty Hunters:

1. Durge
2. Racto
3. Rax Joris


1. Asajj Ventress (Not the Clone Wars skins, rather preferably the skin titled "Asajj Ventress VM")
2. Komari Vosa (From the same author as the "Asajj Ventress VM" skin)
3. Darth Revan (SWTOR variant and KOTOR skins)
4. Darth Malak
5. Darth Sion
6. Darth Traya
7. Darth Caedus (Skin might be tricky to find, I'll give you a link if you can't find it)
8. Darth Krayt (Skins on JKhub)
9. Darth Nihilus
10. Reborn (All variants)
11. Shadowtrooper
12. Desann
13. Tavion (JK2 & JKA variants)
14. Cultists (All variants)
15. Jerec (Can be found in the Dark Forces II Skin pack)
16. Yun (Dark Forces II skin pack)
17. Sariss (Dark Forces II skin pack)
18. Maw (Dark Forces II skin pack)
19. Boc (Dark Forces II skin pack)
20. Alora
21. Starkiller/Lord Starkiller (Use the models that come from Peneke pack, same with his Jedi skins)
22. Darth Talon
some of that skins are a custom skins on forum that you can download other are on the base mod lol(idk what are you saying here, you want to make a custom skin pack?)

Deleted member 3500

I'm not looking to create the pack myself, I was hoping someone could do it. I'm no modder.

The Unguided

Movie Battles II Team
Most of these are already part of either Peneke Pack / H.B. Pack or base MBII.

Also, you do not have to be a modder to do this.

Anyway I think I know what you're aiming at here. You wish to have kind of an old school replacement pack while getting rid of all new canon characters - which is understandable though lol. Funnily enough, I was considering to do a version similar to this of the HB Pack, but that would have been for only private use. We'll see what happens.
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