New Republic Prison Ship from The Mandalorian

Hello all,

Just thought I would share my work in progress, a map based on the Mandalorian Chapter 6: The Prisoner.

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KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
2-3 Panic buttons in the control room that lock down certain areas of the map, and initiate the red lighting and slow strobed alarm lights in that area

This will be so sick in FA omg, I can't wait!
This will be so sick in FA omg, I can't wait!
It has potential!

My initial thoughts on the FA setup:

Din Djarin:

Has the mb2 mando set up, minus jetpack. Single pistol. Flame thower. Wrist laser turned into a whistling bird shooter . I would really like to emulate his grappling hook that attaches/knocksdown enemies.


Basically a dodge commander, with a special that deploys his backpack pistol, giving you a rapid fire triple-wield gun setup on a short timer.


Basically a no rage melee wookie with a pistol. Barge and slap fits with his scenes.


Wields vibroknife, has metered but unlimited knive throw. Essentially a slightly modified non force powered saber user - but with knives.

Security droid:

A soldier-like super battledroid-lite with 3 lives, medium health and medium blaster, melee capable with a knockdown/knock back smack. Maybe they buff each other when in proximity or every droid is a commander and can spawn off each other.

Beefier Security Prob droid:

Basically a no shield floating deka with a single rapid fire gun.

Davan the Rebel soldier:

Hero type, with a dash move. Be careful facing off with him - on death he drops a thermal detonator in the shape of the beacon shown in the episode. Or he is just a meme character with soldier health, 1 life, higher speed and a dash move - but if he dies 1-2 minutes are subtracted from the round timer so he's always useful.
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i think it would be relly cool for this map to have the different doors lock closed (as they did in the show) duing the game from some trigger or randomly or based on a timer - so the map dynamically changes as you play and different routes are locked or unlocked
i think it would be relly cool for this map to have the different doors lock closed (as they did in the show) duing the game from some trigger or randomly or based on a timer - so the map dynamically changes as you play and different routes are locked or unlocked
That is my goal.

The intent with the security system, is to slightly change the flow of the map.

When the alarm sounds and doors close and lock, the intended design is not to fully lock the player in place - You have to either take a detour, wait for the alarm timer to end and the door to open, or back track.

You may be put into a situation where you're suddenly partially locked in with the enemy in a room where you had 4 potential exits and it is quickly reduced to only 1 way out - behind the enemy. Or you could be taking a clear path to the objective, and then have to change your attack path on the fly. Etc, mb2 moments.

Since the map is a relatively simple layout, im hoping incorporating map changing alarm/closing doors helps keep the gameplay fresh.

Ill share the layout plan in the near future, and im open to feedback/ideas/tips to improve the map.
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A few new photos added.

Some construction, some trial texture layout, and some minor texture tweaking.

Most notable update is the control room layout, with working ambush grate.
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