Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Perspective of a relatively new player.

Ok, let's start with the biggest problem for newcomers: very high skill ceiling paired with an ancient dedicated playerbase.
There are many old games out there with an ancient playerbase. Halo CE - 3, Counterstrike etc. But none of them are as indepth as Movie Battles 2 and therefore non of them have a skill ceiling as high as MB2.
Movie Battles 2 being indepth is a good thing, but also quite overwhelming for newcomers.

I, for example, have been basically studying the game, reading through the inbuild wiki, as well as looking at outside sources. This paired with almost daily gameplay experience for the past 3 months gave me a good idea on how the game works and what classes were made to counter what classes.

But all of this doesn't really matter a lot at the end of the day, because the skill ceiling is sky high and the ancient dedicated playerbase is all the way up there.

This leaves me in this awkward spot where I'm good enough to comfortably win against newcomers, but I stand no chance against an experienced player. Like no chance whatsoever. Especially when it comes to saber v saber combat.

I like this mod a lot, but I must confess: progess seems very slow and the goal seems unreachable, which has been pretty frustrating as of late.

I always lose in 1v1 blaster duels, even when I get the benefit of surprise; I lose to what I perceived to be a good duel, only to find out my opponent killed me with 95 BP left; I am basically cannon fodder for my team, no matter what I try. So the only thing I can do is rush or sneak my way to objectives and maybe get the dub to my team this way.

The only time I get kills, is if my opponent makes a grave mistake.

But all of this won't make me stop playing this game, for now. I just wanted to give you all my perspective and I'm curious about what you'll have to say.

Btw: me losing every blaster duel is heavily influenced by the fact, that I'm a console peasant and I have little experience with mouse and keyboard aiming. Dodging bullets while also landing my own is a nightmare for me.

Anyways. Cheers for reading.


Internal Beta Team
Yea, I agree the skill ceiling is frustrating at first but there's all sorts of good sabering tutorials on youtube, aiming blasters is not my steelo but i use crosshair mods on this forum and you want to aim ahead of your opponent cus the projectiles actually travel not like in Call of dooty unless you use disrupter rifle. So get the hang of that if you need someone to help you theres tutorials like i said and duel servers are good place to train sabering.
I've been playing this game for 15 years and I still suck at dueling and I'll never be motivated to learn it properly because I just don't like it. I also occasionally have times when I don't touch the game and become very rusty. There are some things that are a matter of feel and really stick into your spine once you spend time with it, like where the force push cone's edges are and stuff. It still gets really hard to get back into the flow after a two month break, especially when familiar names have kept playing over that time.

The game is always essentially a mess of really good veterans and a bunch of new or just plain bad players. Sometimes stars align badly and players don't pay attention to who's on what team and things get really unfair, but stick with your team and play with them and they'll cover your weaknesses. I like to play jedi a lot but I hate dueling, I try to stick with a gunner or two and help them take enemy saberists down for example. Sometimes all you do is get a little bit of something done before you die, and the better players carry the rest of the round to victory, but it can still be satisfying.
I've been playing this game for 15 years and I still suck at dueling and I'll never be motivated to learn it properly because I just don't like it.
I feel that. Even looking at other players duelling discourages me from pursuing it. All the masking hits, fancy techniques and perfect blocking has got me fucked up lol.
I also occasionally have times when I don't touch the game and become very rusty. There are some things that are a matter of feel and really stick into your spine once you spend time with it, like where the force push cone's edges are and stuff. It still gets really hard to get back into the flow after a two month break, especially when familiar names have kept playing over that time.
Yep, I definitely felt that, when I had my 5 year break from the game lol. I played it around 2017-2018 or so and when I came back 3 months ago, I had to start from scratch. I've forgotten EVERYTHING, not to mention a lot has changed since.
The game is always essentially a mess of really good veterans and a bunch of new or just plain bad players. Sometimes stars align badly and players don't pay attention to who's on what team and things get really unfair, but stick with your team and play with them and they'll cover your weaknesses.
That's a good piece of advice. I do try to blend in with the team and support wherever I can. And I definitely try to have my weaknesses covered by them lol.
I like to play jedi a lot but I hate dueling, I try to stick with a gunner or two and help them take enemy saberists down for example.
Same right here. I also like playing as a Jedi, but I lack severely in skill, so I stick with gunners and protect them from grenades or other saberists.
Sometimes all you do is get a little bit of something done before you die, and the better players carry the rest of the round to victory, but it can still be satisfying.
Yep, due to my lack of skill, I often sacrifice myself in certain situations; like drawing fire on me, or breaking enemy lines to incite chaos to them, to give my team the opportunity to take advantage of their disarray.

I love the strong emphasis on team play in MB2. And voice chats are an amazing mechanic, that I only know from MB2. It adds so much to the teamplay, it's crazy to me no other game I know of has it. Spotting an ambush, or communicating ideas to your team mates on the fly is awesome.
Yea, I agree the skill ceiling is frustrating at first but there's all sorts of good sabering tutorials on youtube,
I've seen those tutorials and I read the guides. I know how duelling works and I know all about the tricks. But just knowing about those tricks is no use, if you haven't built the muscle memory to execute those techniques. And don't get me started on perfect blocking, which in my opinion, is entirely up to ping and luck. Sure, you can help your PBs immensely by pre aiming/guessing the direction of the attacks, but it is still up to luck, especially when you are fighting against someone who's masking their attacks.
i use crosshair mods
I've looked into said mods. I don't really see how they can help, but I found better settings for cg_thirdpersoncameradamp and cg_thirdpersontargetdamp which has already helped me a lot, so thanks for bringing that to my attention lol.
you want to aim ahead of your opponent cus the projectiles actually travel not like in Call of dooty
No shit, Sherlock.
So get the hang of that
Already trying to get the hang of it lol
Gunners are fine imo. As long as you find a few classes ur comfortable with, you're gonna improve tremendously once you learn the maps and typical player behavior - aka acquire gamesense.

Saberists.... yeah. Unless you wanna put thousands of hours into the class, I'd just stay away from duel servers and play jedi/sith in open mode. Focus on supporting your team and getting cheap/cheesy kills instead of getting bogged down in "honorable" duels.
Don't believe these people you need to learn self defense what if it's just you and a sith in an alley and they have grip? I pray nothing like that ever happens to you but please get to your local dueling server and arm yourself. Always KYS(keep yourself safe).

I'll probably be the sith you run into in an alley and I LOVE new players.
if you die too often pick soldiers with 2 reinforcements, 1 frag grenade, close combat, e-11 lvl3 and no ammo and keep trying to get kills, the reinforcements is important for newbies because you spend less time in spectator and more time gaining that exp
I understand your pain cause playing new jedi is rough between learning to duel and support in open as well. I had to resort to using really weird tricks to get any sort of bp advantage in a duel. Gotta agree with Letterz tho, best to try to get slightly into the dueling practice. I don't believe it is one of those things where you have to be even close to the best duelist (obv the best will win in a 1v1 setting), but if you can get used to some of the pb circles and a few other of the more straightforward things that can go quite a long way.

Plus you're playing in open so most times you shouldn't even have to be in a position where its you alone with another saberist unless its just end of the round so I'd keep doing what you're doing far as playing open and supporting teammates. There aren't as many open guides but there are subcommunities in the game along with the general player base who i'm sure would be able to provide help with improving.

Best personal advice I might give is trying to speak to those groups and learn and just keep at it cause you'll eventually discover little nuances that make the difference more often than not.
if you die too often pick soldiers with 2 reinforcements, 1 frag grenade, close combat, e-11 lvl3 and no ammo and keep trying to get kills, the reinforcements is important for newbies because you spend less time in spectator and more time gaining that exp
That's some solid advice. Especially the last sentence. Thanks m8