Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Moviebattles II V1.5.3 Released


V1.5.3 Update

  • Fix: Fixed several Mac client crashes.
  • Removed: Seasonal Maps are disabled
  • Change: Damage multipliers cleaned up to the following:
    • If defender is hit in a startup of their swing, they take 1.2x damage (holding block has no change)
    • Otherwise, if defender is attacking, they take 1.1x damage if holding block, otherwise 1.2x
    • Lastly, if defender isn't attacking, they take 1.0x damage while holding block, otherwise 1.3x
  • Change:Separate modifiers intended for swingblocking/running/walking/other stuff all normalized to 1.0x
  • Change: Saber Defense 1 multiplier reduced from 1.4x to 1.2x
  • Fix: Counter swings are no longer instant
  • Removed: BP Regen on PB removed.
  • Fix: Anti-Cheat will function correctly after first install without requiring a launcher restart.
  • Fix: The patcher will no longer stall if it cannot connect to the update servers.
Changed Files ( Manual / Server Downloads ) ( Linux OpenJK server lib )
Changelog Legend
New - New feature or addition to the game.
Change - Changes to the game.
Fix - Bug fix.
Remove - Removed feature.
Feature - New feature name
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They didnt remove acm? Sounds like u need to git gud :-D
Well, ACM itself was a good mechanic IMO. discouraged turtling up and delaying the fight. Sounds like you have no idea what game design is. They removed it doing marginal changes to PBs making it worse. Now that they removed the PB non-sense and ACM aint here anymore.. it will be pretty leveled.

Still think ACM, in spirit, was a good idea but was just poorly executed.

And yes I need to get good. But then, again, it dosent excuse the a ridiculously artificialy built skillwall that dwarf TFTD on the bullshit scale. The devs needed to "get good" on that topic and they did. Sound like you just need to flex like the last 97567367 others before you.


Internal Beta Team
Well, ACM itself was a good mechanic IMO. discouraged turtling up and delaying the fight. Sounds like you have no idea what game design is. They removed it doing marginal changes to PBs making it worse. Now that they removed the PB non-sense and ACM aint here anymore.. it will be pretty leveled.

Still think ACM, in spirit, was a good idea but was just poorly executed.

And yes I need to get good. But then, again, it dosent excuse the a ridiculously artificialy built skillwall that dwarf TFTD on the bullshit scale. The devs needed to "get good" on that topic and they did. Sound like you just need to flex like the last 97567367 others before you.
You need 6 hits to get acm, its not gone