Official 1.4.3 Feedback thread

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Movie Battles II Team Retired
We will be happy to hear some feedback from you. What have we done wrong/good and... WHY. We want you to share your feeling about new version, but remember Feedback doesn't mean to go rage mode. So keep conversation at least on decent level.

If you want to tell us how much you love us or hate us, then feel free to do it here:


  • Pistol changes:
    • Basic pistol:
      • Change: Level 2 secondary fire is now a charged shot which ramps up from 26 damage to 48 damage in 5 seconds.
      • Change: Level 3 primary mode primary fire damage decreased from 48 to 40 (also affects FP drains).
      • Change: Level 3 primary mode secondary fire is now a charged shot which ramps up from 26 damage to 60 damage in 2.5 seconds, afterwards it no longer drains ammo nor increases damage until 5 seconds of charging where it auto-fires.
      • Change:Level 3 secondary mode secondary fire rapid shot burst now costs 4 ammo.
    • Westar pistol:
      • Change: Level 2 secondary fire charged shot ramps up from 28 damage to 53 damage in 5 seconds.
      • Change: Level 3 charged shots ramp up from 28 damage to 53 damage in 5 seconds for both pistols.
      • Change: FA-only: Akimbo pistols' base damage is now 40 instead of 48 and their charged shot ramps up from 28 damage to 80 damage.
  • Dodge mechanics overhaul:
    • Change: Dodge is now an active ability manually triggered by holding class special 1.
    • Change: Costs 4/6/10.
    • Change: No cooldowns on activation/deactivation/reactivation.
    • Change: Runs on a separate resource of its own, Dodge Points, which are displayed below the botton right hud.
    • Change: While active, 50 DP drain per second, thus full bar in 2 seconds (if the player is in a state where he can dodge, otherwise no drain).
    • Change: Passive regeneration while not active nor poisoned, full bar in 15 seconds when running or jumping, 10 seconds otherwise.
    • Change: Basic DP cost levels 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75 for dodging projectiles.
    • Change: Dodge Level 1: base standing/crouching still costs 15, 25, 50 (legs, torso, neck/head).
    • Change: Dodge Level 2: standing/crouching has 1 level less worth of costs, walking has the same cost as above.
    • Change: Dodge Level 3: standing/crouching now has 2 levels less worth of costs, walking 1 level less, running/jumping same cost as 2 lines above.
    • Change: Sniper shots increase the DP cost level by 1 compared to all other projectiles.
    • Change: Can't dodge while scoping or poisoned.
    • Change: Starting from 400 distance, the closer the enemy is the costlier dodge becomes (linearly), until reaching 160 distance (80 for dodge level 3) where dodging is impossible (costs above 100 DP).
    • Change: Ability to move freely while dodging, ability to dodge again while already in a dodge animation (does not replay an animation but still drains DP), ability to attack freely while dodging.
  • Dash changes:
    • Change: Dash Level 1 now costs 44 stamina (33 before).
    • Change: Dash Level 2 now costs 33 stamina (25 before).
  • Quick Throw:
    • Change: Now assigned to new command /ability1.
  • FA tweaks:
    • Change: Dexterity cooldown is now no longer activated when trying to roll/dive while attacking with a saber (in FA).
    • Change: Dash/Dodge can now be given to any class in FA.
    • Change: In FA, when a class has Saber Defense with a saber, or Stamina, the regeneration rate of BP and Stamina prevails over the regeneration rate of Dash; when a FA class has regenerating fuel, its regenerating rate prevails over all others (all of them share the same bar).
    • Change: In FA only, in order to prevent some ability conflicts, Dexterity and Dash are assigned to /ability1 (Dexterity is given priority over Dash at all times) whenever the class has access to flamethrower, wrist laser, saber-out melee moves or tracking darts.
    • Change: In FA only, saber-out melee moves (note: jumpkicks with saber-out are still always activated via class special 2), gunkicks and tracking darts are assigned to /ability2 whenever the class has access to flamethrower or wrist laser.
    • Change: In FA only, poison darts are assigned to /ability3 whenever the class has access to dodge, mandalorian rocket or stamina.

  • Droideka/SBD tweaks:
    • Change: Droideka power management now regenerates 20 armor for 1 ammo and 2 ammo for 10 armor instead of 10 armor for 1 ammo and 1 ammo for 10 armor.
    • Change: Ion blobs no longer disable Droideka shields, launched pulse grenades now stun SBDs/Droidekas and disable shields of Droidekas for slightly longer, manually thrown pulse grenades now stun and disable shields of Droidekas for slightly longer.
    • Change: Droideka FP drains reduced by a 0.8x factor.
  • General Jedi/Sith changes:
    • Change: Cyan/Purple/Staff/Dual styles are reworked into "specialist" styles, more powerful than the basic Blue/Yellow/Red. Fast Styles, Medium Styles and Strong Styles thus now all have the following cost: 8/8/6.
    • Change: Cyan style now has a synergy with Saber Deflect. Buying Saber Deflect with Cyan makes deflecting no longer require tapping attack but simply holding attack, with no FP cost. With Saber Deflect level 1, Cyan can deflect 1 shot every 750ms and cannot deflect at close range; level 2 can deflect 1 shot every 500ms and can deflect at close range; level 3 can deflect 1 shot every 250ms and can deflect at close range.
    • Change: Purple is now granted Q3. Q3 is the ability to automatically deflect projectiles while attacking without holding block. Q3 can be disabled for a swing by holding Class Special 1 during this swing. Q3 has good synergy with Saber Defense 3 because Saber Defense 3 reduces the extra FP drain on shots that are blocked while attacking (without Defense 3, the FP drain is doubled on these shots for both Q3 and swingblocks; with Defense 3, the FP drain is no longer doubled for swingblocks nor Q3 non-swingblocks).
    • Change: Duals now deal 360 damage per swing instead of 260. Duals no longer have an increased blocking arc.
    • Change: Staff now have a 270° blocking arc against projectiles (including thrown sabers) and 300° against saber swings.
    • Change: Cyan now has the same forward running animation as Staff, and Purple has the same forward running animation as Duals.
    • New: Nudge is now enabled by default on spawn and can be toggled on/off via /nudgetoggle.
    • New: Blocking animations are now triggered on saber/saber collisions.
    • Change: The duration of the flinch stagger is now dependent on the damage received.
    • Fix: MBlock deflecting will no longer drain FP when the deflect cooldown is still active.
    • FP drain and regeneration changes:
      • Change: 1.0x FP regen when unable to auto-block (saber off, knocked down, idle, etc.).
      • Change: 0.7x FP regen and 1.2x FP drains when able to auto-block but not holding altattack.
      • Change: 0.2x FP regen and 0.4x FP drains when able to auto-block and holding altattack.
      • Change: FP drains are capped at 40 when holding altattack and 80 when not holding altattack.
  • Saber vs Saber changes:
    • Change: Non-PBs now result all the time in clash sound effects on a saber/saber collision, instead of alternating between bodyhit/clash sfx depending on non-PB/PB.
    • Change: Perfect Block (PB) no longer combo-breaks.
    • Change: Parries now drain BP equal to half the amount of a bodyhit.
    • New: Perfect Parry (Blue crosshair and BP bar indicators): done by matching the incoming swing (quadrant-wise) with the matching outgoing swing. Will negate parry BP drains.
    • Change: Manual Block (Mblock) now allows for combo-breaking vs swingblock and also deals 6 BP damage to the attacker when successful. Failing a Mblock (vs any swing) drains BP (4 vs Fast styles, 6 vs Medium styles (and Purple), and 8 vs Red).
    • New style-specific perks/features (these replace all previous ones):
      • Change: Blue style: Loses 1 ACC when PB'd except against Blue/Cyan. Drains 6 BP from attackers on PB (including against chained consecutive swings).
      • Change: Yellow style: Doesn't suffer from Mblock BP drain on failing.
      • Change: Red style: No BP drain from being Mblocked on a swingblock. Causes a stagger on the third consecutive bodyhit.
      • Change: Cyan style: Combo-breaks other styles on a perfect parry.
      • Change: Purple style: +1 ACC on PB.
      • Change: Dual style: Consecutive swings deal 0.75x damage instead of 0.5x.
      • Change: Staff style: Successfully timing and matching movement directions with a Mblock counts as a Pblock, even with incorrect camera aim. Staggers the opponent on a successful Mblock vs a swingblock.
  • Change: SMOD mute now also blocks voice_cmd, gestures and name changes.


  • New: Added new ability keys (moviebattles) and nudge toggle (weapons) to controls menu.


  • New: Added Grand Admiral Thrawn to Commanders (thrawn/default) and Outcast's Tavion to Sith (tavion/default). Tweaked TFA Han's taunts.
  • Change: Re-enabled a few alternate skins for existing Sith models (alora/default, darthmaul/default_robed).
  • Fix: Swamptrooper model's footsteps are no longer silent.
  • Fix: Updated seasonal hat positioning for model changes after v1.3.2.
  • Fix: Some minor shader errors.

Official Maps

All (where applicable)
  • Change: Re-enabled charge shot on FA classes with akimbo pistols.
  • Fix: Blocked area allowing players to escape the map.
  • Fix: Minor VIS adjustments to tunnel between Eastern Commons and South Lounge.
  • New: Added carbonite freezing sequence. Activated by using one of the control panels.
  • Change: The FA has been redesigned to make every class useful instead of a few dominating ones and many weak classes. For example, C3PO, R2D2, and the prisoner have been buffed. The Imperial team has also been changed to have as many unique classes as Rebels.
  • New: Two FA-specific features have been added for this FA. First, Force Power sound overwrites now exist (currently only available for Sense / Deadly Sight) and are used for C3PO. Second, a special classflag for making a class run faster while in melee was added for the Imperial Pilot.
  • Fix: A shallow pit of death trigger allowed survival in rare circumstances.
  • Fix: Added clipping to portion of ceiling that may have made it possible to escape map.
  • New: Original map by Plasma based on the village attack at the start of The Force Awakens.
  • New: Capture Point Objective: The final objective on this map requires the attacking team to stand within the village square to capture it. The defending team may stop the capture by also standing within the capture point.
  • New: Reimagined map by Plasma. Will our heroes manage to survive the horrors that await?
Unofficial Maps
All (where applicable)
  • Change: Re-enabled charge shot on FA classes with akimbo pistols.
  • Change: Split soundset for C3PO / Battledroid hybrid models.
  • Fix: Restored classic FA icons.
  • Fix: Spiderman and Venom now use the correct model.
  • Fix: Spiderman and Venom now use the correct model.
  • Fix: Resolved some shader errors.

Changed Files ( Server downloads ) ( Linux OpenJK server lib ) ( ARM OpenJK build )

Changelog Legend

New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
Not where I'm standing (the 'better for j/s' part, I mean), though I'll agree that the removal of 'shotgunning' is a good thing.
I feel that it's somewhat improved since its introduction, but some guns simply should not flinch, SBD wristblasters especially.

I said its better now but its "still" retarded, that will never change, I mean its basically a feature which punish you for swinging.
Since 1.4 i mostly use deflect and pull to counter it, best way is just go straight to them and deflect their panic shots back to them.
You forgot wookies, they are a pain with bowcaster, almost unstoppable.
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Now i dont understand your point why should a class which is very strong in ranged combat, get such instakill feature against a melee class.
Gunners in general shouldnt benefit from coming too close.
Normaly most of these heros did this in small places where you dont have much room to avoid it, if you ran you was vulnerable even if you jumped, there was no real counter to it and the dashing forward and easy kill, well that is in my opinion a cheap move, you dont have to agree, its just my opinion.
Im just happy its gone, i was never a fan of this close combat quickscopecrap in any game.
Many things are better again in this version for j/s and thats good.
Flinch is still retarded.
Uh-huh, so by your logic gunners should be helpless vs saberists at close ranges. Okay, but can you please name me at least 1 way to fight (and kill) saberists at long ranges?
Uh-huh, so by your logic gunners should be helpless vs saberists at close ranges. Okay, but can you please name me at least 1 way to fight (and kill) saberists at long ranges?
Saberist vs gunner was fine before flinch in my opinion, why should i come with a solution?
I only said gunners shouldnt get an blasterspamprotect feature like flinch, also if you come saberist so close that you can hug him, shouldnt be rewarded.
Many ppl made suggestion before the update but it seems dev have other plans so i will just wait, since it getting better now and im satisfied with the current version i dont care that much for now.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Uh-huh, so by your logic gunners should be helpless vs saberists at close ranges. Okay, but can you please name me at least 1 way to fight (and kill) saberists at long ranges?

I refer you to our previous discussion. :p
He just wants 1.3 back just so he can plow through everyone without having to use skill or whatever. Don't see the point in arguing with someone like that.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
(Eh, not sure if you're talking about me or Fou, so here goes. :p)

I prefer 1.4 to 1.4.3 or 1.3, for varying reasons. (1.4.3 is mostly... weird, in the saber-versus-gunner section, but it does try to correct some of the more obvious issues with flinching, and it gets rid of shotguns and makes a few gunner-versus-gunner fixes - though I for one preferred the old Dodge. 1.3, on the other hand, has a dueling system that I personally considered inferior to 1.4's due to a much rougher skill curve - kinda like 1.4.3, actually, though 1.3 was still far better and was much less of an 'accidentally enforced open beta'.)
He just wants 1.3 back just so he can plow through everyone without having to use skill or whatever. Don't see the point in arguing with someone like that.
Didnt say that, but arguing with someone like you is impossible.
I just throw my opinion here, in the end its up to the devs whats happening.
You can accept my opinion or not, i really dont care.
though 1.3 was still far better and was much less of an 'accidentally enforced open beta'.
So true, maybe 1.5 feels like a complete version again.
I think the devs have many ideas but cant decide what they put in the game now.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
When you say smooth animation, you mean that the swings look jerky? I've noticed that too. To me, it seemed like staff anims are smooth on your own character but jerky on enemies, but I've never actually checked if that's the case.
When you say smooth animation, you mean that the swings look jerky? I've noticed that too. To me, it seemed like staff anims are smooth on your own character but jerky on enemies, but I've never actually checked if that's the case.
Yes helll yes :)

Why I'm asking for that:

1. Duals are harder to block (single hits)
2. Staff is basicly a defence stance but as far as I know defence in this update leads you to fail - you must attack more than counter to win
3. Staff swings and slaps is almost shortly than others. It's risky to attack as well. Or if you want to save distance you'll get a damage without counter (you hit the air moslty)
4. When there is jerky animation it's easer to block even in combo
5. More flashy than other styles (exclude duals) but this is how it must work

And last 6 point. Successfuly mblock was kinda nerfed silently? It feels like timing goes shorter and cause of that it is harder to mblock right. Right after the update it was good one but now...
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Armchair Developer
Movie Battles II Team
What's up with the saber collision frame lag? It's nearly impossible for me to duel now because I lag every time that the sabers collide. That's with or without replacement pack mods, does anyone know how to fix that?
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Lower your graphics settings, perhaps? I don't remember having such issues, but I don't run dynamic glows and/or lights.
What's up with the saber collision frame lag? It's nearly impossible for me to duel now because I lag every time that the sabers collide. That's without or without replacement pack mods, does anyone know how to fix that?
I've been experiencing it as well, sometimes it gets so bad that it goes from frame drops and stuttering to the whole game freezing up, making the game unplayable when dueling. For me the severity of the stuttering is dependent on how high my ping is, higher pings being way worse than lower pings.
I know this is a game and isnt as realisitc as starwars but gunners never should have an advantage up close. Gunners should be far away trying to fire and pick off other opponents and lowering jedi's FP. The flinch thing is bad and good. But in real life and i was a jedi and a gunner ran up that close to me, i'd just swing my saber faster than light and slash him. But the swing animations are sometimes so long for me and i get flinched. Pretty much the only time i can guarantee a kill on a gunner is push/pull on the ground.


Every time I take a break from MB2 the sabering get's even worse.
Took a break during b18-ended up with 1.3
Took a break from 1.3- ended up with 1.4
Took a break from 1.41- ended up with 1.41

Devs are obsessed with nerfing Jedi in any way they can and making strange and illogical decisions with seemingly little thought. The fact that most of them main soldier/hero is very telling.

Animations ruined, Saber users flung further down the totem pole, ridiculous flinch mechanics... I could go on but why bother? It's clear that the popular feeling is not a priority for the team.

I'll be back to see how 1.5 is. Probably won't be playing 1.4 builds ever again.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Eh, I was actually fine with 1.4.2. Like I posted in the Dueling Compendium thread, 1.4 smoothened the learning curve to the point where it was almost a proper curve rather than a piece of abstract art. Now we're back to abstract art again, except with even more sudden 'skill leaps' than in 1.3.

Edit: That is, I was fine with 1.4.2 dueling. Saber-versus-gunner needed some tweaks, like the removal of SBD flinching, dammit, but it wasn't that bad.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Devs are obsessed with nerfing Jedi in any way they can and making strange and illogical decisions with seemingly little thought. The fact that most of them main soldier/hero is very telling.
Just because they seem illogical and not thought-out to you doesn't mean that's actually the case. Overall, the people on the current dev team don't main soldier/hero at all.


Just because they seem illogical and not thought-out to you doesn't mean that's actually the case. Overall, the people on the current dev team don't main soldier/hero at all.
Yeah they break the sabering system and make one form overpowered.
i wrote and deleted some stuff here but the gist of it is dueling is no longer satisfying

i dont feel rewarded for what i do in a way that appeals to me personally. some people may like the current system, but for me, i never feel like i earned a win in a duel the way i used to.

this isnt balance whining or anything of the sort. if yellow was top dog in this system, but dueling was still played the way it currently is, i'd still dislike it.

much like world of warcraft has begun to heavily push the idea of "class fantasy" in the recent xpac, i really want an enjoyable jedi/sith fantasy that i can cling to even if the class is in a poorly balanced state that makes it tough to play. simple aesthetic things like the change to make a halfswings use an ugly animation do a lot more to push me off playing than whether or not i can kill gunners 2v1 or not.

im going to hold out hope for the next patch and maybe tempest will be able to reverse the last few years of decline, and that'll be when i post the classic wall of text from an out of touch duelist that got shitty at the game and wants things reverted to when they were good
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