Newbie on board

Hello there!

Maybe some of you have already seen me ingame (my name is IhaveNoIdeaWhatImDoing). I know about this mod for a while now, but I never tried it before. I originally heard about it first after watching Sylvars How to Lightsaber series on Youtube and thought it looked pretty interesting. A few months ago I finaly bought Jedi Academy for the first time and played the campain and about two weeks ago I started playing the mod online. I started out like most guides recommand, by focusing on the trooper class, but after a while I got bored and tried all the other classes as well (I found most other classes to be more fun and easier to have success with).
The game is really hard to learn (how do you even swingblock and do combos at the same time? Wtf xD) and you often get killed as a Newbie, but the game is still fun - maybe we will meet ingame more often soon!


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
(how do you even swingblock and do combos at the same time? Wtf xD)
step 1: get a good understanding of swingblock (press attack/LMB and then immediately press and hold RMB, although if you have a specific guess of when the enemy will mblock or slap, you could try only holding RMB during that time)
step 2: get a good understanding of combo timing, there's a specific timing for inputting combos with a tap (or maybe a very brief press-and-hold), and that timing is pretty consistent. You should never be HOLDING attack either way, and the tighter you can get your TAP timing, the smoother your swingblock combos will be (and the less BP you'll waste on holding attack).
I think I fought you a week or so ago (Training Droid alias). your laser skills are pretty good for a newbie, keep practicing!