Puppytine's farewell: Episode II

Keeping in mind all pros and cons, what decision is best for Movie Battles II?

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Slayed dreamer
"Brits leave without saying goodbye, Jews say goodbye without leaving"

So guys, now I get unbanned for some short time, and I was looking forward to post a message to my goodbye thread, responding to your replies, but since it has been locked, I have no other option than start a new one.

There is a poll in this thread, please vote.

Some important thing I want to point out:
By exploring my previous thread, I realized that some people got completely wrong impression about my intentions.
No, I never wanted to leave these forums, and I still don't want to.
I want to stay.
The only reason why I did create my "farewell thread" was a fear that admins will ban me permanently, but I wanted to say goodbye to everybody while I could.
Since developers still aren't going to allow edgy memes by any means necessary, the purpose of my farewell thread is still valid.
Me - Obiwan, Puppy - Anakin.
It was said that you would overwatch the edgy content, not post it!
Bring balance to the forums, not leave it in darkness!
Oh no Helix, you get it all wrong, everything is exactly opposite.
It's me Obi-Wan, you're Anakin
"Your anger and your lust for power have already done that."
"Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic ... to democracy!"
Yeah guys, this is exactly what I could say about you.
And don't forget,
"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers"

Also, that "You were my brother"... nah, not so much.
Viserys was my sister. I loved her.

If we're comparing SW scenes with our drama, I think this one also do the trick:
Han Solo - me
Kylo Ren - Spaghetti
Rey - Viserys
Chewbacca - Damn Polak
Finn - Quinto

I like and respect people like you, people who in their moments of frustration never let themselves be salty cancer and dispute with respect no matter who their opponent is, people who have a touch of humour in everything they say no matter how serious the topic is, people who are supportive to everybody no matter how retarded the questions are, people who are truly dedicated to their job especially if it is voluntary. You are my hero!
Thank you.
You expressed my feelings very accurately.
Puppy single-handedly handled support for so many years, for so many users. And in the end, he's driven away for what? Nothing.
Seems developers are much more interested in wasting enormous amount of energy to take these forums under control than making MBII a better game.
I spend enormous amount of energy supporting people who got issues, and entertaining visitors of "Funniest pictures" thread, but devs started viewing me as an enemy for no reason, despite that they aren't ready to spend same efforts for the Support section.
It is very rare that we agree, particularly foul organic, but now is one of those times.
Holy shit, I think I've done something that was considered impossible.
Who would have thought Chaos and Goliath could agree on something?!
To let him go without a fight would be shame on their part.
The problem is, they don't want to fight for me, they actually do their best fighting against me. This is what they chose.

And in fact, they didn't even have to 'fight' for me, if they wanted to keep me here.
All they have to do is give some special section, some safe space, where I could post my edgy pictures without being banned, that's all.
It was never my intention to spread them all over the forums, I never tried to shove my memes down people's throats, but moderators think they are allowed to shove their bias about what cannot be posted on these forums down memers' throats.
Shame. Shame. Shame.
Yeah this martyr move of hoarding enough warning points for a ban after not liking the new forum rules truly proves that the devs have made a deal with the devil and Spag = literally Hitler.
Are you talking about rules that weren't even approved by the community?
Rules that has been imposed as a fait accompli?
Rules which draft wasn't discussed by the community, rules that weren't voted by the community, rules that weren't changed no matter how many people protested against them?
However, it is strongly suggested that the developers attempt to mend this situation.

Losing Puppytine over something so silly truly is a shame.
I would like to talk about it.

My dear droid, you must be superior in logic, far more advanced than any of us.
So I want to forget about any feelings and emotions those make my blood boil, and I want you to examine my arguments and find a logical fallacy, if any:

How do we make a decision? By carefully considering all possible consequences, weighing pros and cons.
If pros of a decision are more important than cons, decision is accepted.
If cons overweight pros, decision is rejected.
The question is: 'is decision to ban edgy pictures best for Movie Battles II?'
  • Hmmm... In fact, I can't find any pros of that, but anyway, surely developers know some pros.
  • It's against majority of the community.
  • Puppytine will be banned, therefore he won't be able to help people in the Support section.

So, what your artificial intelligence tells you, Goliath?
What is more significant is this case, pros or cons?
Bottom line is that his opinions and concerns were listened to and discussed in a civil manner for pages and pages and pages by the dev leadership.
Oh, this is exactly what didn't actually happen.
All my concerns weren't listened, they were simply ignored and directed to the trash bin, just like the majority opinion.
Maybe his plan was to turn everything into a meme?
Because this drama has become kind of a meme.
So he has probably even won.
Yeah, I just decided to nullify results of my two-years efforts and struggle, just to make some kind of joke. Very believable.
If I read any more of these ignorant posts I'll have a stroke. You're killing me.
Are you telling these people about being ignorant? How cute, keeping in mind uncensored version of eez's resigning thread :)
a) Puppytine is not banned, he has a week's suspension (as per Forums Rules / Code of Conduct )
Call it whatever you want, but the difference from ban isn't very big. Not a big at all.
b) Puppytine repeatedly stated he will keep posting against the rules on purpose cause he wants to be suspended. That's what he did, that's what happened.
Yes this is what I stated, but it didn't actually happened.
I was bann... oh I'm sorry, "suspended", because of pictures those didn't even violate current forum rules.
I became a victim of improper and unfair moderation, when I got two warning points for two pictures which weren't against any rules, and then, after few days, another five pictures silently disappeared from my post.
Even Trump pic was deleted, despite the fact you stated 'Thread policy about not posting pictures related to "recent politic events" have been lifted'. Even Trump pic!

And Hessu explained later why the image which caused me to receive warning points had nothing to do with any violations.
You guys don't even follow you own rules, and ban people for random pictures!
c) Puppytine said when his suspension expires, he will make sure he is suspended again by continuing to break the forum rules.
Rules those shouldn't be enforced at all, by many reasons I already explained.
d) The dev team (and I personally) spent a lot of time and effort in public and in private talking to him, discussing, explaining, trying to convince him to calm down, and stay as a Support Partner. His title wasn't removed at all through the 2 months of his drama and dev bashing.
Yeah, you spend a lot of time and effort, but all those time and effort weren't about to explain why these rules should be set at first place.

No matter how hard I tried, you didn't actually discussed anything with me. You didn't give me any reasoning why those memes can't be posted anymore even in private section; instead you kept that reasoning secret.

You guys spend thousands of words to talk with me, but you never actually wanted to discuss anything with me. All I got from you is a straight mansplaining.
All that you was doing is repeating "calm down and shut up, Puppy. We made a decision about you, and you aren't allowed to have a voice about this decision, and community doesn't have a voice too, and we won't tell you why did we make that decision, so calm down" is thousand different ways and voices.
And yes, some voices were really sweet, especially yours. You was pretty patient, very polite, you were so kind and sweet. Spaghetti was very civil as well.
But keeping things polite on the surface, you was insulting me more and more by not taking me seriously, despite all my efforts.

A husband has to take an opinion of his wife (a partner) into account, he can't just giving her orders, making everything a fait accompli and expect that she'll do everything he told her to do. Anything else means that a man does not respect his partner, his wife.
You treated me not like an adult, not like a partner, only like a crybaby. This is huge disrespect. I thought being a "development partner" means that even if I aren't getting access for making decisions, at least I'll have an access to discussing them. Discussing them on developer's level. I see I was wrong.

Hell, you probably will never be able to understand that, but I also think that not only dev partners, but the whole community should have a chance to decide something.

Once again, not taking my opinion into account is just unfair; not giving even an explanation and reasoning is spit in my face.
So I repeat my question you never bother to answer:

Why those memes have no place here?
Why those memes cannot be posted in private section, with a declaimer?
Why the fact that nobody protested those pictures is totally ignored?

Not a rhetorical questions. I want them to be answered.

Lately, in our private discussion, you finally gave me some responses, but I beat all your arguments, therefore these questions are still unanswered.
e) Puppytine instead decided to play this ridiculous martyr game of "I'll get myself banned by breaking rules and it will be the dev's fault they banned me simply by enforcing their own rules!".
This is not ridiculous. People was becoming martyrs during all the history of mankind, for different reason, in different countries, and they will continue doing it even when our bones will turn into dust.
f) One can easily conclude from the above that if someone doesn't want Puppytine here and doesn't want him supporting the mod, then that's Puppytine himself.
No, it's you guys who don't want to see me here.
I didn't ban myself, you did. You had a choice, and you chose to ban me, you pulled the trigger.
g) Everything above is so blatantly obvious reading things like "Puppytine doesn't deserve a ban, devs should ask him to come back" makes me look like this:
But this is true. I don't deserve a ban, not even once.
Hell, I didn't even deserve a ban according to your own rules.
h) Yes, I've gotten to the point of posting memes.

tl;dr: Leaving was Puppy's decision. Please put two and two together and stop giving me aneurysms.
You pulled the trigger. I'm not going to ditch these forums on my own, please stop lying.
So, in other words, you want Puppytine to dictate forum policy because he does good support work and because he refuses to continue supporting without edgy memes.
That's not about just me, I think whole community should have its voice about rules, and that voice must not be ignored by devs.
Forum policy shouldn't be dictated by whims of 4 people.
Very different people, from different countries, different genders, different age, have expressed their concerns in polite way.
Yet you guys decided to push your decision over everybody's heads.
It isn't supposed to be dictatorship, it's supposed to be popularity contest.

As Frank said, "Sometimes you have to concede to what the community wants, not what you feel is right."
Sorry Gargoulini, you've got this completely upside down. Nobody stops Puppytine from continuing with forum support, except himself.
No, it's you who got this completely upside down. It's absurd that deny it.
You literally stopped me from continuing with forum support for one week, literally, by bann... I mean, by suspending me. Literally.

While I'm not banned/suspended/whatever nice term you'll invent, I'm not going to stop from continuing with forum support, not even once.
Believe me.
It doesn’t matter whether you do good work or not, the rules apply to everyone. If puppytine is unhappy with the way the forums are run, then he could easily just leave without giving the devs a middle finger.
But the rules doesn't represent views of majority of community. The rules weren't discussed with community, weren't voted, weren't approved.
Why should I leave forums where I spend two years contributing and struggling?

I already put so much time and effort into memes thread, and when you put effort to something, that thing becomes important to you. That's how human psychology works.

Also, I was allowed for doing that for a two years. When they changed the rules so rude and so instant, without even discussion of draft of new rules on forums, I felt offended.
That pissed me off.
My destiny has been decided without me, like I was a thing, or a pet. Something that I already had, something that was mine, was taken away me. Stolen from me.
Making rules on new forums from scratch, and changing existing rules, when people already have their habits, are very different things.
He chose to get banned.
Oh yeah, exactly, I chose to be banned.
Just like all those people in Catalonia, who knew that their referendum is completely illegal, chose to be brutally beaten.
Or just like Chinese people, who went to Tiananmen Square in 1989, they probably chose to be killed as well.

The fact the somebody is breaking law doesn't mean you can do anything to stop him/her.
sounded like this is only because of edgy memes but obviously it isnt
Please do not let yourself be misled. Don't let them trick you.
I have to assure you that this all is because of edgy memes, nothing else.
Hope the attitude of puppytine would change and we can get past this unnecessary drama.
I'm not sure what to do you mean.
My attitude is already fine. I don't want to wage against developers or anybody else, I don't want to fight, I don't want any drama, I don't want to leave, I don't want to be banned.

I just want to have some place on these forums where I could post edgy pictures without disturbing anybody, in peaceful way.
This ain't gonna change, I will never get past this my wish.
there is still no excuse to not have the garbage bin where these individuals can share their funny images that may offend some.
^ Accurately what I do think as well.
You literally have read my mind. Literally.
Just going to confirm one more time: All I want is that garbage bin, but developers don't want to give me one, no matter how many times I asked.
That's what this conflict is all about.
Well, I can't see the problem here. It's actually your logic: "We are paying for the forums [doing something useful] so we will enforce the rules despite public opinion"
So according to this, I do believe he may dictate forum policy. You see, Puppy's actions are actually bringing people to this game. Devs actions are making people leave this game.
Yes, fair enough puppytine is breaking the rules of this forum and just because he's been with us for a while doing good work doesn't mean he should be exempt from the rules.
As I said numerous times in discord why the f*** can’t there be a ‘Meme Posting’ section. If someone feels offended(I don’t know who can be offended by internet pictures), he can just pass that section and continue with their business. Not going to ‘Funny pictures(possibly nsfw)’ thread and complain about offending pictures. Problem solved, everyone happy. Nope people will continue posting memes they like and getting banned.
Thank you guys, you've made absolutely brilliant arguments.
I really wish developers stop listening to that voice in their heads that makes them delete pictures and ban people without even explaining why they're acting that way, and start listening to logical arguments :(
Mace, sorry to say this, but your reasoning is insanity absurd and has nothing to do with a reality.
In fact, I could treat your post as a some form of warrant canary, that you decided to put some completely false, laughable arguments to pass by rules for developers ("don't publicly contradict other devs (especially Project Leaders)"). That could be the only logical explanation of your reply.
But since you told me similar things in private, I know you're real. You actually mean it. I... I... have no words to describe it.
Just because the team makes a decision for whatever the reasons are that is opposite of the community doesn't mean they weren't listened to or are unwilling to compromise.
No, this exactly does mean the community, absolute majority of the community, weren't listened.

And I have to remind you that we weren't offered any compromise at all, despite all your (devs, not you personally) words about being "friendly" and "inclusive".
There is a large enough sub section of the MB2 community that wants bots, but can listen and do that? No, because we don't have the resources to even if we wanted to.
Where is that section, exactly? How many of them? Why I cannot see any campaign is going on for supporting idea of adding bots? Were some notable forums users banned for posting their implementations of bots?

Comparing a new section for edgy memes to bots makes no sense, because making bots possible requires a lot of time and effort from MBII team, A LOT, not just SOME time and effort.
Allowing edgy memes doesn't require any time and effort at all. The whole "Off-topic" section is already not accessible by guests, so everything that should be done is already done.

More over, banning pictures you call "inappropriate" need more resources than allowing them, because somebody have to spend his/her time for censoring and banning, instead of actual development.

But wait, there is more: banning edgy memes leads to banning Puppytine, banning Puppytine leads to that somebody else has to support users, and that leads to that person will have less time for development.
Therefore, you are not saving resources by making decision we are talking about, you're wasting your resources.

You guys spend more time waging wars with the community, than you do helping users in the Support, or moderating Support properly. Actually, I was the only person who cared about proper moderation, everything you do is deleting pictures and banning multiple prominent members of the community.
Really not as large as some people on the forums keep claiming. 14,000 people have played JKA in the past two weeks via steam alone.
Nice joke, Mace.
How many people in the world play computer games regularly? 100 millions? 500? Population of USA is 323 mils, and world population is kinda 7.5 billions.
But all those numbers are completely unrelated, because it's not about Jedi Academy, it's not even about Movie Battles -- it's only about these forums, not anything else.
We all can see users' activity live, it's displayed on main page, and we all see that it isn't very big. It's comparable to the amount of people who have voted in my polls.

More over, it's not only about people who wanted edgy memes, it's also about those who don't want them -- and we can clearly see that very small number of people are against my pictures, only a few. I can even say "almost nobody is against", and that would be legit.

Seriously, you can't compare amount of those who voted "yes" to any numbers those are supposed to represent size of our community, doesn't matter are those numbers correct or fantasy.
You should compare it only to "no" votes.
However, because the forums is such a small portion of even the MB2 community and the people active at any given time is even smaller you have to take certain things with a grain of salt.
Yes, forums is a small portion of the MB2 community, and the meme thread has nothing to do gameplay, servers and the rest of the community.
"Funniest pictures" thread is only about forums, nothing else, so only forums community should decide anything about that. People who just play Movie Battles and don't visit forums have nothing to do with that thread and forums in general, so they shouldn't be mentioned in the context of forums rules


Yet another wonderful moderation decision we got recently: eezstreet's thread got locked for no reason, before I had a change to post my reply (I spend a lot of days arguing with Viserys privately, and I have to spend a lot of time for my RL job).
Since I'm not allowed to respond in his topic, I'm doing it here.

@eezstreet it's sad to see you leaving the team. It's a huge loss for Movie Battles, I'm sure you are able to make mod much better in many ways.
I was watching you, talking about your ideas both on these forums and on Discord, and I was impressed by your enthusiasm and your knowledge.
Some of your suggestions were really great, and I was looking forward to see them implemented :(

While the reasons of your resigning are unrelated to my story, to memegate, I still think they are sharing same root causes: that's all because MBII leads don't trust people, even other team members. They don't respect and don't accept any points of view those aren't matching theirs, the whole development process is overmanaged.
Reading uncensored version of your thread, I realized that positive changes are blocked by a will of controlling of each and every aspect of activity coming from regular developers, and those who block such activity don't want to perform actual work by themselves. The dog in the manger.

There is a great article about this kind of management, I already gave you the link on Discord, but I want everybody to read it: Two Stories (Russian: Joel on Software - Две истории )
It's very related to Movie Battles right now.
To Puppytine: try and take it easy on the devs, see from their position and where they're coming from, I think perhaps you are being overdramatic about all this meme stuff.
I wish I could, but I just can't find any opportunity for me.
I tried being polite, I tried being logical, I tried crying out loud, I tried speaking public, I tried speaking in private, but nothing seems to work.
I don't want to be overdramatic, not even once, I just want to get some place where I could post my edgy memes as usual.
It's not personal at all, as well as it isn't supposed to turn into the drama.
On the topic of Puppytine: I feel that things were going well with his 'Volume 4' thread, that things were starting to calm down to a sufficient degree that we could get off this war footing and start discussing a solution like civilized people.
But the problem is, dev ignored poll results of "Volume in 4" in the same way they ignored all other polls.
The only treatment I got is "we will either ignore or ban you." What kind of discussing like civilized people you're talking about? Two sides are needed for discussion.
Had Puppytine decided to let people on both sides of the conflict cool off for a while, reach a point where they could look at the issue objectively without all the baggage of the "us vs them" or "we need to show these people who's in charge" mentalities that were forged in the forum fires of those early weeks, then there would have been a good chance (IMO) of a peaceful conclusion.
How did you make this conclusion? Why do think ditching arguing would change anything?
Developers already showed very clear that their opinions on edgy memes aren't gonna change only because some time passed. For some strange, irrational reason, they believe they not only have a right to enforce their personal biases to the whole community, they also think it's something that must be done.

From my side, I have to assure you that my point of view, my craving for posting funny pictures ain't going to change as well.
Not in one month, not in one year, not in ten years, not even on my deathbed.

If you thought that if I took some time "to cool off", I would deal with, live with inability of posting edgy memes, that I would simply stop protesting and forget about pics I used to have, you was wrong.
And I want to notice that this is a pretty cynical plan, even cruel, to be honest.

In fact, that only would made my position even worse, since devs could say "Hey, rules have been changed a long time ago, we almost forgot that we allowed edgy pictures once, why do you think we are going to even discuss it now?"
The fact that rules/enforcement policy was changed out of nowhere, when nobody was complaining about it, is the one of my main arguments, actually.
seems this street wasnt easy for you
One of the times I really regret I can like a post only once.
I still think Catlady is a troll. Nobody can be this whiteknight.
lol you're extreamly naive then

And since we are talking about Cat Lady, I have to point out that a lot of time passed since that incident when Cat Lady insulted us, as it's shown in eez's posts, but still there is no official statement from Movie Battles team, no apology.
It's unexplainable why MBII team didn't say sorry yet, it makes team look completely unprofessional. Apologizing for an inappropriate behavior an employee/team member/whatever is something that big corporation and small companies do all the time.
In civilized society, calling your customers/clients/fans "shitters" and "troglodytes" isn't that you can get away with no apology.

As we can see, Cat Lady didn't stop after assaulting the community on Discord, no; He tried to ridicule eezstreet in his own resigning thread, and just recently he went even further:
Cat Lady was seen on BG FA server, tking and trashtalking, admins were forced to temporary ban him: cat lady rage tking | {BG} Team Forums





What a nice impression about MBII team he does create!


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The lack of a rational poll (which would be: Edgy Memes? Answers: Yes,No, What?) got me thinking. What is it this fellow poster is trying to do? There gotta be something, but i just can't put the nail in the right wall. I only have some vague theories i'd like to share:

A. Intimate Relations
Yeah, theres no way i'll talk about A (i won't, stop asking!).

B. A Fragile Ego
Well old story, new faces. Drama gets attention and attention is good for yourself, so do the best job you can to create internet drama and your ego will be flying so high, it will make the earth and its problems look surprisingly small. Even tiny some might say.
(This one is the boring one. It happens so often it would lead to a very poor storyline, which will make season 2 highly unlikely due to fans losing the interest in the show).

C. End Times
Only a Sith deals in absolutes...as do puppies! Instead of peacefully leaving the forum when the meme wars are lost, he takes the reasonable approach: getting himself banned by the mods! Genius! It will make them look evil, and himself like the one meant to be draining the swamp of corruption (wait, i think i just messed some stories up in my head)
So lets get right back into it:
He will do everything he can to make memes great again.
He will build his kingdom with the burned ashes of forum rules pages. After a thousand years they will still call him the Memer (This one is pretty dark and scary, im shivering just writing about it).

D. What?
It's just a riddle. Made up just for me, Manyo! Solving it will make me the new star of the Moviebattles Community-Sites and i can finally live off advertisements on my forum posts (i really, really like this one for some, unknown to me, dubious reason).

Stay tuned for the surprising (it's totally surprising!) reveal in next months 'Puppytine's Farewall' thread!
Okay, @Puppytine before you go any further please don't quote me anymore on this 'discussion', I'm opting myself out. I'm getting a bit sick and tired of it and I've said what I needed to say and I'm leaving it at that.

In fact, after speaking to some devs about this, I was wrong on some of my points I made in my post - The devs DID, privately, have a long and thought out discussion on whether to set up a hidden forum, however collectively they made a decision not to. I still believe that decision was a mistake but you've just got to deal with it and move on, mate.

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
But the rules doesn't represent views of majority of community. The rules weren't discussed with community, weren't voted, weren't approved.
Why should I leave forums where I spend two years contributing and struggling?
I think it's been made very clear that the votes you're referring to are not the majority of the community. I can tell you right now, that I didn't vote at all. I get it. You help a lot of people (including myself), and it sucks that this has been blown way out of proportion, but this is what the devs have chosen to do, the rules were agreed upon by the devs who wrote them, and ultimately it is up to them.

Oh yeah, exactly, I chose to be banned.
Just like all those people in Catalonia, who knew that their referendum is completely illegal, chose to be brutally beaten.
Or just like Chinese people, who went to Tiananmen Square in 1989, they probably chose to be killed as well.

The fact the somebody is breaking law doesn't mean you can do anything to stop him/her.
Scope of the problem is way out of whack here. The examples above are about people's livelihood and the way of life for their future generations. Your situation is completely different. This affects a very small proportion of the community, a community that is not a national government, but is a group of people who have common interest in a video game. Come on man. By your logic, a child throwing a tantrum in a store because he didn't get a toy he wanted is the same as Gandhi's civil disobedience.

The only reason why I did create my "farewell thread" was a fear that admins will ban me permanently
If you were so "fearful" of the admins banning you permanently, why did you re-post the same memes they removed and gave you strikes for. It was clearly your intent to get banned by doing that.

Seriously, is Meme Battles not enough for you? You have all the freedom to show your memes to the people who want to see them, and the people who don't, aren't there. Why does this need to be a huge multi-thread?


Not a car!
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Please don't start threads purely to start unrest.
Please don't pick fights with other members of the forum (Cat Lady).
Please don't reopen locked threads (your previous thread was locked, it's not acceptable to make a new thread purely to quote the old one).
Please don't post threads in the wrong section (this is Airlock, you are neither leaving nor saying goodbye).
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