Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

MovieBattles II V1.6.1.2 Released


V1.6.1.2 Update

  • Fix: PB indicator should now behave as intended based on being set to on or off.
  • Fix: Body hit indicators should now show up for spectators.
  • Fix: Dex 3 once again allows for canceling the forward Special 2 roll with melee blocking
  • Fix: Adjustments to some of the changes to muzzlepoint code that may be tied to the issues with aiming/crosshairs should no longer be applying.
  • Fix: Sith can no longer use Speed in Open
  • Fix: Some outlier cases with Speed, Sense, and Deadly Sight's FP drain ticks not working as intended
  • Fix: Soldiers should no longer play SBD animations after rallying
  • New: Smod commands are now logged including the command used, which player the command was used on, and the player's IP.
  • Fix: Cyan uses the correct blocking animations again.
  • Fix: Hitscan pistols now use the same damage calculations as non-hitscan pistols.
  • Fix: Several major join bugs should now be fixed.
  • Fix: Mute time is now properly stored and calculated across map changes.
  • Fix: Tutorials will now always change level regardless of g_AllowEntity_target_level_change setting.

  • Change: FP Drains:
    • Reference Values for IDR/distance (old):
      • Long range: 501+
      • Medium range: 206-500
      • Close range: 205 or lower
    • Reference Values for IDR/distance (new):
      • Long range: 376+
      • Medium range: 161-375
      • Close range: 160 or lower
    • With the above new long range values and drain adjustments below, FP drains will start higher and do more while saberists are farther away compared to current play.
    • Overall, the increase will be around 3-6FP per shot at all ranges on most weapons.
    • Individual changes:
      • Saberist blocking a shot while swingblocking with Defense less than level 3: Increased from 1.5x to 2.0x
      • Differences in drain multipliers based on combination of distance, blocking/not blocking, and weapon (which still have their own multipliers) simplified to: 0.65x while blocking, 0.95x while not blocking.
      • Any shot past medium range is capped at 40 FP regardless of blocking or not.
      • Any shot within medium range or closer is capped as follows:
        • If Blocking:
          • Defense 2 or higher: 50 FP
          • Defense 1: 80 FP
  • Change: Normalized Knockback reworked.
    • Knockback now depends on how close a saberist is vs the bounds Close range. Added knockback will be higher the further in the target is and vice versa.
    • Now applies vs swingblock as well.
    • Does not apply to saberists midair.
  • New: If a saberist has FP that's less than a shot required to block while hit during a swing (taking health damage), the swing will be canceled without a block anim (no half swings/counter swings afterward). This has no distance limitation.

Full Authentic
  • Fix: CFL_BUBBLESHIELD no longer remains active after a player is dead.

Continued small tweaks have been made to most characters in attempts to balance gameplay for competitive matches. This will be an ongoing process.
  • Fix / Change: Many effects and sounds for guns have been removed or merged in attempts to avoid server crashes due to maxconfig strings. Unfortunately large FAs like Legends or PowerBattles reach this limit quickly and due to engine limits, the server crashes. This hotfix may help remedy how often these Legends crashes occur.
  • Fix: Bug where Ventress was not showing up in class selection.
User Interface
  • Change: Added cl_maxping as a filter option within the server list.
  • New: Added two new Episode 9 Hilts.
  • New: Added Maul Clone Wars Season 7 Hilt
  • New: Added Asajj Ventress Clone Wars Season 7 Hilt.

Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads )

Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
Last edited by a moderator:


Internal Beta Team
Gunner vs jedi always was and will be unsatisfying because of a core problem that jedi does not have any mechanic in that situation that requires any skill (except force pull because it requires timing and some aim). Oh yes let me AD strafe and see if he hits me or not, oh he hit me looks like I die, oh you missed looks like I just press mouse1 and you die. The closest thing to that mechanic is swingblock(and it's not much) but it doesn't even work properly 50% of the time (you will get slowed down, hit by a blaster, the swing gets cancelled but you still take damage, amazing) and you just nerfed it even more even though nobody used it because it's so garbage it's better to hold mouse1 and pray the enemy gunner can't aim. So unless jedi has some kind of mechanic that helps him win/makes him lose its just gonna be annoying to everyone except the noob jedi players that just like clicking a button and winning
Gunner vs jedi always was and will be unsatisfying because of a core problem that jedi does not have any mechanic in that situation that requires any skill (except force pull because it requires timing and some aim). Oh yes let me AD strafe and see if he hits me or not, oh he hit me looks like I die, oh you missed looks like I just press mouse1 and you die. The closest thing to that mechanic is swingblock(and it's not much) but it doesn't even work properly 50% of the time (you will get slowed down, hit by a blaster, the swing gets cancelled but you still take damage, amazing) and you just nerfed it even more even though nobody used it because it's so garbage it's better to hold mouse1 and pray the enemy gunner can't aim. So unless jedi has some kind of mechanic that helps him win/makes him lose its just gonna be annoying to everyone except the noob jedi players that just like clicking a button and winning

since jedi don't need to aim they will always be much lower skill cap and that's just something that we have to accept unless someone has some amazing idea that i haven't heard before to make jedi v gunner more skill based for jedi. that's why i and many others think jedi should be a support class which this patch is definitely helping move towards. i do not agree that this makes jedi not fun to play though, you don't need to get kills but enabling your team to move around the map and getting knockdowns on people is fun in and of itself. if you wanna frag out you should have to play an aim based class imo because they inherently just have a much higher skill cap in every situation

i think you do make a good point about pull, it does take aim and i think if push was made more similar to pull it would help raise the skill ceiling in 1v1s and for support jedi. give it a slightly larger 'hitbox' than pull but nowhere near the 180 degree arc it has now, reduce the vulnerability period way down, maybe even reduce the cost and jedi would be much more fun to play and play against


Movie Battles II Team Retired
I don't believe jedi should take only supportive role in the game. Nerfing offense potential - yes as it was incredible overpowered for years. Raising the skill cap for taking those kills - absolutely yes. But removing aggressive plays completely is a wrong direcrion.
I haven't played many hours on this patch yet, but what I learned so far - we are in a good spot right now, only minor adjustments are needed.
Liked these notes the minute I read them except this.


I don't see why you would intentionally add inconsistency to the system. I believe this also affects gunners ability to rebuke the slap-jump kick. Drains feel nice, I really think it has been an artful solution to jedi to jack up FP drains on swingblocked shots and give them pushback still. It feels much better than previous attempts at balancing the gun saber "duel". Yes Jedi might get fucked for jumping but that's the risk they take in swinging, the system shouldn't change because they're off the ground. That happens all the time in Mb2 too, even walking over the lips of Deathstar seperating doors counts as "midair" to the engine.

If anything knockback should be increased on non-grounded targets, it's a go to strategy for newbz when they can't land a knockdown and it was made inadvertently the best option by making it one of the few "safe" attacks jedi/sith can make, predictable as it is.


Internal Beta Team
since jedi don't need to aim they will always be much lower skill cap and that's just something that we have to accept unless someone has some amazing idea that i haven't heard before to make jedi v gunner more skill based for jedi. that's why i and many others think jedi should be a support class which this patch is definitely helping move towards. i do not agree that this makes jedi not fun to play though, you don't need to get kills but enabling your team to move around the map and getting knockdowns on people is fun in and of itself. if you wanna frag out you should have to play an aim based class imo because they inherently just have a much higher skill cap in every situation

i think you do make a good point about pull, it does take aim and i think if push was made more similar to pull it would help raise the skill ceiling in 1v1s and for support jedi. give it a slightly larger 'hitbox' than pull but nowhere near the 180 degree arc it has now, reduce the vulnerability period way down, maybe even reduce the cost and jedi would be much more fun to play and play against
if jedi is to be a support class, which I don't agree with then it needs way more utility for teammates. Right now there's push and that's it, could argue that grip ("useful" in Xv1 [fix unpushable grip btw thx] otherwise you get killed instantly by other gunners) and lightning(which is either used by force whores to camp a corner and 100-0 a gunner or as it was before to cheese with stun) have them but they're so expensive and so bad that it's not worth getting them. Meanwhile jedi has 2 powers that are 100% selfish. Other than that jedi can help push corridors, which is better than sith who is pretty much forced to stand behind a corner if enemy has a clone. Don't get me wrong the knockback buff is very good and jedi can just stay where it is but gunner vs jedi will be unsatisfying/annoying and to say it's a support class would make it the worst support of any game I have ever played. Also remove sense @devs, most bullshit force power


Internal Beta Team
How is the ability to tell your teammates where the enemies are (Sense), defend your teammates from an enemy's blaster fire (Deflect infront of them) or saber hits (Block), Push rockets and grenades away from your team (Push) - or enemies onto the floor for your team to dispose of, etc..... anything other than support?

Jedi/Sith can accumulate a good amount of kills, but in a proper environment they were always supposed to be the support role for the rest of the team - and there's nothing wrong with that at all. A good Jedi/Sith will amplify his team's potency by a frightening degree.
simply because there are two kinds of GOOD jedi

one that will support his team, stick with his gunners, not greeding for kills and being competent

and one that will rush ahead, not giving two shits and outskilling basically everyone while the rest of his team is behind

both are viable, both are good, both require brain to competently pull off


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Liked these notes the minute I read them except this.


I don't see why you would intentionally add inconsistency to the system. I believe this also affects gunners ability to rebuke the slap-jump kick. Drains feel nice, I really think it has been an artful solution to jedi to jack up FP drains on swingblocked shots and give them pushback still. It feels much better than previous attempts at balancing the gun saber "duel". Yes Jedi might get fucked for jumping but that's the risk they take in swinging, the system shouldn't change because they're off the ground. That happens all the time in Mb2 too, even walking over the lips of Deathstar seperating doors counts as "midair" to the engine.

If anything knockback should be increased on non-grounded targets, it's a go to strategy for newbz when they can't land a knockdown and it was made inadvertently the best option by making it one of the few "safe" attacks jedi/sith can make, predictable as it is.
The problem with it, as I said before, is that it essentially prevented saberists from actually reaching the ground while being shot. Looking at some adjustments to it but there's still high FP drain penalties for being hit in the air on top of making yourself easier to hit.


Good update.
However with flinch I used to be able to save teammates on the ground due to being pushed/pulled by a saber user and now I can't. :(
Also the devs should give ARC its stamina running speed as a default for the class.
And nerf lightning, as it should not be able to kill a full health and armor hero or clone, et or soldier.

And these videos on this thread of gunners dying to jedi:
View attachment 4503
Saving teammates from a mile away was the worst part of flinch sag!!!!


Internal Beta Team
simply because there are two kinds of GOOD jedi

one that will support his team, stick with his gunners, not greeding for kills and being competent

and one that will rush ahead, not giving two shits and outskilling basically everyone while the rest of his team is behind

both are viable, both are good, both require brain to competently pull off

Sure, but in both instances it is the Jedi/Sith who is initiating something for the benefit of his team; pushing the enemy hard gives your gunners openings and space to push forward with you (good luck pushing as a gunner team against 3/4 enemy sith who have snipers next to them), and facilitates to a push attempt.

I'm not saying that the Jedi/Sith should be viewed solely as a support class, but of all the classes in the game he performs this function better than any other, so why would you not want to capitalise on it? A Jedi/Sith in competitive matches was support first, everything else second.
How is the ability to tell your teammates where the enemies are (Sense), defend your teammates from an enemy's blaster fire (Deflect infront of them) or saber hits (Block), Push rockets and grenades away from your team (Push) - or enemies onto the floor for your team to dispose of, etc..... anything other than support?

Jedi/Sith can accumulate a good amount of kills, but in a proper environment they were always supposed to be the support role for the rest of the team - and there's nothing wrong with that at all. A good Jedi/Sith will amplify his team's potency by a frightening degree.

Second this. I think from the start, jedi and sith should be looked at first and foremost as a supportive class. From a scrim perspective, that's usually how they play and it just feels right. They are arguably the most important class in a scrim because of their supportive kit, and I would argue that giving them more supportive abilities would make the class more satisfying to play overall. This patch is a huge step in the right direction for gunner v jedi balance, and how in my opinion a saberist should be played in an open environment.
The problem with it, as I said before, is that it essentially prevented saberists from actually reaching the ground while being shot. Looking at some adjustments to it but there's still high FP drain penalties for being hit in the air on top of making yourself easier to hit.

All I'm hearing is that air knockback turned the game into Devil May Cry and we could've gotten smokin sick style combos by air juggling a Jedi with Westars while someone else T-21ed him in the back of the dome so I definitely think we need another patch immediately to add this back in


At the moment I wonder if you guys actually play the game.. or if you read the changelog and then start to speculate about the utmost rare cases.. and make up some shit. :D

  • Laugh
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Good update.
However with flinch I used to be able to save teammates on the ground due to being pushed/pulled by a saber user and now I can't. :(
Also the devs should give ARC its stamina running speed as a default for the class.
And nerf lightning, as it should not be able to kill a full health and armor hero or clone, et or soldier.

And these videos on this thread of gunners dying to jedi:
View attachment 4503
This, flinch did more than save oneself.

Also fix jump swinging