Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Old Casual - Saber Duels - Rant

I played this mod from 13'-16', frequenting it quite often on the weekends, I stopped playing for a few years due to life and all. I recently had an interest getting back into it with some downtime, however I have found myself demoralized, if not removed from the meta. This 'wiggle' saber stuff with the yaw burst, interrupts, 3-4 combo "just predict the PB bro" crap is a buzzkill.... face hugging bs. I am dog at this game currently. Finding anybody in my skill gap or to have a 'fun' fight with is stupid hard, I play on a poor PC, and casually, yet I find myself yearning for the time when a 2v1 or full servers were possible. Concerning the casual duel (what most people who find this mod want initially) I find that I am constantly surrounded by 10+ year veterans decimating me with this wiggle saber crap that I simply cannot react to.

"Get good bro"

I get it. I simply have zero interest in the current meta. It is terrible outside the same 50 players on empty servers with anonymity pre-balding male chat spams and styles.

I simply do not want to dive into something where every single duel against somebody who is hellbent on a KD/A is nothing more than a match of interrupting a yellow user in between spazing out on my camera for the occasional PB or swing blocking as my only viable defense.

At no point do I feel a sense of 'style' to any saber combat. I am forced to conform to what I feel is a single person's vision of what they want, interjected with odd mechanics and a niche into a meta that simply does not retain ANY new interest or passion.

"Practice on the dummies bro"


I love facing the same name changing twitch fingers throwing the same combo into a BP draining mini game over and over and over and over and over again.

Has this mod really devolved into the same 50 players all fighting with wet noodles and a clan tag? It is hard to put into words, but this mod was peak half a decade ago.

What in the hell happened?

If the idea now is to retain the same 50 players with the meta, great job. You did it. This MOD , I promise you, will never grow over the same 50 player count as it sits currently. Every single person I have recommended this MOD to gives up within days due to the inability for any person to be bare competent without twitching their way left and right to a victory with the same mechanics that somehow became worse over a decade.
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Theres a revamp for the saber system coming soon. It will be Open Beta'd before it goes live, but hopefully all of that happens before the end of the year. Keep checking in if you want to give feedback for it. I 100% understand not enjoying the current system though, but that is why its getting a revamp with a crapton of changes.
Theres a revamp for the saber system coming soon. It will be Open Beta'd before it goes live, but hopefully all of that happens before the end of the year. Keep checking in if you want to give feedback for it. I 100% understand not enjoying the current system though, but that is why its getting a revamp with a crapton of changes.
I appreciate your response, I am also not good at the current meta so I am a bit jaded. Just a casual venting mostly. Just wanted to hear others opinion. Thanks for responding Mace


"Get good bro"

I get it. I simply have zero interest in the current meta. It is terrible outside the same 50 players on empty servers with anonymity pre-balding male chat spams and styles.

You liked it back in the day because everybody was shit back then. People are good nowadays so you struggle. Has very little to do with the build, if it all.
Core/fundamental mechanics remain the same. If you were good at them back then, you'd still be good at them now.
Actually can't believe how many times this has to be repeated. Just learn to get good or go play something like DICE Battlefront 2.
"anonymity pre-balding male chat spams and styles."
What does that even mean?
Cope, bro. Fucking cope. You suck and that's all there is to it. Even if the system would to be revamped, the top players now would still be top.
That's what dumbasses like you don't understand.
If I could, I would suggest that you kill yourself, but I'm not allowed to do that.
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You liked it back in the day because everybody was shit back then. People are good nowadays so you struggle. Has very little to do with the build, if it all.
Core/fundamental mechanics remain the same. If you were good at them back then, you'd still be good at them now.
Actually can't believe how many times this has to be repeated. Just learn to get good or go play something like DICE Battlefront 2.
"anonymity pre-balding male chat spams and styles."
What does that even mean?
Cope, bro. Fucking cope. You suck and that's all there is to it. Even if the system would to be revamped, the top players now would still be top.
That's what dumbasses like you don't understand.
If I could, I would suggest that you kill yourself, but I'm not allowed to do that.
I do suck. If I offended you with my balding comment, you could always shave it off instead of fighting it? Your response reads like a 4chan post, which again, is something I expect from the part you qouted...the same cliche 50 creeps. Of course you 'Donated'. That is beyond cute. Do you even have a licence to be posting on the internet like that donkey mouth?

I am positive the same people who have donated and play this 8 hours a day would still be on top. Either your reading comprehension skills are poor or you don't want new players in this MOD. I don't want things to change for me to be any better or at the top. I am simply suggesting tailoring a game to somebody like your personality is the reason new player retention and population overall is dismal. Look at how dead this forum is, you go back 3 years and there are plenty of old heads that straight up left. The only ones who vehemently defend the wiggle saber is people like you who still live with mum in a flat after sinking 5 years into this.
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I do suck. If I offended you with my balding comment, you could always shave it off instead of fighting it? Your response reads like a 4chan post, which again, is something I expect from the part you qouted...the same cliche 50 creeps. Of course you 'Donated'. That is beyond cute. Do you even have a licence to be posting on the internet like that donkey mouth?

I am positive the same people who have donated and play this 8 hours a day would still be on top. Either your reading comprehension skills are poor or you don't want new players in this MOD. I don't want things to change for me to be any better or at the top. I am simply suggesting tailoring a game to somebody like your personality is the reason new player retention and population overall is dismal. Look at how dead this forum is, you go back 3 years and there are plenty of old heads that straight up left. The only ones who vehemently defend the wiggle saber is people like you who still live with mum in a flat after sinking 5 years into this.
You just showed you are super angry at being bad. I have perfectly good reading skills, I just disagree with you.
How is anybody attempting to tailor the game based on my personality?
You just sound delusional and mad at life. Go outside, take a break.
You just showed you are super angry at being bad. I have perfectly good reading skills, I just disagree with you.
How is anybody attempting to tailor the game based on my personality?
You just sound delusional and mad at life. Go outside, take a break.
Angry at being bad?
I am not good.
I lose 8/10 duels.
I need not cope, I am simply ranting about your phenotype and how it affects a game that was fun as a casual time sink at one point.

Do I need to repeat this for you again? I just don't need somebody like you, with a very specific phenotype telling me to kms over a video game mod you play daily in your prime wasted teenage years. If I hurt your feelings I get that, but you sound exactly like somebody I expect, again, who donated and says 'cope' anonymously on the internet.

Take my rant at surface level. You don't need to get your teeth in a tiwsted rotten mess over what someone who admits they are bad is saying.

I need to go to work now. You know, a job, that pays a mortgage and bills? So I will await your ever clever response when I get off shift.


Internal Beta Team
I played this mod from 13'-16', frequenting it quite often on the weekends, I stopped playing for a few years due to life and all. I recently had an interest getting back into it with some downtime, however I have found myself demoralized, if not removed from the meta. This 'wiggle' saber stuff with the yaw burst, interrupts, 3-4 combo "just predict the PB bro" crap is a buzzkill.... face hugging bs. I am dog at this game currently. Finding anybody in my skill gap or to have a 'fun' fight with is stupid hard, I play on a poor PC, and casually, yet I find myself yearning for the time when a 2v1 or full servers were possible. Concerning the casual duel (what most people who find this mod want initially) I find that I am constantly surrounded by 10+ year veterans decimating me with this wiggle saber crap that I simply cannot react to.

"Get good bro"

I get it. I simply have zero interest in the current meta. It is terrible outside the same 50 players on empty servers with anonymity pre-balding male chat spams and styles.

I simply do not want to dive into something where every single duel against somebody who is hellbent on a KD/A is nothing more than a match of interrupting a yellow user in between spazing out on my camera for the occasional PB or swing blocking as my only viable defense.

At no point do I feel a sense of 'style' to any saber combat. I am forced to conform to what I feel is a single person's vision of what they want, interjected with odd mechanics and a niche into a meta that simply does not retain ANY new interest or passion.

"Practice on the dummies bro"


I love facing the same name changing twitch fingers throwing the same combo into a BP draining mini game over and over and over and over and over again.

Has this mod really devolved into the same 50 players all fighting with wet noodles and a clan tag? It is hard to put into words, but this mod was peak half a decade ago.

What in the hell happened?

If the idea now is to retain the same 50 players with the meta, great job. You did it. This MOD , I promise you, will never grow over the same 50 player count as it sits currently. Every single person I have recommended this MOD to gives up within days due to the inability for any person to be bare competent without twitching their way left and right to a victory with the same mechanics that somehow became worse over a decade.
I agree with some of your points but its pretty stupid that you dont want to spend time to get good. If the game is so bad for you then why play it?
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I'm not sure what you expected from a DUEL mode in a 1000 year old mod with a small dedicated playerbase.

Do you often go on duel mode in quake 3 in search of casual gameplay? Probably not, because the only 2 things you'll find there are death and humiliation.

Now, if MB2 was popular and we had new blood coming in regularly, you'd have what you want. But with things as they are, it's kinda dumb to look for casuals in the most focused and competitive mode in MB2.

Go play Open or CTF or something, idk
Theres a revamp for the saber system coming soon. It will be Open Beta'd before it goes live, but hopefully all of that happens before the end of the year. Keep checking in if you want to give feedback for it. I 100% understand not enjoying the current system though, but that is why its getting a revamp with a crapton of changes.
Before the next year? That's awesome! Project Zomboid will also be releasing beta 41 mutliplayer and will add Louisville in it. This 2 months will be amazing


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Watch them make yellow even more buffed over all the othe styles lmfaooooo
Yellow will actually be pretty middle of the pack as far as how good it is universally. It having a really good moveset and solid stats will be its main thing. All of the styles have felt fun to play and there's better/worse matchups without some feeling vastly skewed in terms of input vs output or just extremely boring.

As far as play now vs how it used to be. It's definitely a lot more same-y and generally stale than it used to be. If you don't do certain things, you're just inherently at a disadvantage rather than there being options that are better or worse in situations, for the most part. That's not to say that there's no counters or that people can't make outlier stuff work, but those are definitely the exceptions with a lot lower returns on the efforts. Most of that should be sorted out though.


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
I stopped try-harding in duel mode for similar reasons, I find the current system lacks the creativity I seek and duels just don't feel good to me.
But on Open and in scrims, it feels pretty good. Maybe instead of hanging out with the duel tryhards, hop on a CTF server and try things out there instead? The water is warmer over there, and things do feel far more balanced in those departments than in duel mode which generally has most of the duel-only players using whatever is the most recent cheese meta to get their kill.


Movie Battles II Team
I stopped try-harding in duel mode for similar reasons, I find the current system lacks the creativity I seek and duels just don't feel good to me.
But on Open and in scrims, it feels pretty good. Maybe instead of hanging out with the duel tryhards, hop on a CTF server and try things out there instead? The water is warmer over there, and things do feel far more balanced in those departments than in duel mode which generally has most of the duel-only players using whatever is the most recent cheese meta to get their kill.
^ this. Duel servers are fine and all but I prefer the more random modes where even the best can be taken out with random circumstances (or they forget to kill someone properly):

Besides, true combat scenarios rarely happen in dojos, they happen on the battlefield :p
^ this. Duel servers are fine and all but I prefer the more random modes where even the best can be taken out with random circumstances (or they forget to kill someone properly):

Besides, true combat scenarios rarely happen in dojos, they happen on the battlefield :p
I think you mean more like this
Duel mode to me is the least fun mode but its still not horrible imo
When Im forced to play duel because other servers are empty I just look at how people play and if I see them acting like a bayblade I just dont fight them.
But I can still find people who play less seriously and I have a shitton of fun.
I do miss repulse tho lol


Internal Beta Team
Duel mode to me is the least fun mode but its still not horrible imo
When Im forced to play duel because other servers are empty I just look at how people play and if I see them acting like a bayblade I just dont fight them.
But I can still find people who play less seriously and I have a shitton of fun.
I do miss repulse tho lol
Repulse was so fun, would be great if you could enable/disable it on server. It's much less of a problem now anyways with private duels.
So, I haven't played since GIN died in Europe.

I came back, curious, "have things changed? Has the community, after nearly a decade, matured and learned empathy?"

I looked through this post, and its replies... and came back astonished that somehow people had managed to devolve further.