Penekemations 2.0 // Currently Incompatible with 1.10 & above


Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
Hi folks!

Some of you already know me, I'm the creator of the Peneke Pack (, if you've been following up with our updates lately, we've been talking about this new project that works very well with Penekepack and that is aiming to improve MBII from a visual standpoint, giving more immersion and realism. this project is called Penekemations.

The Penekemations are a compilation as well as an overhaul for a lot of cool animations that have been released on different mods, such as Movieduels II, or standalone mods from JKHUB/JK3FILES. What we've done is make them compatible to MBII, merge them and improve them for great immersion and visual improvement. Your feedback is really important to us, and we're releasing this 2.0 hoping that you guys like it as much as we do and enjoy it as much as we did developing it.


Hello folks!

The time has come and so have I.
Sorry for making you wait this long. The mod had been finished for months but i just never found the time or motivation to fix up remaining details, but here it is!

Penekemations 2.0

Gameplay video/trailer :
(Credits to noob for making this video for us, thank you man!)
This new iteration of our mod focuses on Movie stances as well as adding some edge to running/ gun idle animations, making it look way cooler in our humble opinion. Readme and creditswill be attached to the PK3 file

Installation instructions: Put the file on your MBII folder, no need to replace anything.

Link : Penekemations2


Version 1
Here's a video by one of my Peneke minions showcasing the new stuff that this pack, has. You'll finally be able to use backhand stances on MBII, something that has never been done on MBII and we're finally bringing it up to the table and of course a lot more!

Download link: Click here
Installation instructions inside.

Now I understand this might be something new for you guys since animation mods for MBII is something that you don't hear or see really often, so I prepared a small Q&A or people that may have some doubts: (This was written for version 1 but as of version 2 the pk3 file is separate and can be easily installed on your mbii folder)


Do I need to have the Penekepack 1.7 installed in order to make these animations work?

While recommended for better immersion and experience, Penekepack 1.7 is not necessary in order to get the Penekemations mod to work. you can always use the Penekemations with or without the Penekepack and vice-versa.

Will your animations mess up my pblocks?

No, they won't, while the stances might be different, the swings aren't and you still have to aim to the same position that you tend to in order to pblock.

Will the hitboxes be messed up?

No they won't. These changes are all cosmetical, think of it as an illusion, however there are some side effects, From a server/hitbox standpoint, the animations will always be the base ones, so keep that in mind when aiming to people that are meditating, it's pretty easy to get used to the new animations, and in my opinion, they are worth it.

Can you add more stances/change some stances/remove some of them?

I will always consider the feedback from the community and if we agree that something must be tweaked/removed or whatever, we'll do it.

I love most of the animations, however I'd like the 'x' animation back, can you do it?

Yes, it's possible to bring back default animations or even assign some others, we might make a tutorial for that at some point.

This animation doesn't fit this stance, canon proves otherwise, yada yada yada:

We're aware of that and will work with your feedback to improve that, but that's what we have for Penekemations 1.0!

I'm a tryhard, will this mod get me killed often?

No, git gud

The last MBII Update broke your animations, they went back to the vanilla ones! how do I fix that?

MBII updates tend to overwrite the pk3 where the Penekemations are in order to put their base ones, all you have to do is just either re download and install the Penekemations or restore your Penekemations backup if you have it somewhere on your hard drive.

We take no credit for creating these animations except for improving them and merging eveything up for full compatibility with MBII. It's been a lot of hard work and constant fuck ups. Please know that every single author has been credited on our separated credits text file that has been attached to the rar that contains the mod

Looking forward for your feedback guys! Remember to download Penekepack 1.9 for more immersion
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Is there anyway of removing just the Dual saber and Cyan style? never been massive on the backhand sabers :(
Yh how do we keep certain animations and remove others? E.g keep yellow and red stances but nothing else?


Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
While not in our top priorities, we'll make sure to guide for it at some point. It should be pretty easy tho, just a matter of replacing a line with different numbers and that should be it. I'm sure a random dev or user will chime in and explain.
While not in our top priorities, we'll make sure to guide for it at some point. It should be pretty easy tho, just a matter of replacing a line with different numbers and that should be it. I'm sure a random dev or user will chime in and explain.

So, DOES anyone know how to select which animations to keep?
Red and yellow looks almost the same, however you can tell there is a small difference.
Blue and purple literally looks the same, at least while dueling, you cant tell if the opponent is using blue or purple at all.
I would bring back older red stance, it looked badass and is very different to other stances.

Great work of course, but i think that older version is better for duel mode since the stances are easier to difference, however, if you gonna play open/fa/legends this new one would be better since the animations are more developed on this version overall and there is a new idle animation for gunners
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While not in our top priorities, we'll make sure to guide for it at some point. It should be pretty easy tho, just a matter of replacing a line with different numbers and that should be it. I'm sure a random dev or user will chime in and explain.
Since no one else said anything about this any chance of a quick how-to guide here :)