V1.6.1.3 Update
This hotfix focuses on the ongoing development of Legends Mode as well as fixes a few crashes/bugs.
- Fix: Server crashing from turrets
- Fix: Wrist laser aiming from center offset
- Fix: Bad check for Deadly Sight causing server crashes (this should greatly increase stability of PB and Legends)
- Fix: Invisible Droideka exploit
- Fix: When hitting a saberist while they're knocked down but not moving, they will no longer be considered in the same state as crouching (in regards to saber vs saber damage multipliers).
Full Authentic
- Fix: CFL_BUBBLESHIELD no longer drains ally Droideka ammo or moves teammates
- Fix: Mandos in uM_Canyons not having enough FP for helmet sight.
- Fix: Added descriptions to Lava Party FA characters
- Change: Classes on ThrowThemIn given Cryoban nades
Continued small tweaks have been made to most characters in attempts to balance gameplay for competitive matches. This will be an ongoing process.
- Fix: Various issues causing crashes have been resolved. This patch should see the end of Legends servers crashing so frequently.
- Many classes have been fixed / balanced for gameplay. Too many tweaks to list here, try it and find out!
- New: Added Commander Cody
- New: Added Chirrut's stick.
- New: Cad Bane's Pistols.
- New: Hera's Pistols.
- New: Added Phasma's staff.
- New: Added Rey's Staff.
- New: Tusken and Gaffi Stick.
- Change: Updated Sith Stalker hilt with a higher quality model.
- Change/Fix:
- Aayla Secura has been updated with improved LODs and less draw calls.
- Ahsoka Tano has been updated with LODs and less draw calls.
- Bastila Shan has been updated with a fully ported model, and has been updated with better decapitation, facial animations, and a higher quality head texture by redrob41.
- Cad Bane (Legends) has an enhanced appearance. Thanks to recent team member Doughnuts for this change!
- Darth Maul has been updated with LODs.
- Princess Leia (All Skins) has been updated with facial animations, finger movement, and various optimizations.
- New Mandalorian model is now optimized with better LODs, decapitation, and a new ROTJ Boba Fett skin.
- Quinlan Vos now has optimized LODs.
- Rebel Commando now has LODs.
- Revan now has less tank-like hands, along with decapitation and LODs.
- Sith Stalker now has LODs, along with an added and currently unused unmasked skin.
- Fix: Battle Droid first person E-5 view.
- Change: mb2_smuggler
- Updated Music Track.
- Fixed a few misaligned box textures.
- Change: uM_NS_Streets
- Added detail from the single player version
- Fixed missing kill trigger near spawn.
- Added an entrance to Reelo's office.
- Fix: uM_Canyons:
- Fixed alignment for some textures.
- Changes to lighting/more optimizations for fps.
- Added a platform/clipped a hole.
Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )
Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
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