Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Moviebattles II V1.9 Released


V1.9 Update
  • New / Change: Created supplemental setting save system for JAMP engine clients to work around engine issues with parsing large config files. This will allow more freedom to add settings in future development. JAMP users should take note of these changes:
    • Most MBII-specific cvars will now be saved to extra config files named jampconfig_ext_[module].cfg. The modules are ui, cgame, and game. Like jampconfig.cfg these are stored in the MBII folder.
    • Existing saved settings in jampconfig.cfg cannot be cleared due to engine limitations. This means the file may still exceed the maximum size (16KB) and reset depending on usage. This should only happen once, after which the new config will be much smaller. JAMP users should backup their config (or just the key bindings at the top of the file) so if a reset occurs, bindings can be restored.
  • Change: Some settings for the anti-teamkill system are now restricted in range to prevent it being effectively disabled. This restriction does not apply if the server is passworded or the map is loaded with cheats enabled. The new limits are:
    • TK_Spec: 750 or less
    • TK_Kick: 1000 or less
    • TK_RemovePerRound: 100 or less
    • TK_TempBanForRounds: 2 or more
  • Change: Score values have been updated.
    • Team Primary Objective Win score (including time win) granted to all players on a team has been increased from 8 points to 25
    • Team Secondary Objective score granted to all players based on number of secondary objectives completed (and present in a map) on a win has increased from 4 to 10 points
    • User primary objective completion score has been increased from 12 to 25. This value adds on top of team primary objective scores.
    • User secondary objective completion score has been increased from 6 to 20.
  • Fix: Physics for non-droideka vehicles will now behave more like base. This fixes long standing issues with swoops scraping the ground and fighters being unable to fly down after touching terrain.​

Capture the Flag
  • Feature: Capture The Flag
    • Capture The Flag has two variants. 2 flag and 1 flag.
      • 2 flag is like traditional CTF. Capture the enemy flag and take it back to your base.
      • 1 flag has a neutral flag placed in a central location, that you need to take to the enemy base to capture.
    • CTF Rounds last up to 12 minutes depending on the level settings with a default flag capture limit of 3 (controlled by cvar flaglimit). If time is up and the score is even, the game will enter a 1 minute "Overtime". The overtime will end once the minute is up or one of the teams scores.
    • Once the round is over, teams will swap sides of the map if g_CTFSpawnRotation is enabled.
    • A new server cvar g_classlimitsCTF dictates class limits for CTF maps. By default, Droidekas are limited to 2.
    • CTF has a new respawning system. Instead of having a limited number of lives in a round there are now "infinite" lives. However, respawns are no longer instant, and each class has a respawn timer. Reinforcement point count is also taken into consideration.
      • Baseline respawn times:
        • 1 Life Classes: 42 Seconds
        • 2 Life Classes: 24 Seconds
        • 3 Life Classes: 10 Seconds
        • Changing class: 50 seconds
      • On low population servers the respawn times above will be halved until there are more than 8 in-game players. Respawn time will then scale up until the maximum time is reached at 16 players.
      • In Full Authentic / Legends mode, the system works the same until a class has more than 2 extra lives. Every extra life beyond 2 reduces the respawn timer by 2 seconds until instant. FA authors may also use the new MBCH key respawnCustomTime to simply specify a maximum respawn time.
    • Anti-teamkill system:
      • Due to generally longer round times and respawns, teamkill points are reduced after enough time without teamkilling has passed instead of after a certain number of rounds. This interval is based on existing cvar TK_ForgiveAfterRounds, which here determines the interval in minutes when TK_RemovePerRound is applied (every 2 minutes / 50 removed by default).
      • If you surpass the "kill" TK threshold, you will be executed and given a much longer multiple-minute respawn timer.
    • Flag Carrying Restrictions: Certain abilities cannot be used while carrying the flag, and will drop the flag on use.
      • Force Speed
      • Force Mind Trick
      • Jetpack
      • Droideka Roll
      • Wookiee Rage.
    • Flag Carrying Debuffs: Certain abilities get debuffs when used while carrying the flag
      • Force Jump - Drains more while using jump. (2.5x)
      • Running - Movement speed is reduced by 10% while running.
    • When a flag is dropped, it cannot be instantly returned by its team and will have to be recaptured. To recapture it you must stand within the capture area around the flag for 5 seconds. The flag will automatically return to its base if untouched for 30 seconds.
    • Each flag and base has a 3D Objective icon and radar icon to indicate location. If a flag is stolen, the team it was stolen from will see the location icons flash on the screen periodically.
    • CTF Has some specific score values for doing tasks.
      • Scoring the flag will give you 50 points
      • Picking up the flag will grant you 4 points
      • Killing the enemy flag carrier will give you 20 points
      • Killing someone who damages your flag carrier within 8 seconds of them doing so, will grant you 8 points
      • Killing someone within a 1000 unit radius of your flags base point will grant you a defense point bonus of 8 points.
      • Killing someone within 1000 units of your flag carrier will grant you a defense point bonus of 6 points.

  • New: Added option to reduce opacity of siege objective help icons (cg_helpIconOpacity / Settings > UI > UI Options 2).
  • Change: Team Overlay now indicates if an ally is carrying a flag and dead allies will be shown with their respawn timer (if there are not enough living players to display).
  • Change: Updated flag status indicator icons and position. Flags also contain the team's faction symbol (based on map's .siege).
  • Change: Round timer and other nearby HUD elements are now hidden when Join menus are open.
  • Change / Fix: Scoreboard - Part 1
    • Updated style to match the current UI.
    • Adjusted layout of teams summary section at the top and added total alive and total lives counts (based on reinforcements).
    • Added assists to the main scoreboard and some column headers now use icons to save horizontal space.
    • Added score, rounds, kills, and deaths to the personal player stats at the bottom.
    • Team player counts will update immediately if a dead player swaps teams, instead of only when the next round begins.
    • Dead players will now be grayed out in the scoreboard, rather than showing "DEAD" in the lives section.
    • The ready symbol during intermission is now a checkmark instead of an "R"
    • Ping now colors its value based on your ping to make it more clear if you have a good or bad ping.
    • Raised chat height when in scoreboard to match new UI.
    • Your spectator player name will no longer show things like score, KDA and will now only show ping and your name to save space.
    • Alternating player rows will now have a darker background to make it slightly easier to read.
    • Teams now have total score values at the bottom of the scoreboard for score, kills, deaths, and assists.
    • More changes will be coming later, including a better breakdown of your own individual point score in the lower section.
  • Change: Added and updated several tips for the loading screen.
  • Fix: The directional arrows in the bar indicating capture zone capture progress should display properly now.
  • Fix: Map delay timers without a message will display with the correct position and reduced background size.
  • Fix: A join bug that could be triggered by switching to spectator then opening the class config menu directly via bind, without selecting a team again, should be resolved.

  • New: Added Female TIE Pilot to Imperial Soldiers.
  • New: Added Azanti Zhug to Bounty Hunters. (KOTOR II / Nar Shadda FA)
  • Change: Added a few new voicelines for Grievous. Updated action sounds.
  • Change: Added a few new voicelines for Exar Kun.
  • Change: Upgraded quality of some Gamorrean lines.
  • Change: Spiced up B1 Battledroid soundsets from Battlefront (2004), RotS video game and more. (Special thanks to Cooling)
  • Fix: Final UV tweaks on the recent alien squad skins.
  • Fix: Cleaned up all stormie related sounds from clonetrooper soundsets, thus made them more consistent.

  • New: 2 Flag CTF Backstreets
  • New: 1 & 2 Flag CTF Deathstar
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Eravana
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Imperial Garrison
  • New: 1 Flag CTF Jedi Temple
  • New: 1 & 2 Flag CTF Scarif
  • New: 1 Flag CTF Star Destroyer
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Theed Assault
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Tusken Campsite
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Yavin Temple
  • New / Change / Fix: mb2_snowfacility
    • Migrated from the CMP.
    • Added minimap and 3D objective icons.
    • Many visual fixes, clipping improvements, and some optimization.
    • Defender spawns move back to the objective when attackers enter the generator room or command center.
    • Attacker spawns move up to the outdoor area when the secondary objective is completed.
    • Increased size of secondary objective so it is easier to shoot.
  • Change: mb2_theed
    • Central service route no longer on timer and exit door is one-way.
  • Fix: mb2_echobase
    • Corrected a lighting issue introduced in the map's previous update.
  • Fix: mb2_duel_tusken
    • Fix missing model textures
    • Added target_locations.
  • Fix: mb2_sdestroyer
    • Minimap, Obj screen updates.
    • Fix lighting on tie bomber.
    • Fix some texture alignments.
    • Fix some duplicate brushes in imp spawn.
    • AI Upscaled the skybox images.
  • New / Change: 2 Flag CTF Ascension
    • Several fixes to FA character and weapon visuals.
  • Change / Fix: mb2_cmp_duel_calodan
    • Increased the height of the ceiling
    • Adjusted the terrain so it is easier to get out of the water
    • Increased map FPS by making it so the water no longer reflects everything
  • Change / Fix: mb2_cmp_hotel
    • Mon Mothma now has team affinity so teamkilling generates TK points.
    • Fixed Leia FA model skin.
  • Change / Fix: mb2_cmp_narshaddaa
    • Main and Swoop area open 10 seconds after a console has been hacked but Garage door opens instantly.
    • Added a turret under the Ebon Hawk to protect the final objective.
    • Added 4 second delay to open Promenade doors (to prevent defenders being rocketed at spawn).
    • Pit ventilation/jump pads now starts 15 seconds after attackers enter the main area.
  • Change: mb2_cmp_raxus
    • Added minimap and 3D objective icons.
  • Remove: mb2_cmp_snowfacility
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Rift
  • New / Change: 2 Flag CTF Ocean Temple
  • New / Change: 2 Flag CTF Medievil
  • New / Change: 2 Flag CTF Bespin
    • Added spawn rooms to both sides.
  • New / Change: 2 Flag CTF Coruscant
    • Added spawn rooms to both sides.
    • Clipped sections of the map that are not accessible by all classes.
  • New / Change: 2 Flag CTF Nar Shaddaa
    • Added spawn rooms to both sides.
  • Change / Fix: uM Bespin / Bespin Night / Bespin Tournament
    • Fixed skybox seams
    • Removed various entities to help with map stability for when the player count exceeds 20
    • Simplified the brush work of the new building and flower pots to increase map FPS
    • The Yavin secret area has been expanded and renamed to, "The Grove"
  • Remove: um_gib_imperial
  • New: 2 Flag CTF Halo Beaver Creek
Cumulative Map Name Changes
Note: Single flag CTF maps use the prefix PTF (plant the flag).

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )
MBII Maps-Models Credits.txt
mb2_cmp Map List.txt
03_MovieGameMappack Map List.txt

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Thus far, I think I have only ran out of ammo with ammo 2, and only after staying alive for several minutes. If its a consistent problem, its more that you need to pick up ammo 3 if you aren't currently. In many cases you can sacrifice a reinforcement to give you the extra points to put into things like ammo. Depends on the situation.
I've found I have run out of ammo on more than a few different occasions after being alive on one life for several minutes even with Ammo 3. For me it's more a problem for 1 life classes. It's annoying when you've cleaned house to get the flag but now have no ammo to fend off any attackers or try again if it's recapped. In most cases it is more logistically effective to suicide yourself into the enemy to get your ammo back than to trying to fight cautiously and ineffectually with your sidearm. This isn't a problem to me for multi life classes since their respawn timers are more forgiving. As a one life class, the 30-40 seconds stuck in respawn just to get ammo back could make the difference between being able to cap or save the flag in time.

It might be worth trying out an "Ammo Crate" where you could do a longish hack to get half your blaster ammo back, possibly some sniper ammo back (sans any grenades or rockets). So long as the hack is considerable enough and the positioning of the crate is such that you'd be at risk if the area isn't clear, it would give an additional option for regaining your ammo outside of death. A conservative placement would be one at each spawn which would favor defenders on each side, possibly slowing gameplay slightly. I believe a more interesting placement would be somewhere in the middle of the map reachable by both teams, as it would naturally give the aggressors an advantage and funnel action down the middle, which could speed up gameplay even further with a new sub objective to secure before the flag.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I've found I have run out of ammo on more than a few different occasions after being alive on one life for several minutes even with Ammo 3. For me it's more a problem for 1 life classes. It's annoying when you've cleaned house to get the flag but now have no ammo to fend off any attackers or try again if it's recapped. In most cases it is more logistically effective to suicide yourself into the enemy to get your ammo back than to trying to fight cautiously and ineffectually with your sidearm. This isn't a problem to me for multi life classes since their respawn timers are more forgiving. As a one life class, the 30-40 seconds stuck in respawn just to get ammo back could make the difference between being able to cap or save the flag in time.

This runs into an issue that MB2 as a game is about resource management. You typically have 2 weapons, and with ammo 3 you ran out of ammo with both of them? One of the few benefits to a multi-life class is the fact that they can refresh their ammo more easily. We already have seen the first two days that one-life classes are still largely favored over multi-life classes. It has already felt to many people that the respawn timers for multi-life classes especially soldier are not worth the point costs. Should we be taking away one of their benefits?

Resource management also comes to sustainability. It is an intentional mechanic in mb2 that things run out of steam when they run out of resources to use. Whether that be certain grenades that certain builds rely on, whether that be timers and resources for specific abilities that require specific timing, and includes things like ammo management. Should snipers really be able to sit back, infinitely spam bullets down range, and not have to worry about running out? Remember not all snipers are proj and disruptor as well. There has got to be some kind of actual punishment for running out of ammo. If you're alive for multiple minutes there is a large chance that youll pass by whatever ammo mechanic we have and simply have infinite sustain.

This also comes to the team aspect. Should one life, higher health, etc classes be the ones returning all the way to the base, or should teammates with respawns be picking up the slack. Soldiers/ET/Comm are incredibly powerful with CTF, but right now I have seen it barely used. And that benefit will highly increase in the future once we buff rally to allow you to more easily set your spawn point so that you have more control, and the mechanic to not spawn on a teammate isn't hidden anymore. This is a team mode, where people have to still have game sense, pay attention, and work together. It cannot be all on one person, and each class have their roles in this mode.

Now, this does run into the issue of some classes having infinite sustainability, which is something we may also be modifying in the future, starting with Droideka.

It might be worth trying out an "Ammo Crate" where you could do a longish hack to get half your blaster ammo back, possibly some sniper ammo back (sans any grenades or rockets). So long as the hack is considerable enough and the positioning of the crate is such that you'd be at risk if the area isn't clear, it would give an additional option for regaining your ammo outside of death.
This is a better idea than the ones suggested thus far, especially because we simply cannot put any ammo regen stuff in spawns with the way forcefields currently function.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
This is a better idea than the ones suggested thus far, especially because we simply cannot put any ammo regen stuff in spawns with the way forcefields currently function.
Well there's already an ammo regen thing from base. Could just modify it to restore ammo much more slowly or something, and make sure it's limited to primary weapons, no regenerating nades or rockets.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Well there's already an ammo regen thing from base. Could just modify it to restore ammo much more slowly or something, and make sure it's limited to primary weapons, no regenerating nades or rockets.

Well if its going to be something a team has to fight over in the map as a secondary objective. I would say it probably should be a capture node rather than a hack, and that capture node requiring more than 1 person in a team in order to progress.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
One of the few benefits to a multi-life class is the fact that they can refresh their ammo more easily. We already have seen the first two days that one-life classes are still largely favored over multi-life classes. It has already felt to many people that the respawn timers for multi-life classes especially soldier are not worth the point costs. Should we be taking away one of their benefits?

I don't feel this way at all compared to the supposed public opinion. I don't think everyone has caught on to how good the combo of commander/sold is on CTF. On Tatooine Backstreets a 3 life soldier respawns in 10 seconds. On normal maps, picking 2 concussion grenades means you'd lose out on armor, ammo, and close quarters abilities for the speed boost which means this class is best suited for hiding in the back, tossing nades, and shooting people when the enemy is distracted - not very soldier-like. However, since in CTF you've got a fairly forgiving respawn time, can have commanders to help you spawn back into the action immediately, and have infinite respawns, the soldier's strengths really shine and you can be more aggressive with each life. That would be doubled if you could choose the area of the respawn. In my opinion, it's the 2 life classes getting the short end of the stick with long respawn times and long walks back to the action, while soldiers and 1 life classes are in a good place overall with only minor gripes like ammo.

Resource management also comes to sustainability. It is an intentional mechanic in mb2 that things run out of steam when they run out of resources to use. Whether that be certain grenades that certain builds rely on, whether that be timers and resources for specific abilities that require specific timing, and includes things like ammo management.

There's also a certain point where you can't think about resource management as a mechanic when playing the game. If you've survived 15 firefights you're bound to run out of ammo for your main gun no matter how frugal you are. If all you have against fully restocked respawns is a wimpy sidearm you're wasting time in a suboptimal state alive you could be spending killing with your main gun more often than not. I don't like the idea that dying for some ammo is the move here, feels like a punishment for surviving too long.

Should snipers really be able to sit back, infinitely spam bullets down range, and not have to worry about running out? Remember not all snipers are proj and disruptor as well. There has got to be some kind of actual punishment for running out of ammo. If you're alive for multiple minutes there is a large chance that youll pass by whatever ammo mechanic we have and simply have infinite sustain.

I do see where you're coming from, the Westar M5 and EE-3 would be advantaged greatly by having ammo crates and would encourage more care-free sniping. I think this would be mitigated somewhat if the ammo crates weren't at the spawn and were neutral since it'd at least force campers to venture out into contested zones.

Ammo crates could also have some variability on what they give you based on certain conditions. Perhaps if you're running blaster weapons with a sniper function like the scoped Westar M5 or EE-3, instead of giving you ammo the ammo crate it would remove those weapons from your inventory and gift you an extra clone pistol or mando westar pistol instead. The point cost for those weapons is cheaper IIRC so the trade-off is ultimately a trade down. This seems like a fair compromise.
IMO the ammo amounts are calibrated to 5 minute rounds, not 12 minutes like in CTF. So perhaps all classes could get a max ammo buff for CTF?
i.e. a 1.5x multiplier to Open mode's values


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
IMO the ammo amounts are calibrated to 5 minute rounds, not 12 minutes like in CTF. So perhaps all classes could get a max ammo buff for CTF?
i.e. a 1.5x multiplier to Open mode's values

Not all CTF maps are 12 minutes. The standard is 10 minutes, with large maps like DS having 12, smaller maps having 6 or even 8 minute rounds. People probably should have died at least once in those time spans unless theyre sitting back sniping with disruptor across the map most of the time.

Without healing, how can people survive 12 minutes without even getting hit like once every 2 minutes without camping in a corner.
Not all CTF maps are 12 minutes. The standard is 10 minutes, with large maps like DS having 12, smaller maps having 6 or even 8 minute rounds. People probably should have died at least once in those time spans unless theyre sitting back sniping with disruptor across the map most of the time.

Without healing, how can people survive 12 minutes without even getting hit like once every 2 minutes without camping in a corner.
Well, defending your flag while other teammates charge for enemies' flag is part of strategy.
The 1.5 multiplier is just an example - a small ammo boost to take into account longer rounds. It could be some ammo buff that scales with round length... say if you have 8 minutes, the bonus is 1.2, scaling up to 1.5 for 12 minutes, etc., with some hard max multiplier
I have to say, the new ui is the most beautiful thing you guys added since i started 2 years ago. It gave me joy every time i pressed the tab key. And the new CTF is just amazing, i'm loving it! It's like a deathmatch. I really really am enjoying it.

Tho it is a little lame when the both teams got the flag of the other team and they just sit in their spawn to wait the enemy team to drop or lose it somehow. And it takes like 3 to 5 minutes to organise the whole team to assault to the enemy team base.

Overall it is the best update for me! Thank you. I can finally have fun
I have to say, the new ui is the most beautiful thing you guys added since i started 2 years ago. It gave me joy every time i pressed the tab key. And the new CTF is just amazing, i'm loving it! It's like a deathmatch. I really really am enjoying it.

Tho it is a little lame when the both teams got the flag of the other team and they just sit in their spawn to wait the enemy team to drop or lose it somehow. And it takes like 3 to 5 minutes to organise the whole team to assault to the enemy team base.

Overall it is the best update for me! Thank you. I can finally have fun
i agree, whoever was doing the UI did a fantastic job.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
i agree, whoever was doing the UI did a fantastic job.
UI is really nice looking. My only gripe is that I can't tell who is alive or dead at any given time on CTF. That would be helpful info to know if I should pull back to defend while the team respawns, or push to attack when the enemy team is thin on numbers.
UI is really nice looking. My only gripe is that I can't tell who is alive or dead at any given time on CTF. That would be helpful info to know if I should pull back to defend while the team respawns, or push to attack when the enemy team is thin on numbers.
yea i agree. Like making the dead one grey and the alive white isn't enough. It is better than writing a huge DEAD oveer the name tho. What about a symbol in front of the name like a white SKULL. So we can easily tell that they are dead


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
UI is really nice looking. My only gripe is that I can't tell who is alive or dead at any given time on CTF. That would be helpful info to know if I should pull back to defend while the team respawns, or push to attack when the enemy team is thin on numbers.

Yeah something will probably be added for that. I just added the scoreboard in the semi-free week leading up to CTF release and wasn't able to add everything I wanted to it. There is going to be at least one more wave of improvements to it.
What about if you fully fall back to your protected spawning area, proceed to hack something for around 15 seconds, and this resplenish 50% of your ammo, with a 3mn cooldown.

That way you discourage any other form of potential re-supplying while camping ennemy spawn (Hello imperials <3). While also encouraging moving on the map.

I don't think healing should be included. But I do believe in a 10 to 25% armor regeneration included with the 50% ammo refill (And again, all that with a long cooldown, and only available at your spawn, meaning you are only halving your respawn time, sorta).

EDIT: My favourite method would be to have a specific area (Middle of the map) intended for that purpose, and controling it would be part of the domination which leads to win a round).


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
What about if you fully fall back to your protected spawning area

We cant do anything within the protected spawn areas, there is no way to get back in even if we wanted to. JKA doesn't have the ability to block 1 team but not the other collision wise.


im before bed lazy rn but tl-dr

Compared to Siege mode, CTF blasts it outta the park.
Fun in open

respawn timers (dunno what exatly ticks me? think its reinforcement based ones)
Imps op? (firenade blocking, deka, mando, raw firepower?)

Deka/mando must be adjusted somehow (avoid mando using more jet fuel tho)
spawntrapping (at least on deathstar, needs to be some kinda portal exit or alternative spawn route)

Refill stations (pointless suiciding is pointless, add HP/AMMO modules, debatable on shield.)

mall community + new game mode = further division of community


Balancing > Refilling stations > rest